Here they are…
Assume and R1 of Ukraine and West Russia, both were “average”… both fell to Russia.
At the start of G1, Germany has 7 INF in Central Europe, 3 in Northern, 2 in Southern and 2 in Western, plus 3 in Germany. They have 7 ARM left in all of Europe, 5 FIGs, a BOM, and 1 ART (not counting Africa troops).
Germany HAS to re-take Ukraine… not an option. You said you also want Karelia. And you go after Egypt.
The Karelia move pulls 2 German INF to Karelia, plus the 3 Norway forces (if you want to have more than token resistance against the UK attack in UK1). Egypt requires 2 units (1 INF, 1 ART) from Southern to leave Europe for Africa. You are also going to be sending at least 1 FIG and your BOM down there if you want to TAKE it, and have a chance at re-taking it in G2. Against Ukraine you use minimal force to take… Let’s say 3 INF and 1 ARM, and you take it with 2 INF and 1 ARM. And lets assume you stage your ARM in Eastern (or perhaps you advance stage to Karelia, so shift those forces that could reach… You protect your Western FIGs with an INF from Germany and 1 from Southern. You consolidate the rest of your forces from Central Europe to Eastern, and you “picket” Belorussia with 1 INF.
For build placement, you need to put 2 units in Southern for transport to Africa to re-take Egypt in G2… 1 INF, 1 ART to give you offensive punch. That leaves 3 INF Germany.
Here is your forces summary after G1 with average dice…
Western: 4 INF, 3 FIG, 1 AA
Southern: 1 INF, 1 ART, 1 AA, 1 IC
Germany: 3 INF, 1 AA, 1 IC
Balkans: vacant
Ukraine: 2 INF, 1 ARM
Belorussia: 1 INF
Karelia: 9 INF, 3 ARM
Eastern: 3 ARM
Norway: vacant.
Libya: 1 INF, 1 ART, 1 FIG, 1 BOM
Egypt: 1 ARM, 1 ART
SZ15: 1 BB, 1 TRN
SZ5: 2 SUB, 2 TRN, 1 DST, 1 AC, 1 FIG
That is with creating a “Karelia Stack”. You could shift some of thsoe units to Eastern if you like.
Here is the Russian forces you face in R2:
West Russia Stack: 6 INF, 2 ART, 1 ARM
Caucuses: 5 INF, 1 ARM, 2 FIG
Archangel: 1 INF
Russia: 2 ARM
That is almost DEAD even, INF for INF, ARM for ARM in central Europe. But Germany will ONLY have 3 replacement units to send east on G2. Russia has 8 from R1, 8 more coming in R2.
And dead even is fine… IF UK were not going to drop 6 divisions backed up by 3 AF units on UK2, and if the US was not going to able to start landing 4 units plus AF in US2.