Well I like an American Pacific offensive more and more because I find that Japan cannot keep pace in the fleet wars and build up a land force to threaten Moscow at the same time. Either it loses the fleet battle (which means Japan will lose half its income) or it can only send a token force against the Russians. So I go Pacific whenever I can. But if USA starts with a disadvantage in the Pacific (this will be most games), it is not the best strategy. The best players will adapt their strategy to what is happening in the game.
USSR Strategies
That’s an interesting observation, 88… dictating the pace is obviously something Russia would WANT to do, but it is also something that is largely out of the hands of Joe Stalin. Since Germany has considerably more production capability at the beginning of the game, Russia can only control W Russia for so long … and only if the German player lets him. But your caveat is the key: if the other allies are doing what they’re supposed to be doing (i.e., arriving in waves from the west within 2 or 3 game turns), then Russia can give Germany all it wants, and then some.
Happy hunting!
Botider- another thing Russia can do to dictate the pace is to kill the Ukraine on R1. Germany has to take it back, meaning that a strong Karelia is not an option on G1. It doesn’t allow Germany to pile up reserves in E Europe. And only 5 German Fighters makes for some interesting choices for the German player. Finally, if this combat is coupled with an R1 purchase of 3 Inf/ 3 Arm, Germany can be hit hard in either Karelia, Belo, or the Ukraine using W Russia as a staging point and rolling the Armor through from Russia/ Caucasus.
You’re right, eventually the pendulum would swing for Germany, but by the time it does the UK and US should have a pretty significant presence in Europe.
Regarding what you say about ‘dictating the pace’, you can have it examplified in my match in the revised tourney right now vs. Mojo. I opened with an aggressive R1, buying 2 inf, 2 art, 2 arm and going all in into ukraine and w.russia. Sure, with good dice you have a very strong position. But in my case I lost 6 inf in w.russia which in turn led to Germany piling up in Karelia after all. Suddenly Germany is dictating the pace instead.
Germany bought mainly a big stack of inf and is posing a big threat to the weakened Russia. On the other hand Germany is down to 3 figs and 1 bomber luftwaffe and practically no baltic fleet. That opens up a possibility for UK to set the pace in europe. We’ll just have to wait and see how it plays out.
The advantage of attacking, is choosing the time and the place of the engagment.
the advantage of defending is stronger units.
Your game is a bad example… Your opponent over-extended by trying West Russia on G1. Most players would have left that combat out, and had superior force positions for subsequent rounds.
Also… I tend to disagree (at times) with a Ukraine strike on R1. Against SOME players this is a good move, against others, a Belorussia strike (and West Russia of course) is the superior move.
A Belo strike allows the Allies to take control in the North far more quickly (Turn 3). The trade off is that Russia must be set to defend Caucuses against a stronger force (which is possible, especially if Germany over-extends on G1, and if UK abandones India to re-take Africa on UK1)
Attacking = Suprise The defender is reactionary
I am almost never suprised by the attacks my oponets make.
Switch… it’s still a good example. Even if he overextended he has the upper hand in Karelia. (which was my point) He could have had 3 more inf alive, but that’s hardly a game breaker.
I think the Ukraine move is pretty good(but risky!) since you take out 1 German fig. Germany will have 5 figs and 1 bomber left to trade karelia and/or ukraine, kill a british BB, kill a british DST and take Egypt(?). If he wants to press on all those fronts the odds of losing an additonal fighter and an inf here and there increases dramatically. Further it reduces the need for UK/US to buy defensive naval units with a weakened luftwaffe = quicker troop insertion into Europe.
I’m not saying striking Ukraine is superior to Belo, but IMO it lets the German player have more flexibility. (which generally is bad)
Im a strong advocate of Russia sending 2 Arm to Yakut and 6 inf To Buryatia on R1, to go mess Machuria up a bit…
Ties up Japan atleast 1 round, ussually more. (usually followed by Allied partial offence vs Japan.)
That sounds like a good idea, but I haven’t seen anyone use it in the games on the board. Maybe you should try it out. Will it leave the German front a bit weak though? Would you be able to attack Ukraine? Would you lose those tanks quick against Japan?
Actually, I have had a similar strat used against me… and crushed the Russian offensive in China after they moved through Manch.
Was annoying, and slowed Japan, but was far from debilitating.
it is hard to slow JPN in the intial rounds. they are the axis “ace in the hole”. I would not sack 2 RUS tanks.