• Hi

    I just placed my bids and I won axis control. I’ll await your start, just create a thread when your ready.
    I’m from Denmark (GT+1) and it looks like a 7 hour time difference, so if were lucky we can make turns in the morning and in the afternoon, but lets just see.
    I’ve tried to look into tripleA before, but i think I’m going to stick with aabattlemap, the old school graphics is just my thing!

    See you in the game thread!

  • Looking for a game to carry me through the holidays…

    Non-League (too late in the season to start a League game)

    Something a bit different…

    • ADS (in-site)
    • 6 NA’s for each side (2 each USSR, UK and USA, 3 each Japan and Germany)
    • Tech permitted
    • Normal victory condition… 9 VC or surrender
      *  Blind Bid using Frood

    I can’t use Battle Map (I may be able to on the new system, but have not had a chance to load it and figure out how to use it yet), so I will be using my physical game board with force summaries posted each move.

    This will be a “for fun” game with a steady game post rate (1-2 moves per day per side).

    Anyone interested?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hey Switch, I’m keen for a game, I’ll send a PM with my email addy and we can get started, should you choose to play me of course.

  • Works for me…

    I have your e-mail addy, so the bid will be up soon…

    Random NA’s OK with you?  And 1.3 if you don;t mind (I have not yet printed off and read through 2.0)

  • Game ID “randvncsc” details

    Players: ncscswitch@yahoo.com vs. tazdaz@westnet.com.au

    Ruleset: LHTR

  • :-o
    Ok, I’m ready to play. I use the TripeA system. So anyone utilizing that site that wants a game please get back to me.
    I prefer Low Luck, but I’ll play regular dice. AA 2nd edition AARe or just about any game except ultimate world as it takes too long.

  • Looking for a challenger for a non-league Revised game.  Using AABattlemap and the site dicey.  Nothing too intense…just a friendly game with about a move a day.

    Any takers…please PM me.

    Happy Holidays!

  • Still looking for a non-league Revised game….any takers please PM me. :-o
    Happy New Year!

  • Anybody up for some AA MINIS?  Lately I’ve been without orders so I’m just looking for someone to destroy.

  • I have the aarevised edition and would like to set up my board and play someone by email but  i dont know how to do it like that can some one help get a game under my belt via email my email is kellski_1@msn.com or messenger my name is kellski

  • I’m looking for an opponent! I’d like it to be a league game. If you like to play the Allies, it would be perfect.

  • Looking for an opponent for my very first game of forum-A&A revised.

    Is there somebody out there to teach me a lesson?

  • Who are you?

    I’m a die hard Axis and Allies fan looking for an online game, I may need a pointer regarding ‘bidding’ , but otherwise I am fully capable of thrashing the living daylights out of some poor soul, and driving his retreating units into the sea (That should be an option…  :-D)

    What do you want ?

    I would like to play an online game , I’m only active thursday to sunday, so it would get the most attention across that period.

    I see that there are a few Babylon 5 fans around here, so maybe they would like to engage the shadow forces one more time…

    Weeerrreee Baacckk!! :mrgreen:

  • hey i want to play triple A revised/LHTR pbem…… i got a mac so i cant use mapview or anything…non league, casual. about a move or so a day…kind of a newb when it comes to revised but i have played years worth of classic so, i wont be totally lost…btw here is where to get the latest stable Triple A


    i think it was released 06/07/2008 v1.0.0.1

    pm me if interested…

  • Looking to play first online game.  Will play league if someone wants a challenge but a probable win-I’m not signed up for league as I just looked into forum play.

    Can post most anytime.  Have ABattlemap and Triple A.  forum dice roll.

  • I’m looking for a game don’t relaly know how to set up online any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • Looking for a triple a total victory revised game, with three days to take a turn. Pm or email me for questions, details, or trash talk.

  • @Vldster:

    Looking for a triple a total victory revised game, with three days to take a turn. Pm or email me for questions, details, or trash talk.

    i’m looking for a game of revised, what rules and dice calculator are you using?,
    play by forum or play by email?.

  • Anyone up for a PBEM game feel free to mail me on wouter.dewever(at)home(dot)nl

    I solely use TripleA, and prefer Revised.
    Even if you are new to PBEM and want to try it, feel free to email me, and I’ll explain you how it works.

  • anyone up for a game of revised with tech and 12 national advantages, using aBattlemap, frood or in forum dice.

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