@Darth-Vahl You absolutely would be welcome, see my DM
Looking for Axis & Allies 1940 players in the Netherlands (City Zwolle)
Hello everybody,
Via this website I am trying to find more Axis & Allies players to join our group.
At Saturday 15 september 2018 we are playing Axis & Allies Global 1940 in the Dutch town of Zwolle.
Me and my friends play once every two months last year,
Most important you have boardgame sportmanship, and like to share the fun of an Axis & Allies game.
During the game we make sure there is food and drinks.Please send me an email or reply to this post and,
I will send you more info about the invitation(s)Kind regards,
The Bismarck
@The-Bismarck hallo, zijn jullie nog steeds op zoek naar spelers? Ik speel al een tiental jaar en ben ook op zoek naar speelgenoten. Ik kom uit regio Antwerpen maar wil me gerust verplaatsen.
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