I’ll wait for it to come out on video. I am not a big Chris Kyle fan and I’m sure the movie is as embellished, or more so, than the book. Time will tell for me.
It’ll be hard to watch knowing how big of a liar Chris Kyle was…
I’m sitting here trying to imagine mini_phreek’s ears and nose. :wink:
I heard I guy refer to a white guy once as a “Snowmonkey” I thought it was pretty damn funny!
I have a special power…
Ah… no I don’t. I was just trying to be special. :wink:
“Always mystify confuse and confound the enemy” Gen. Thomas J Jackson
D-Backs- 16W 11L
[ This Message was edited by: dezrtfish on 2002-05-02 18:00 ]
Yes i’m saying when someone says “you’re a tool of the man” they are not referring to the white man….maybe we’re thinking of it in different contexts but everyone i’ve ever talked to that used that term did not mean it racially…of course maybe that’s because I live in a stupid 98% white town :sad: :sad: :sad:
welcome to my world!
IMO mostly trash blame threir problems on the man, like Homer Simpson…but i have heard it in the context of “whitey.”
Maybe someday we’ll all refer to ourselves by no other word but “American”. Then, we will really have something. Being a veteran, occasionally during your time of service you do get that feeling - we’re all the same.
Question to all European members. Do you have the same problem with different ethnic groups searching for identities outside their countries’ name???
The “MAN” usually refers to authority figures. Historically, it refers to old white guys running the Western governments and industry.
I see what you are saying. I wish, sometime in my lifetime, that there won’t be class divides based on race (like the “minority vote” and such…they will be the majority anyway.) But as in physical description. If someone asks you, what does your friend look like, what’s wrong with saying “black” if they are?
It is strange how things are different in the millitary. I guess it’s because everyone has the same haircut and dresses the same.
I remember my best friend in basic training showing me a picture of his car. I asked him who the geek was standing next to it, and it was him. Of course I told him I was just kidding but I knew from the picture that I would never have been friends with him “back on the block”.
Your right Horten, maybe some day we can refer to our differences without insulting each other. It’s real difficult when we can’t agree on what’s “Politically Correct” to say (MAN DO I HATE THAT TERM!!!).
first course of action:
“politically correct” is officially banned.
does that help?
Political correctness is worthless. They changed B.C, meaning before christ, to B.C.E, meaning before common era. I totally agree that most political correctness creates a further gap between minorities, and it may be the source of all minorities. Either way you look at it, I am human, you are human, and every other person on this earth is hopefully human. Why should we distinguish ourselves by the way we dress, look, or act. Segregation at any cost, weather it be gender or race or religion, may be the true source of hatred and violence in the world. Humans are humans; and thats final.
I agree that political correctness is overrated. That includes color-blindness. Our differences, while not seperating us, should still be acknowledged. We have all had different experiences, so we all have something different to bring to the table.
Yes, but the things we bring to the table are knowledge of past experiences and not judgements based on color and gender.
Congrats on the 500th post horten
500! woo hoo!
IMO, color should bne no mroe than a physical description.
IMO, color should bne no mroe than a physical description.
B.C.E.- Before Common Era?
What’s dat meen? Could be a mistake for Before Common Error.
“Did somebody say ‘…cookies’?”-
-Cookie Monster
xi unless you slept through every sience class you ever took, you would know that an era is a piroid of geological time.
there are 3 ears that divide earth’s life history are the paleozoic (540-250 MYA)mesozoic (250-65 MYA) and cenozolic (65 MYA- present) we also mesurer human history as an era from 10,000 bce- present (2002) any thing before then is considered prehistoric
and we show this by a simple sientific addaptation to the grogorian calander’s wording.
Man Xi, no offense, but I think you are the only one laughing at your jokes.