• Official Q&A

    The only reorganization of Commands that’s permitted during Movement Operations is to split Commands due to pinning. As such, UK must split the Infantry off to a new Command and leave it behind in order to move the Armor, which will remain under the original Command. If UK is out of Command Tokens, the order must be cancelled.

  • Ah, the command obeys the order, not the units themselves.

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    Can China move into Burma, India, all points West and possibly Russia?

    I saw nothing in the restrictions for China about keeping to originally Chinese territories like in previous A&A games.

    They can’t turn the land commands into transports, but nothing about excluded territories. Is China free to move anywhere (via land) on the map?

  • Official Q&A

    The only restriction on Chinese movement is that Land Units may not move by sea.

  • I have a few:

    1. When setting up the BatBoard, who sets up first? Turn order determines who goes first or second? Seems disadvantageous to set up first.

    2. Do your starting resources just accumulate on T1? That is, you don’t spend anything and effectively have all the starting resources unless you get raided or bombed for purchase and deployment in T2?

    3. Do Carrier fighters just “regenerate”?

    4. Do Carrier fighters count against your casualties on morale board?



    1. Have you found, or do you have any mental rules for various stances with Inf/Armor? It seems throwing up AA is a pretty good idea with Arty and Escorting with Cruisers even better.

    Man, Im in love with this game.

  • Official Q&A

    1. From page 15 of the Rulebook: “The Alliance whose Commander is first in turn order must finalize their Units’ Stances first.”

    2. You don’t deploy anything in round 1, unless you’re using the Rapid Resolution optional rule (see page 29 of the Rulebook). You do make purchases in round 1, for deployment in round 2.

    3. Yes.

    4. Yes, if they are lost in battle. From page 18 of the Rulebook: “Move Units in ELIMINATED boxes (including Carrier Fighter Tokens) to the Casualty List per the corresponding Nation and Type. When multiple allies are present in a battle, move eliminated Units to their owning Nation’s row on the Casualty List immediately during battle. If a Carrier is eliminated in battle and its Carrier Fighter Token is not, then the Carrier Fighter Token is not moved to the Casualty List.”

  • @Krieghund

    Thank you!

  • Is it possible to send only air units to attack subs? It doesn’t seem feasible. If there is a ship I would understand. There are no destroyers in this game and there are no rules pertaining to subs and air units.

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, Air Units can attack Submarines.

  • Hi All.

    I’m have five people over soon my second game of War Room, and after our first game around I have a combat question that’s really bothering me; we ended up having a big debate about it, somebody PLEASE settle it for me!

    About Air vs. Ground Units:

    Say you have a single German fighter attack a territory with a single British Infantry. Our understanding, is because there is no other aircraft, the battle moves immediately to Surface battle stage. If the German fighter goes into (Vs Ground) stance, it has a value of +3. The infantry has no (Vs Air) value, so its value is 0. Therefore, is the infantry eliminated automatically? So does this mean single fighters can fly around the map and entirely eliminate stacks of 10 infantry that have no air support? Surely that cannot be the case.

    I appreciate any advice! Thanks guys

  • While the Infantry does not get to return fire, the Fighter still has to hit it twice in order to destroy it.

  • @krieghund

    Understood, but in this fighter vs infantry scenario if one side has to roll 3 dice and the opposition has to roll none, it doesn’t really matter if two hits are required because 3 vs 0 is effectively infinite rolls for the fighter? so it is correct infantry units without anti-air or tanks are completely vulnerable to fighters?

  • No. Each battle consists of only one round of combat.

  • @krieghund

    okay thanks, I feel that makes a lot more sense. So the maximum possible combat would be each side throwing 30 dice per stage per side (assuming the force was large enough) = one round of combat

  • On page 16, step c, assign damage:

    Are both stances for a unit type considered as a single row or as two separate rows (e.g.“dice lane” 4 and 5 on the surface battle board)?

    “A damaged Unit must be eliminated before another in the same row can be assigned a hit.”
    In the first case you can only hit one tank at a time while in the latter you could theoretically hit two tanks (with different stances) in parallel.

  • Official Q&A

    @knas Units in different Stances are in different rows.

  • @krieghund

    Thanks! Fast reply as always! :):+1:

  • If you have no remaining land units and only friendly air units that just moved into an embattled territory do your friendly air units need to land elsewhere or can they hold the territory?

  • @stryker7774 From page 19 of the Rulebook:

    A Nation gains control of an Enemy territory if its Alliance is the only force with at least 1 surviving Land Unit. Otherwise, if both sides still have Land Units or neither side has Land Units, control of the territory doesn’t change hands. Air commands by themselves cannot capture or hold a territory.

  • @krieghund
    Can u gain medals from successfully defending a territory or Only from capturing

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