@djensen I can show you if you like. It wasnt easy, most of it is automated but like 20% is trusting the other players not to cheat or make mistakes. Luckly I have a good group of guys I know in real life and they are all adults. I run it so I do most of the defensive rolls and when its players turns the do all their regular moves.
Looking for revised player
i am looking to play revised online. i am a rookie on the computer i may need some help, but i’ll give you a heck of a battle. how do we roll dice?
i have no idea what java or triplea are? i have the board set up and ready to go, but i’m still a little confused about how to roll dice.
hey shadowhawk i’m ready. i’ll try thr dicey thing or try the honor system, but if we wait for the other guy to roll defense, then the attacker moves non combat it could make for a long game. but i’ll do it or the attacker rolls for both. what is the no tech for a round. does that mean we roll for tech and if we get it we can’t use it until the next round. thats fine with me . i’ve never played for victory cities, but i will. but i want capitols.
i see your point about pulling casuiltes if attacker rolls for both. either way we have to wait for the other guy to roll or pull casuiltes. so i dont care either way. what is dicey how does it work. i could start tonite i’m in detroit so my time right now is 6:15. pick your side
ok shadowhawk thats fine with me. ill be allies, you say post in game section. ok your 8 hrs ahead of me thats fine its 7:15pm on friday night. ill post russia tonite .
hey craig sorry for the delay. i live in detroit my boys play on fri also. i play once a month or so.
i just played fri and went kjf for the first time and lost. oh well. maybe we could hook up some time. -
oh ya i am looking to start an online game of revised. shadowhawk and i had a game going but could not finish. i have time for at least one move per day maybe more.
i’m ready to play online revised right now. i have lots of free time.
hey thats cool i understand online can’t compare to battling with the boys and a couple beers. but i’d like to try a game online. anybody out there? i already had a couple beers.
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