• Thank you so much!

  • I’m looking for a game. One that’s not insanely serious but will at least provide some sort of challenge. I haven’t played in 4 months, so I just want to get back on the horse gingerly and have a go. I’m experiencing A&A withdrawal! Anyone want to play?

  • Anybody out there wanting to play? Anyone at all?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Try the league thread…

  • Well, I’d actually like to play a non-league game. I really don’t feel like getting kicked in the junk again by insanely superior players. I just want a nice, easy game.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I’m already in two team games, so I really shouldn’t take on another game…  :|

  • Come on, there’s gotta be someone out there…out here. Guess the league is the more popular board to inhabit… :-P

  • Hi Fox

    I think I’m the same situation as you, I’ve been away from both A&A.org and A&A gaming for several months now. I believe its about time for me to get back to gaming, I’ve been missing it a lot! I’m up for a game and I’ll be happy to play with another kinda rusty old fella, instead of a top tuned everyday league player right away.

    Do you still use DAAK dice server? AAbattlemap?

    My game preferences are AAR, No NA, Standart Die rolls, normal bids for axis. Due to work and studies, and maybe timezone differences, I can only guarantee a single turn per day, but most days I’m able to do more.

    So are ready for digital warfare or do I need to keep on looking?


  • Daniel, I’d be happy to play you. Maybe we can both work off the rust in a game against stale skills!  :-D hehehe I use TripleA and that dicey. AAR is the only thing I play, No NA is fine with me, and bidding for axis is fine too. Where 'bouts you from? I’m Mountain Time Zone so it’s 7:14 pm here. What time is it there? And a couple of turns a day is fine. I too work nights sometimes. Let’s play!

  • Hi

    I just placed my bids and I won axis control. I’ll await your start, just create a thread when your ready.
    I’m from Denmark (GT+1) and it looks like a 7 hour time difference, so if were lucky we can make turns in the morning and in the afternoon, but lets just see.
    I’ve tried to look into tripleA before, but i think I’m going to stick with aabattlemap, the old school graphics is just my thing!

    See you in the game thread!

  • Looking for a game to carry me through the holidays…

    Non-League (too late in the season to start a League game)

    Something a bit different…

    • ADS (in-site)
    • 6 NA’s for each side (2 each USSR, UK and USA, 3 each Japan and Germany)
    • Tech permitted
    • Normal victory condition… 9 VC or surrender
      *  Blind Bid using Frood

    I can’t use Battle Map (I may be able to on the new system, but have not had a chance to load it and figure out how to use it yet), so I will be using my physical game board with force summaries posted each move.

    This will be a “for fun” game with a steady game post rate (1-2 moves per day per side).

    Anyone interested?

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hey Switch, I’m keen for a game, I’ll send a PM with my email addy and we can get started, should you choose to play me of course.

  • Works for me…

    I have your e-mail addy, so the bid will be up soon…

    Random NA’s OK with you?  And 1.3 if you don;t mind (I have not yet printed off and read through 2.0)

  • Game ID “randvncsc” details

    Players: ncscswitch@yahoo.com vs. tazdaz@westnet.com.au

    Ruleset: LHTR

  • :-o
    Ok, I’m ready to play. I use the TripeA system. So anyone utilizing that site that wants a game please get back to me.
    I prefer Low Luck, but I’ll play regular dice. AA 2nd edition AARe or just about any game except ultimate world as it takes too long.

  • Looking for a challenger for a non-league Revised game.  Using AABattlemap and the site dicey.  Nothing too intense…just a friendly game with about a move a day.

    Any takers…please PM me.

    Happy Holidays!

  • Still looking for a non-league Revised game….any takers please PM me. :-o
    Happy New Year!

  • Anybody up for some AA MINIS?  Lately I’ve been without orders so I’m just looking for someone to destroy.

  • I have the aarevised edition and would like to set up my board and play someone by email but  i dont know how to do it like that can some one help get a game under my belt via email my email is kellski_1@msn.com or messenger my name is kellski

  • I’m looking for an opponent! I’d like it to be a league game. If you like to play the Allies, it would be perfect.

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