On 2002-05-03 18:16, mini_phreek wrote:
interesting Horton
of all the points i made in my earlier post the only one you could argue was the distrobution of wealth.
interesting indeed.
hehe horton drinking age 18, 2 provencis allready have it at 18 and the rest is 19. even then it’s only a sugestion.
I will not kill myself for that Bohemion Cpl.
- Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus (speeking of Hitler the day before his serender of the 6th army at Stallingrad)
“Ware my horse trots no grass gorws”
-Atila the Hun
[ This Message was edited by: mini_phreek on 2002-05-03 18:24 ]
what argument, your inflation thing? Your 1% statistic? I shown you proof of my point of view, now you find some evidence or shut up.
"it’s my understanding as one that watches both canadian and amarican news that almost all amarican news, media, school curiculim and public information is distorted in one way or anouther to show amaricans as supperior. "
This made me chuckle a bit. A lot of americans are very stupid and short sided. They don’t care for world events, and they only find time to know about them watching the 6 o’clock news. And Americans can never make up their mind. One second they support israe;, then palestine…the media plays around with their heads, first under-reporting the details of the peace agreement Barak was trying to make, than over-playing the involvement of Sharron’s visit to the temple mount, and totally neglecting that the second intifada had already begun.
I feel poor for Yanny, but where I learn, the teachers are afraid of giving their opinion on anything (unless it happens to be very liberal.) Teachers are forced to say “African American”, and be very PC.
Canada and Europe’s media are just as if not more distorted than America’s. I always sense an air of superiority from what some think is additional knowledge that others haven’t [got], and all they have to say is baseless propaganda.
I’m opposed to all slants. I hate it when people don’t see their own.