Attacks on a Territory by Two Powers Not Allowed to Attack Together

  • Page 26, 6.1 National Order:
    “USSR and CCP also share a turn but may not Attack together until CCP has evolved to a Major Power.

    USA and KMT also share a turn but may not Attack together until KMT has evolved to a Major Power.”

    How do you handle an attack on the same territory by two powers that take their turn together, but are not allowed to attack together?

    Are the two powers forbidden to attack the same territory (i.e. only one or the other may attack)?

    Or do you have them attack the same territory, but the attacker gets to decide the order of the attack (i.e. a minor power KMT attacks the territory, then USA attacks whatever survives)?

  • @hbg-gw-enthusiast I have done the last. One power attacks first, and then the other. Similar to when you carpet bomb and then ground attack a territory.

  • @trig Or not.
    FAS is up:

    Q: Can two nations that share turns (i.e. KMT and USA) attack the same land zone if they are not Aligned?

    A: No.

  • @trig oh interesting FAQ there…

  • @trig he must mean when he says “if they are not aligned” he must mean aligned as in part of the same Alliance (as in the would have to be at war with the same major power).

    This makes sense because if they both attack, they would end up sharing land zones which can only be done when aligned.

    So i think if you read between the lines that answer means that they can attack the same zone if they are aligned.

  • @insanehoshi Good point. The question here is now, can they do it if aligned? And then, do you do it as two separate combats, or some other way?
    I feel like the recent FAQs keep missing the meat of the question.
    Edit: Also, it is impossible for any two nations to attack the same land zone in the same turn if not aligned, as they would both need to be at are with the same power. So the circumstance in the FAQ is impossible.

  • @trig said in Attacks on a Territory by Two Powers Not Allowed to Attack Together:

    Edit: Also, it is impossible for any two nations to attack the same land zone in the same turn if not aligned, as they would both need to be at are with the same power. So the circumstance in the FAQ is impossible.

    I dont think its impossible, just the situations are limited.

    • KMT and USA
    • CCP and USSR
    • Turkey (in the expansion IIRC)

    All of those move and attack at the same time. They also can attack the same land zone without being aligned (according to 4.4). Nations are only aligned as in the same alliance, when they are at war with the same major power. USSR and CCP could be at war with the minor power KMT

  • @insanehoshi True, but the Chinas and the USSR and USA are able to align and not attack together. They are aligned once both at war with a nation (Usually Japan). They can only attack together once a the China is a major power.

    As for Germany and Vichy, then yes. I forgot that one.

    As for Turkey, I think it can attack with Italy (or France or the USSR) once aligned.

    Edit: Good point with the minor power.

    That said, this doesn’t matter for the FAQ. We still need to know about if they are aligned.

  • @trig

    FAQ has been updated.

    Q: Can two nations that share turns attack the same land zone if they are

    forbidden to attack together per 6.1 (i.e. USA and minor power KMT)?

    A: No.

    Of course this doesn’t solve the issue of say, vichy france and Germany attacking the same free french zone, as thats not forbidden in 6.1 (as far as i can tell)

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