@krieghund Your answer and the FAQ are super helpful – thank you!
What would you change?
I have to say Im a huge fan of AA, I grew up playing the original, and see the revised edition as a huge improvement.
just wondering what other people dont like about it, because one thing really bugs me.
that is the unprotected japanese transport in z59
it is the only transport in the game positioned in such a way that it gets killed with every opening strategy. There is a single UK transport that could theoretically be attacked by a single german sub, but it is usually left alone, but all the other transports at least get the opportunity to do something before they get killed
it serves no purpose other than to encourage absurd moves like sending a AC and DD into the middle of the Japanese empire to be a distraction.
i think that if the transport was either moved ot protected with one of the other ships, it would completely change the dynamic of the Asian theatre and encourage the UK to maintain their India ocean fleet.
and it would give japan more mobility and perhaps even out the sides enough where a 6 bid is no longer necessary to make the game more balances
what are your thoughts? or any other gripes?
There is another choice that I have never seen posted. I like it because the British (theoretically) lose no pieces. It used to be my opening British move every time.
Use the British Fighter on the Indian Ocean Carrier to attack the Japanese Transport. Land it in Buryatia with a stack of 6 Russian Infantry. It serves two purposes- it leaves nothing to be counterattacked and destroyed, saving a Destroyer, and it makes the 6 Russian Infantry much harder to kill if Japan decides not to do Pearl.
The British Fighter can fly to India or the Caucasus next turn.
how does that transport get killed. do you guys have a different turn cycle. that never happens with me and my buddies because the person who built A&A thought the first turn cycle for the countries was bull. He stated that for more realism you should have america go first, then germany, USSR, Japan, Britain. You can move that transport.
how does that transport get killed. do you guys have a different turn cycle. that never happens with me and my buddies because the person who built A&A thought the first turn cycle for the countries was bull. He stated that for more realism you should have america go first, then germany, USSR, Japan, Britain. You can move that transport.
I usually play in the standard turn order, where Uk is before Jap
mateooo -
i’m not a fan of that turn order, we used that when we started, but we have evolved into trying to make the game as real as possible. find the enhanced realism booklet that the maker of the game wrote to help with situations that dont make any realistic sense. I would type it all but that would probably take forever, so i will do it in installments.
Ive never tried that turn order, Im not a huge fan of changing rules so I’ll propably never try it out, unless its included in LHTR offcourse :-P
But I agree that the placement of the tranny seems a bit silly, but think about how fast Japan would be moving if that tranny was protected from the start, 2 more inf on the mainland in the first turn, which are able to go to india, means a lot.
So if anything should be changed the transport should be moved to the shores of Japan or something, I think that would be a more balanced change and again call for less bids or maybe none at all.-Daniel
Germany before Russia?
THAT would be some serious hell for the Russians…
In fact, Moscow falling on G1 would be a rather likely results… with the West Russia forces, the Ukraine ARM. amd the Ukraine, Balkan and Eastern FIGs plus the Germany bomber.
That battle is an 89.6% German win…I call that a game imbalancer…
Well, there IS a US Destroyer in the Pacific… it just starts out “on patrol” at the Panama Canal.
If we are going to be talking “should be’s” then where oh where is the Bismark? Yes, the “Germans” have the Vichy French fleet, and thus the BB in the Med, but where is the Bismark, Graf Spee, etc.? Surely they are not represented by one lonely DST in the Baltic…
I also have a few issues with the UK Indian Ocean fleets. A CARRIER off India? Nope, all of their AF in that area was land based.
New Guinea should be split, with the southern edge being British and have an INF and a FIG there. There should be no AC off India, but add a DST off South New Guinea.
And if you are going to add a UK sub somewhere in the Atlantic, then you need to account for the South Atlantic U-Boats with an additional German sub somewhere in SZ11, 12, 16 or 17.
how bout one sub in the Atlantic, and all the other subs hiding out in the baltic
werent the uboats the terror of the atlantic? and yet they have to hide out with the destroer and transports
one time for fun, with the original AA, we played where if a plane attacked a sub without any attacking boats, the plane had a -2 to hit (bomb hit with 2, figther with a 1. It was actually very fun, and made subs useful to be sent out on their own to try to pick off lone ships.
gave them a littlot of longevity against planes, which I think is a major flaw in the game (how easy it is for planes to kill subs). In real life, fighters didnt go by themselves to hunt subs, they required coordination with destroyers who would scout them out.
just my two cents.
You know, that sounds like a really great House Rule mateooo
i think thats a pretty good rule change. i love some of the changes from classic to revised. cheaper figs, build them on ac. limits on builds and sbr are a good change too. i’ll have to think about what i’d change now. the game is more even in revised than classic was.
A while ago, I saw this great house rule about subs:
When figs and/or bombers attack subs?
the subs can roll a die for submerging before being attacked!
on a 1 or a 2 (their defense score by the way :-P) they submerge before figs and/or bombers roll for attacking…
they can still submerge after being attacked for one round and after failing their first (and extra) possibility to submerge. -
here is a bit of history for you to answer some questions of realism.
The Graf Spee was scuttled just over 3 months into WWII (December 1939), the Bismarck was sunk in May of 1941, which is about 9 months prior to where Axis and Allies begins. You could ask “where is the Tirpiz?” That would put a German Battleship in the Baltic.
The German navy in the Mediterranean is representing the Italian Navy. Don’t laugh, they were actually respectable and did well. The battleship represents the Roma.
The lack of German U-Boats could be represented by the extremely limited availability of U-Boats able to avoid the sneaky new device the turned the Atlantic War in favor of the Allies: Sonar.
On the outbreak of WWII, there were only 12 U-boats deployed for combat. At one point in 1941, there were only 2 U-boats in the ocean.
The Germans spent too many resources building surface vessals when they should have focussed on submersibles, but that was decided well before the war started.
Only addition I would make yo your analysis is that the Med Fleet also includes the Vichy French fleet…
wasnt the French fleet sunk by the Brits?
dont remember the name of the battle, but it really pissed off the french
mateo -
I think the battle, IIRC, was at Mers-el-Kabir. I think. :oops:
I didn’t know you guys were interested that much in European history!
or is it only WWII?
nevertheless: I’m from Europe myself, and I never knew all this info!!!
:-o :-o :-o :-o -
yeah, well, its been a long time since the US has been fought a war to be proud of, so we all like to focus on WWII.
Vietnam? Iraq? sorry, sir, dont know what your talkin about.mateooo
:-P :-D hehehe, I’m actually from Canada, but I’m a history buff, especially about the two world wars, so I kinda remember that stuff.
i question whether there has ever been such a clear cut war of "not evil " versus “more evil.” (dont want to condemn all Germans, Italians, and Japanese, i am directing this comment toward the leaders… and in exchange, I dont want to be blamed for George Bush’s actions. Also hard to lump Stalin into the good.
Though the war of 1812 is close, when we got a chance to invade those ne’er do well Canadians.