@Witt Yeah NA so far behind you
Dice Roller
Works SWEET!!! :-D
I should’ve saved that roll for the game! :evil:
I can use that roll!!!
if that was aa, it would be horrendous.
I’ll take a roll like that for any attack. Four "1"s in 9 d 6? Yeah baby!!!
Of course, for the real thing you know I will have to get the rest of the “average” dice. Probably when I’m doing some high risk gamble that puts my game on the line.
Uberlager, you have to re-roll because you modified your message and so your roll is not acceptable.
Uberlager, you have to re-roll because you modified your message and so your roll is not acceptable.
Can you correct this so that you don;t even get results just code if you edit a dice post? Like it was before?
That was one of the BEST features of the in-site dicey, that results could not be editted, otherwise the rolls reverted to code. If that is no longer the case, I may need to reconsider certifying the in-site for Tournament use…
No, this “trick” has always been available and I think I have mentioned it before. You edit your message, remove the html results of the roll and resubmit a message with a new roll. You can do this over and over and over again until you get the result that you want. The result is still random each time but you can repeat it over and over to get a favorable result.
The thing is you’ll see the “message edited on” alert which indicates a possible cheater. To avoid that altogether, editing posts in the games in progress forum was turned off.
And that applies to all 3 game threads (regular, Tournament, and League), correct?
And that applies to all 3 game threads (regular, Tournament, and League), correct?
To roll dice, type in the following:
<colon>dice ndm <colon>Replace <colon>with an actual colon “:”
Replace n with the number of dice to roll.
Replace m with the number of sides per dice.lets see if I can get this to work
Three inf @1
Rolling 3d6:
(1, 3, 4) one arm @ 3Rolling 1d6:
(6)</colon></colon></colon> -
Dude, I really would rather be using the Frood site but my opponent is not getting the e-mails from it…
Well I have a perfect solution for you - create a Game ID at my site and use that in rolling your battles. Then your opponent can verify results online and trust that he’s not receiving a spoofed e-mail of the results.
Even better, enter two dummy e-mail addresses when you create the game, just rely on the online logged results, and save room in your inbox for more important stuff, like male enhancement pills.
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