Bear in mind, the land units on the transport only act on their Turn.
Can submarines use a narrow strait if they don’t own it?
Can a submarine pass through a narrow strait if they don’t own it and there are no enemy ships on either side of it? For example, can a Soviet submarine pass through the narrow strait between Denmark and Norway prior to Turn 4 if they are not at war with Germany? What if there are no German ships at all on either side of the straight? Does that matter at all?
My strict reading of the rules leads me to believe that it’s only possible if Germany allows it (which of course they have no incentive to do).
Denmark has a unique rule the controller of Denmark may or may not grant permission to pass.
Any ship may pass through a straight or canal if the owner allows it to neutral nations.
No, subs cannot pass through straits if their side doesn’t own it.
Subs can always pass through Gibraltar
Allied ships can pass through Denmark, if permission granted by axis (which never happens)
Nothing goes through the Turkish straits if Turkey is neutral
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