Here we go again. Lol
Maxi VS Enigma Winner takes it all:)
Jeg havde gerne spillet videre, hvis jeg kunne se muligheder. Det kan jeg bare ikke. -
Altså jeg kan jo nå rumænien med 4 kampvogne 2 fly + 2 italienske fly, så russerne har jo ikke de bedste odds på den. At du angreb med russerne var præcis hvad jeg håbede på. Men om det er en fordel eller ulempe viser sig først om 3-4 ture. Jeg er enig i at du ikke står særlig godt. Når man laver et sats og det så fejler, ender det som regel med at man står dårligt.
Du har selvfølgelig helt ret. Jeg gjorde det også kun fordi spillet syntes tabt - ellers havde jeg ikke angrebet. Jeg gjorde så heller ikke noget for at stille mig ordentligt i non combat. Var Østpolen lykkedes havde jeg landet fighterne i Ukraine og kunne have lavet et strejf på Rumænien og taget tanksne ud.
Nok om det. Jeg beklager, at jeg tabte hovedet i går. Jeg havde ikke lige den bedste dag og så var der sgu’ ikke lige plads til tripleA terninger :grimacing:
Håber du vil tage imod min undskyldning - det er ikke i orden at skulle læse det brok, når man spiller for sjov. Og det irriterer også mig selv voldsomt, at det går mig sådan på! Jeg glæder mig til den 1/11 (ved Bjergmose vel). Jeg kunne dog godt tænke mig at møde op med en anden og mere positiv oplevelse i bagagen (humørmæssigt og mentalt). Så jeg vil høre om du er frisk på en ommer, hvor vi spiller samme side igen. Så vil jeg give mig selv mundkurv på og love dig et spil, hvor vi ikke er nødt til at stoppe i utide. Jeg forstår også godt, hvis ikke du gider… -
Hehe nu ikke så hård ved dig selv. Jeg bitcher også altid når det går skidt for mig:)
Jeg er helt klar på et reboot!! Så laver vi lige aftale om kun at skrive positivt under spillet:blush:
Det er KUN et spil:hugging_face: :hugging_face: :hugging_face: -
Glimrende. God aftale og gode intentioner - bliver sværere at holde det😂. Men SKAL😊. Du sender bare et gamesave med det sædvanlige bid. Nu starter arbejde op igen så der kommer længere mellem trækkene. Der tror jeg også du er bedre til at lægge det fra dig 😉 -
Nej jeg går med det præcis som dig, jeg har bare små børn, som napper en masse af min tid:grin:
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: Germans round 1
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0.0
Game History
Round: 1 Purchase Units - Germans Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 98 Sea Zone: 1 submarine EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 71 Sea Zone: 1 transport EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Anglo Egyptian Sudan: 1 infantry EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Værs’go - Nyt spil startet op. Knæk og bræk:)
I lige måde. Så du spiller alliancen…? -
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: Germans round 1
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0.0
Game History
Round: 1 Purchase Units - Germans Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 98 Sea Zone: 1 submarine EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 71 Sea Zone: 1 transport EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Anglo Egyptian Sudan: 1 infantry EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Germans buy 1 carrier, 1 submarine and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Combat Move - Germans 1 submarine moved from 103 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 108 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 117 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 118 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 124 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone 1 battleship moved from 113 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from Norway to 111 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from Holland Belgium to 111 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Germany to 110 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Germany to 111 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Germany to 111 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Germany to 110 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from Western Germany to 110 Sea Zone 2 bombers moved from Germany to 110 Sea Zone 3 armour, 2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from Holland Belgium to France 1 artillery, 3 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys moved from Western Germany to France 2 armour moved from Greater Southern Germany to France 2 artilleries and 6 infantry moved from Greater Southern Germany to Yugoslavia 1 armour, 1 fighter and 2 infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Yugoslavia 1 tactical_bomber moved from Poland to Yugoslavia 1 armour moved from Poland to Yugoslavia 1 armour moved from Romania to Yugoslavia 1 infantry moved from Romania to Yugoslavia Combat - Germans
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Scrambling or not scrambling - that’s the question :-) -
Det troede jeg var det du ville, siden du bad mig starte op? Vi kan sagtens bytte så jeg er aksen. Så skal du bare fjerne mit bid og tilføje dit:)
Nååhh, det er fordi jeg synes det er nemt lige at lave det selv og sende. Så er Tyskland jo klar til action. Nej det er fint, så kører jeg bare med aksen. Har sendt gamesave du skal tage stilling til. -
fuld scramble til sz110
TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 1
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0.0
Game History
Round: 1 Purchase Units - Germans Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 98 Sea Zone: 1 submarine EDIT: Adding units owned by British to 71 Sea Zone: 1 transport EDIT: Adding units owned by British to Anglo Egyptian Sudan: 1 infantry EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Germans buy 1 carrier, 1 submarine and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Combat Move - Germans 1 submarine moved from 103 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 108 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 117 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 118 Sea Zone to 106 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 124 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone 1 battleship moved from 113 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from Norway to 111 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from Holland Belgium to 111 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Germany to 110 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Germany to 111 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Germany to 111 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Germany to 110 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from Western Germany to 110 Sea Zone 2 bombers moved from Germany to 110 Sea Zone 3 armour, 2 artilleries and 4 infantry moved from Holland Belgium to France 1 artillery, 3 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys moved from Western Germany to France 2 armour moved from Greater Southern Germany to France 2 artilleries and 6 infantry moved from Greater Southern Germany to Yugoslavia 1 armour, 1 fighter and 2 infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Yugoslavia 1 tactical_bomber moved from Poland to Yugoslavia 1 armour moved from Poland to Yugoslavia 1 armour moved from Romania to Yugoslavia 1 infantry moved from Romania to Yugoslavia Combat - Germans British scrambles 3 units out of United Kingdom to defend against the attack in 110 Sea Zone Battle in 111 Sea Zone Germans attack with 1 battleship, 2 fighters, 1 submarine and 2 tactical_bombers British defend with 1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer Germans roll dice for 1 submarine in 111 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the British Germans roll dice for 1 battleship, 2 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers in 111 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/5 hits, 3,00 expected hits British roll dice for 1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer in 111 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1,50 expected hits Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the Germans 1 destroyer owned by the British, 1 submarine owned by the Germans and 1 cruiser owned by the British lost in 111 Sea Zone 1 battleship owned by the Germans retreated to 112 Sea Zone British win with 1 battleship remaining. Battle score for attacker is 14 Casualties for Germans: 1 submarine Casualties for British: 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer Battle in Yugoslavia Germans attack with 3 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter, 9 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Neutral_Allies defend with 5 infantry Germans roll dice for 3 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter, 9 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Yugoslavia, round 2 : 5/16 hits, 5,17 expected hits Neutral_Allies roll dice for 5 infantry in Yugoslavia, round 2 : 1/5 hits, 1,67 expected hits 5 infantry owned by the Neutral_Allies and 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Yugoslavia Germans win, taking Yugoslavia from Neutral_Allies with 3 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter, 8 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12 Casualties for Germans: 1 infantry Casualties for Neutral_Allies: 5 infantry Battle in 106 Sea Zone Germans attack with 2 submarines British defend with 1 destroyer and 1 transport Germans roll dice for 2 submarines in 106 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits British roll dice for 1 destroyer and 1 transport in 106 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 submarines in 106 Sea Zone, round 3 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits British roll dice for 1 destroyer and 1 transport in 106 Sea Zone, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 submarines in 106 Sea Zone, round 4 : 1/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits British roll dice for 1 destroyer and 1 transport in 106 Sea Zone, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0,33 expected hits 1 destroyer owned by the British lost in 106 Sea Zone 1 transport owned by the British lost in 106 Sea Zone Germans win, taking 106 Sea Zone from Neutral with 2 submarines remaining. Battle score for attacker is 15 Casualties for British: 1 destroyer and 1 transport Battle in 110 Sea Zone Germans attack with 2 bombers, 2 fighters, 2 submarines and 2 tactical_bombers British defend with 1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 2 fighters; French defend with 1 cruiser and 1 fighter Germans roll dice for 2 submarines in 110 Sea Zone, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 bombers, 2 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers in 110 Sea Zone, round 2 : 3/6 hits, 3,67 expected hits Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the British British roll dice for 1 battleship and 2 cruisers in 110 Sea Zone, round 2 : 2/3 hits, 1,67 expected hits British roll dice for 3 fighters in 110 Sea Zone, round 2 : 1/3 hits, 2,00 expected hits 1 cruiser owned by the French, 2 submarines owned by the Germans, 1 cruiser owned by the British and 1 tactical_bomber owned by the Germans lost in 110 Sea Zone Germans roll dice for 2 bombers, 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber in 110 Sea Zone, round 3 : 3/5 hits, 3,00 expected hits British roll dice for 1 battleship and 3 fighters in 110 Sea Zone, round 3 : 2/4 hits, 2,67 expected hits 1 fighter owned by the Germans, 1 tactical_bomber owned by the Germans, 1 fighter owned by the French and 2 fighters owned by the British lost in 110 Sea Zone Germans roll dice for 2 bombers and 1 fighter in 110 Sea Zone, round 4 : 1/3 hits, 1,83 expected hits British roll dice for 1 battleship in 110 Sea Zone, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0,67 expected hits 1 battleship owned by the British lost in 110 Sea Zone Germans win with 2 bombers and 1 fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 30 Casualties for Germans: 1 fighter, 2 submarines and 2 tactical_bombers Casualties for British: 1 battleship, 1 cruiser and 2 fighters Casualties for French: 1 cruiser and 1 fighter Battle in France Germans attack with 5 armour, 3 artilleries, 7 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys British defend with 1 armour and 1 artillery; French defend with 1 aaGun, 1 airfield, 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 factory_major, 1 fighter and 6 infantry Germans roll dice for 5 armour, 3 artilleries, 7 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys in France, round 2 : 6/19 hits, 5,83 expected hits French roll dice for 1 aaGun, 2 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter and 6 infantry in France, round 2 : 4/11 hits, 4,33 expected hits 1 aaGun owned by the French, 4 infantry owned by the Germans and 5 infantry owned by the French lost in France Germans roll dice for 5 armour, 3 artilleries, 3 infantry and 4 mech_infantrys in France, round 3 : 6/15 hits, 5,17 expected hits French roll dice for 2 armour, 2 artilleries, 1 fighter and 1 infantry in France, round 3 : 3/6 hits, 2,67 expected hits 3 infantry owned by the Germans, 1 armour owned by the French, 1 infantry owned by the French, 1 fighter owned by the French, 1 artillery owned by the British, 1 armour owned by the British and 1 artillery owned by the French lost in France Germans captures 19PUs while taking French capital Germans converts factory_major into different units Germans win, taking France from French with 5 armour, 3 artilleries and 4 mech_infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 32 Casualties for Germans: 7 infantry Casualties for French: 1 aaGun, 1 armour, 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 6 infantry Casualties for British: 1 armour and 1 artillery Trigger Germans Conquer France: Setting switch to true for conditionAttachment_French_1_Liberation_Switch attached to French Non Combat Move - Germans 2 bombers moved from 110 Sea Zone to Western Germany 1 fighter moved from 111 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from 111 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone 1 tactical_bomber moved from 111 Sea Zone to Holland Belgium 1 fighter moved from 110 Sea Zone to Holland Belgium 1 armour moved from Greater Southern Germany to Holland Belgium 3 aaGuns moved from Western Germany to Holland Belgium 1 fighter moved from 111 Sea Zone to Western Germany 1 fighter moved from Yugoslavia to Southern Italy 1 tactical_bomber moved from Yugoslavia to Western Germany 1 artillery moved from Germany to 114 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 1 transport moved from 114 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Denmark to 112 Sea Zone 3 infantry moved from Norway to Finland Germans take Finland from Neutral_Axis 1 artillery moved from 112 Sea Zone to Norway 1 infantry moved from 112 Sea Zone to Norway 1 cruiser moved from 114 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Germany to Western Germany 1 infantry moved from Romania to Bulgaria Germans take Bulgaria from Neutral_Axis Place Units - Germans 1 carrier, 1 submarine and 1 transport placed in 112 Sea Zone Turn Complete - Germans Germans collect 39 PUs; end with 59 PUs Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 64 PUs Objective Germans 1 Trade with Russia: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 69 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
French regular : 0,00 Neutral_Allies regular : -0,67 Germans regular : -2,67 British regular : -2,50
Så kom vi i gang. Jeg “frygtede” lidt du ville scramble i 110 men det gik vel nogenlunde som det skulle - ingen katastrofer til nogen af siderne. -
Tænkte jeg hellere måtte tage chancen i en af søzonerne:)
Vi var lige uheldige i denne runde ifølge statistikken:) -
TripleA Turn Summary: Russians round 1
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0.0
Game History
Round: 1 Purchase Units - Russians Russians buy 1 fighter and 9 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Politics - Russians Russians takes Political Action: Political Action Russians To War With Japanese Russians succeeds on action: Political Action Russians To War With Japanese: Changing Relationship for Japanese and Russians from Neutrality to War Russians succeeds on action: Political Action Russians To War With Japanese: Changing Relationship for Russians and Chinese from Neutrality to Allied Russians succeeds on action: Political Action Russians To War With Japanese: Changing Relationship for Russians and ANZAC from Neutrality to Allied Russians succeeds on action: Political Action Russians To War With Japanese: Changing Relationship for Russians and Dutch from Neutrality to Friendly Russians succeeds on action: Political Action Russians To War With Japanese: Changing Relationship for Russians and UK_Pacific from Neutrality to Allied Combat Move - Russians Combat - Russians Non Combat Move - Russians 6 infantry moved from Amur to Buryatia 1 infantry moved from Belarus to Baltic States 3 infantry moved from Vyborg to Novgorod 2 infantry moved from Karelia to Novgorod 1 infantry moved from Archangel to Novgorod 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Russia to Novgorod 2 aaGuns and 6 infantry moved from Sakha to Buryatia 1 artillery and 6 infantry moved from Novgorod to Baltic States 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Western Ukraine to Eastern Poland 3 infantry moved from Ukraine to Bessarabia 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Volgograd to Bryansk 1 armour and 1 mech_infantry moved from Russia to Belarus 1 artillery moved from Russia to Bryansk 1 infantry moved from Russia to Bryansk 2 aaGuns moved from Russia to Bryansk 2 infantry moved from Caucasus to Rostov 1 cruiser moved from 115 Sea Zone to 114 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 127 Sea Zone to 111 Sea Zone Place Units - Russians 1 fighter and 3 infantry placed in Russia 3 infantry placed in Ukraine 3 infantry placed in Novgorod Turn Complete - Russians Russians collect 37 PUs; end with 37 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: Japanese round 1
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0.0
Game History
Round: 1 Purchase Units - Japanese Japanese buy 3 transports; Remaining resources: 5 PUs; 6 SuicideAttackTokens; Politics - Japanese Japanese takes Political Action: Political Action Japanese To War With French Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With French: Changing Relationship for Japanese and French from Neutrality to War Japanese succeeds on action: Political Action Japanese To War With French: Changing Relationship for Chinese and French from Neutrality to Allied Combat Move - Japanese 1 armour moved from Japan to 6 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Jehol to Chahar Japanese take Chahar from Chinese 1 infantry moved from Jehol to Anhwe Japanese take Anhwe from Chinese 1 artillery moved from Jehol to Anhwe 2 infantry moved from Siam to French Indo China Japanese take French Indo China from French 1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from Kwangsi to Yunnan 1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from Kiangsi to Hunan 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Kiangsu to Yunnan 1 fighter moved from Formosa to Hunan 2 fighters and 2 tactical_bombers moved from Manchuria to Hunan 2 bombers moved from Japan to Yunnan 1 armour and 1 transport moved from 6 Sea Zone to 17 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Iwo Jima to 17 Sea Zone 1 armour, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 17 Sea Zone to 5 Sea Zone 1 armour moved from 5 Sea Zone to Siberia 1 infantry moved from 5 Sea Zone to Siberia Combat - Japanese Battle in Siberia Battle in Hunan Japanese attack with 1 artillery, 3 fighters, 3 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers Chinese defend with 2 infantry Japanese roll dice for 1 artillery, 3 fighters, 3 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers in Hunan, round 2 : 3/9 hits, 3,83 expected hits Chinese roll dice for 2 infantry in Hunan, round 2 : 0/2 hits, 0,67 expected hits 2 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Hunan Japanese win, taking Siberia from Russians, taking Hunan from Chinese with 1 artillery, 3 fighters, 3 infantry and 2 tactical_bombers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Chinese: 2 infantry Battle in Yunnan Japanese attack with 1 artillery, 2 bombers, 1 fighter, 3 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber Chinese defend with 4 infantry Japanese roll dice for 1 artillery, 2 bombers, 1 fighter, 3 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber in Yunnan, round 2 : 5/8 hits, 3,50 expected hits Chinese roll dice for 4 infantry in Yunnan, round 2 : 0/4 hits, 1,33 expected hits 4 infantry owned by the Chinese lost in Yunnan Japanese win, taking Yunnan from Chinese with 1 artillery, 2 bombers, 1 fighter, 3 infantry and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 12 Casualties for Chinese: 4 infantry Non Combat Move - Japanese 1 tactical_bomber moved from Yunnan to Kwangsi 2 bombers moved from Yunnan to Kwangsi 1 fighter moved from Yunnan to Kwangsi 1 tactical_bomber moved from Hunan to Kwangsi 1 tactical_bomber moved from Hunan to Kwangsi 1 fighter moved from Hunan to Kwangsi 1 fighter moved from Hunan to Kwangsi 1 fighter moved from Hunan to Kwangsi 1 artillery and 3 infantry moved from Kiangsu to Kiangsi 1 artillery moved from Shantung to 19 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Shantung to 19 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 19 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 36 Sea Zone to Kwangsi 1 artillery moved from 36 Sea Zone to Kwangsi 1 transport moved from 20 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Okinawa to 19 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Shantung to 19 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Shantung to Anhwe 2 infantry and 1 transport moved from 19 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from Okinawa to Kiangsi 1 fighter moved from Korea to Kiangsu 1 fighter moved from Kiangsi to Kiangsu 2 fighters moved from Japan to Kiangsu 1 mech_infantry moved from Manchuria to Chahar 4 infantry moved from Korea to Manchuria 2 tactical_bombers moved from Japan to Kiangsu 1 battleship moved from 19 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 1 cruiser moved from 20 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 battleship moved from 20 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 carrier moved from 6 Sea Zone to 19 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 19 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 1 carrier moved from 19 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 19 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 carrier moved from 33 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 1 carrier moved from 6 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 2 fighters moved from 6 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 2 tactical_bombers moved from 6 Sea Zone to 20 Sea Zone 1 submarine moved from 6 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 destroyer moved from 33 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 battleship moved from 6 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 cruiser and 1 destroyer moved from 6 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 carrier moved from 20 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from 33 Sea Zone to 36 Sea Zone Place Units - Japanese 3 transports placed in 6 Sea Zone Turn Complete - Japanese Japanese collect 33 PUs; end with 38 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Chinese regular : -2,00 Japanese regular : 0,67
TripleA Turn Summary: Americans round 1
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War II Global 1940 2nd Edition, version: 4.0.0
Game History
Round: 1 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 1 battleship, 1 carrier, 1 destroyer and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Combat Move - Americans Non Combat Move - Americans 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from Western United States to 10 Sea Zone 1 artillery, 1 battleship, 1 carrier, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 1 fighter, 1 infantry, 1 tactical_bomber and 1 transport moved from 10 Sea Zone to 26 Sea Zone 1 artillery and 1 infantry moved from 26 Sea Zone to Hawaiian Islands 1 fighter moved from Eastern United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from Western United States to 101 Sea Zone 1 bomber moved from Central United States to Eastern United States 1 submarine moved from 35 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone Place Units - Americans 1 carrier and 1 destroyer placed in 101 Sea Zone 1 battleship and 1 transport placed in 10 Sea Zone Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 52 PUs; end with 53 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :