@theveteran I wasn’t sure in the rules if it meant just Asian territories or all of them when it becomes Vichy
Peacetime Troop Movement
Can the British move into French territories while they are both at peace?
Nope, they are considered neutral until at war and therefore cannot enter each other’s territory. Furthermore, Allied units can not move into Soviet territory at any time unless at war with them.
@mrgoatcheese Where does it say that in the rules? I haven’t seen it.
@Broken-Mortar page 20, table 4-3.
It’s funny how such an important rule is in such an odd place. You’d think it would be mentioned in the non-combat chapter but it isn’t :/. There is nothing wrong with stating the same rule in multiple sections. I hope that the creator of the game will be receptive to hot-fixes for V.3.0.