@bastardtanker753 hey. I was just contacted by a group looking for more players. Are you still looking for people to play with? We played last weekend and they’re looking to get together regularly for games. Would you be interested?
Looking for players in the Minneapolis/ twin cities area
Looking for player in Minnesota.
@Duckie you still looking for players in the twin cites area
I would be interested in playing… I live in Woodbury
@vondox I’m an hour east of you in Eau Claire. Haven’t played g36 but proficient at g40. Willing to host or travel. Would love to get a monthly/bi-monthly group going.
@brass-hat The group I play with currently have a lot going on so we don’t always get the chance to play as much as we would like to. We have started playing global 36v3 and I am really excited about the v4 rules that are coming. We also play standard G40 and we play Sireblood’s blood bath rules which is a blast if you like the more standard G40. I guess if you could let me know your email we could get something going.
@vondox My son and I are looking to play, he’s 14 and we live in Blaine. Anyone wants to play, preferably global, let us know.
Good for the two of you!! I have some work & vacation events that are about to kick off here in a few weeks so I am sort of getting ready for that. I have scheduled the weekend of September 24th ( Saturday or that Sunday ) to play the A&A Blood Bath rules. It’s A&A but better. You are welcome to join us that weekend and play if you want.
If that goes well we can schedule a G40 game for October. I have found that G40v3 can take at least 1 weekend for sure perhaps 2. My kids are all out of the house so I can leave the game up.
I am sure both of you will have good fun with Blood Bath…
Tried e-mailing you, were you still planning on playing this weekend?