We played with dice, not low luck.
Global 40/ 101 Tutorial
I’ve made a tutorial series of videos for Global 40. If you’re like me then you learn how to play a game better by having someone show you how to play rather than reading it in a rulebook. The videos are longer than Young Grasshopper’s tutorials on how to play but you don’t have to watch them all at once. It would be better to watch them here and there when you have time. I wanted to do it in a fewer number of videos so a player wouldn’t have to search around too far to find what they are looking for. The series will be very beneficial to newer players but I go into great detail so even experienced players should be able to something out of them. I believe that I covered pretty much everything that’s in the rulebook so really you could just watch them all instead of reading the book. I hope they will be helpful to you.
Politics 101
Everything you need to know about the political situation and National Objectives for all nations as well as Mongolia, Friendly, Unfriendly, and Strict Neutrals.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJuAbwfNVIINaval Warfare 101
All about boats and Oceans. Unit profiles, Convoy Disruptions, Scrambling into sea zones, Amphibious Assaults, Tactics, and how to load your carriers for maximum effect.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHk90JKWvscAerial Warfare 101
Let it rain bombs and bullets. Unit profiles, Strategic and Tactical Bombing Raids, and how to fly a plane while sniffing glue and not spill your drink.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTT0KfOAJ6IGround and Pound 101
Down to the real nitty gritty. Ground Units, capturing territories and capitals, and how to attack the Italians 7 different ways at once.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pnyj–tv_T0Turn Sequence 101
How to put it all together and actually play the game. A J1 attack from start to finish. Victory Conditions and best wishes for a happy summer from GHG.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikrsymrYJFw -
Fantastic work GHG, you have great passion and dedication to helping new conscripts learn the game.
Well done!
Wow thanks! This will be required reading for all of our newbies! Thanks again for the hard work and dedication!
They look quite good!
Officially my first post on the forum! I’ve been playing Axis & Allies for about 10 years, and have followed the forum for several years, but the other day I finally decided to make a profile. I started playing Revised with a few friends, but over the years have accumulated several versions (Spring 1942 2nd Ed, Guadalcanal, Battle of the Bulge, and G40.) I don’t have a lot of experience playing against expert players so in the last year or so I went to Youtube in search of some experts willing to share their knowledge. That’s when I found Young Grasshopper and his boatload of videos. I have found his strategies very helpful. In fact, I am playing an ongoing game of G40 with my brother in law and I used the Spanish Beachhead strategy. We are at about R6 and even if this plan takes a complete dump, it will have still been worth it just to see the look on his face when that entire US assault force landed on Spain.
General HandGrenade, I’ve recently started following your videos on Youtube since I stumbled across them thanks to YG. You have some excellent ideas, and I really find your house rules exciting and very innovating. I am like the many others before me who have played G40 so many times, and have become annoyed by the flaws, so I am always trying to find or create new house rules that improve those flows. GHG and YG both have some awesome ideas!
Thanks to both of you, and the many others on this forum who have helped me become a better player!
Welcome to the forums stormchaser!
Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement. If these videos help anyone even half as much as Grasshopper’s helped me then I will be very pleased. It takes a lot of time and effort to make 7 hours worth of tutorial videos and so your comments are appreciated. -
Thank you stormchaser and welcome to the forums (officially).