Grasshopper's G40 Invitational - Toronto 2017

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    All team records within each division after playing 2 full games as both the Axis and the Allies will be calculated, and those with more wins than loses will go onto the medal round games. In the event of any and all ties, the following tie breaker chart will determine which teams move on and where they position in the medal round. The team with the best record after tie breakers at each medal round table will choose which side they wish to play.

    1st tie breaker: The team with the most Victory Tokens gained.
    2nd tie breaker: The team with the fewest Victory Tokens surrendered.
    3rd tie breaker: The team with the most Time Extension Tokens remaining.
    4th tie breaker: The team with the fewest Game Round Tokens accumulated.
    5th tie breaker: The team that rolls highest using (X2) 6 sided dice.


    Victory Tokens: These are earned within each game according to the victory objectives listed in Young Grasshopper’s House Rule document posted below.
    Time Extension Tokens: These allow a player to extend their base time restriction by 5 min within the game, if unused they give team members extra tickets for the prize table.
    Game Round Tokens: These will be assigned to teams when they have played a full game round during Saturday and Sunday games.

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    All participants on teams that advance to the medal round games will receive a copy of HBG’s WW2 alternate universe strategy game “AMERIKA”. There will also be Gold medals, Silver medals, and Bronze medals handed out within each division. All prizes for medal round finalists, and prizes listed and reserved for the prize table are only for those participating in the tournament.

    There will be an assortment of “stuff” on the prize table from our tournament sponsor Historical Board Gaming, as well as many types of items from members of the Axis & Allies community including IPC chip sets from IWNGU. Items on the prize table will be given away by drawing tickets from a jar, those that have their ticket drawn may approach the table and take which ever item they wish. This process will continue until all items are gone.

    Every participant registered for the tournament will receive one prize ticket to be placed in the prize jar before the tournament begins. Plus, each player will get one prize ticket put in the prize jar for each victory token their team claims during the regular round games. Also, at the end of the regulation round games on Sunday night just before the prize table drawing begins, each player will get one prize ticket put in the prize jar for each time extension token their team saved during regular round games.

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    Victory Objectives & Tokens: New Victory Condition Rule

    Once a victory objective has been achieved, a victory token will be awarded, the side with the most victory tokens at the end of the day wins the game. Victory tokens are awarded immediately upon completion regardless of when, or how the objective was achieved. Victory tokens may never be awarded twice for the same objective, and they may never be taken away once earned. When it comes time to end the day, it doesn’t matter which round the game ends, however, a win or a tie can only be declared at the end of a full game round.


    Here is a list of all victory objectives for each side…

    Axis Powers

    London -The Axis control London
    (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    Moscow -The Axis control Moscow
    (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    -The Axis control Sydney
    (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    -The Axis control Calcutta
    (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    -The Axis control Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria, and Egypt.
    (R&D) *The nation that controls the most
    -The Axis control 7 victory cities on the Europe map
    _(R&D) *The nation that controls the most

    Pacific -The Axis control 6 victory cities on the Pacific map
    (R&D) *The nation that controls the most

    -There are no American Capital ships on the board
    (R&D) *Japan

    -All 3 Axis powers have a combined total of 142 IPCs on the income tracker (NOs not included)
    (R&D) *The nation that is earning the most
    Allied Powers

    -The Allies control Berlin
    (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    -The Allies control Tokyo
    (R&D) *The nation that takes control
    -The Allies control Rome
    (R&D) *The nation that takes control

    -The Allies have liberated Paris
    (R&D) *The nation that liberates it
    Africa -The Allied powers control all non-neutral territories on the continent of Africa
    (R&D) *The nation that controls the most
    -The Allies have liberated the Philippines
    (R&D) *The United States

    -The Allies control the Burma road as well as Hong Kong and Shanghai
    (R&D) *The United Kingdom

    -The Allies have liberated London and/or Sydney
    (R&D) *The United States
    -There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
    (R&D) *The United States

    Fortunes of War: New Research & Development Rule

    Research rolls are no longer used to develop breakthroughs, instead, a system called “Fortunes of War” will be used where nations get free development rolls when victory objectives have been achieved. Once a victory token is gained, the nation with the corresponding (*) instructions listed with each objective will choose a breakthrough chart, and make a free “Fortunes of War” roll with the resulting breakthrough taking effect immediately after their turn has ended. Any breakthroughs gained by the UK regardless of which side of the map a token was achieved will effect all UK purchases and all UK units on the board.

    Modifications to oob breakthroughs are in red italics, Paratroopers have been replaced with Super Carrier Decks, and breakthroughs among the 2 charts have been re-positioned for balance.


    Breakthrough Chart #1

    Heavy Artillery
    All artillery now support up to 2 attacking infantry and/or mech infantry each

    Each operational airbase may launch a rocket at an enemy facility up to 4 spaces away, roll 2 dice per rocket and apply the highest result for damage.

    Jet Fighters
    All fighters now attack at 4 or less, and defend at 2 or less when escorting or intercepting.

    Long-Range Aircraft
    Maximum movement range for all air units is now increased by 1.

    War Bonds
    During the collect income phase, roll 2 dice and collect IPCs in the amount shown on the highest roll. (For UK war bonds, Calcutta will gain IPCs from the lowest roll, London will gain IPCs from the highest roll).

    Blitz Tactics
    Mech infantry now attack at 2 or less if paired with a tank as well as artillery, they may blitz without tanks, and they may tow 1 artillery unit each during the non-combat movement phase.
    Breakthrough Chart #2

    Super Submarines
    All submarines now attack at 3 or less.

    Anti-Aircraft Radar
    All ainti-aircraft fire from AA artillery, or AA guns built into facilities now defend at 2 or less.

    Improved Shipyards
    Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, and Cruisers are now 3 IPCs cheaper, and Destroyers, Submarines, and transports are now 1 IPC cheaper.

    Mass Production
    The mobilization capacity of all production facilities has been increased by 2. Also, you may remove 2 damage markers for the price of 1.

    Super Carrier Decks
    All aircraft carriers may now carry up to 3 fighters and/or tactical bombers each.

    Heavy Bombers
    When attacking during a battle or a SBR, roll 2 dice for each strategic bomber and select the best result.


    Bonus Income: New & Modified National Objectives

    Germany (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if an Axis power controls London

    Soviet Union (2 NOs which will replace the original National Prestige NO)
    -5 IPCs if there are no Axis warships in sea zone #125, and the Allies control Archangel as well as London
    -5 IPCs if there are no Allied units on any original Russian territories

    Japan (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if Japan controls all original Chinese territories

    United States (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if the United States are at war with the Axis powers

    UK Europe (in addition to all original NOs)

    • 5 IPCs if there are no German submarines in any convoy zones on the Europe map

    ANZAC (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if the Allies control Cairo (when at war with Germany and Italy)



    Payload & Navigation Modifiers

    The +2 damage bonus for each strategic bomber during strategic bombing raids is now distributed like such…

    +1 Damage - if the strategic bombers rolling for damage have departed from an operational airbase.
    +1 Damage - if the strategic bombers rolling for damage did not encounter an enemy interceptor.

    Spoils of War Restrictions

    When a capital is captured for the first time, all cash on hand will go to the nation which now controls it, however, each time the same capital is captured after the first, all cash on hand will then go to the bank.

    Civilian Recruitment Bonuses

    When a capital is captured for the first time, the nation that now controls it will immediately place 4 free infantry units on the capital city that they just captured. Also, when a capital is liberated for the first time, the nation that originally controlled it will immediately place 4 free infantry units on the capital city that was just liberated.

    These free units may not move in the non-combat movement phase within the same turn in which the capture or liberation took place. Eligible capitals cities include: Washington, London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, Moscow, Calcutta, Tokyo, and Sydney.

    *Contrary to what the video explanation said, the French 12 IPCs worth of units for liberating Paris is still in the game which will not replace but compliment the Civilian Recruitment Bonus for liberating a capital._

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    YouTube video explaining strategies for using Grasshopper’s House Rules:

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  • Is this already full?

  • Sponsor

    Yes, but I may need to create a waiting list in case of dropouts, I can put you first on that list if you like.

  • I will let you know. I just won two free airline tickets from Alaska airlines for domestic flights. But the closest that could get me is Detroit. Also I gotta wait and see what the details are with that like black out dates and what not

  • Sponsor


    I will let you know. I just won two free airline tickets from Alaska airlines for domestic flights. But the closest that could get me is Detroit. Also I gotta wait and see what the details are with that like black out dates and what not

    There maybe a spot that just opened… would need to know if you can commit now, or if you wish to stay on the waiting list.

  • Sponsor


    Larry Harris and Thomas Gale will be at Young Grasshopper’s G40 Axis & Allies tournament in Oshawa Ontario Canada September 23, 24th… they will host a demonstration of their new game “The WAR ROOM” which will be streamed live on my YouTube channel.

  • Does that mean I’ll be “live” on your you tube. . . rating are going to go thru the roof
    Maybe we can get Larry & Thomas on the open table when their not showing us their new “WAR ROOM” game.
    I’m excited
    I am willing to help set up Sat. morn and Sund. morn, I have the boards memorized for the G40 2nd edition
    It wont be long now

  • Sponsor

    Hello everyone,

    I want to let you know that there will be an announcement soon on my YouTube Channel, and to the Axis & Allies community that the venue for Grasshopper’s G40 Invitational, as well as the WAR ROOM demo game hosted by Larry Harris, has moved from the FMGCON in Oshawa to the T6GCON in Toronto (the Toronto 6ix Sided Gaming Convention). This happened because of the limited space provided to us by the convention in Oshawa, and the fact that we couldn’t accommodate the many people asking to join our tournament. Therefore, due to the overwhelming demand, and the impossibility to expand, we ultimately decided to rent our own venue and form our own convention.

    This is great news for our team and for everything we’ve been wanting to provide the Axis & Allies community, as we now have a Legion hall that is spacious enough to accommodate all those hoping to attend. This new venue is called the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 13 located in the Beaches area of Scarborough which is much closer to Pearson International airport. It has more than enough space to allow us to reopen registration for the tournament, and for other Axis & Allies related events we are currently working on. There are just too many positives about this transition to list right now, but I assure you… our team is organizing and preparing a world class event featuring the past and present game designs of Larry Harris Jr.

    As for the G40 tournament, we are completely starting over in regards to all previous team rosters, simply because of the tournament format that will now become 2 on 2 thanks to the available space at the new convention hall. We will now run 2 separate tiers for experience level called the Hobbyist tier, and the Enthusiasts tier with separate Gold, Silver, and Bronze medal championship games for both. I understand that this is mind blowing considering all the planning and preparation you guys have had with each other, but this is what most participants asked for right from the beginning, and we are glad to make the changes. Therefore, all team rosters are now void, and I am now accepting submission requests for new team rosters with no more, and no less than 2 players per team. However, I will of course help find teammates for all those flying solo.

    The dates of this event remain September 23rd, 24th, and 25th with all 3 days running from 9AM-11PM, and with all 3 days at the same venue of course. It is with sincere regret that we must hold T6GCON on the same weekend as FMGCON due to so many international travellers with prepaid flights already booked. It is absolutely not our intention to hold our future events on the same weekend as FMGCON or any other Toronto area gaming convention for that matter.

    If you have preregistered on the FMGCON website in order to attend Grasshopper’s G40 Invitational, or the Larry Harris WAR ROOM demo game… than you will receive an email from us soon requesting your instructions on what to do with your paid preregistration fee. It will be our top priority as an event team to make that transition for you as effortless as possible. Remember, this only effects those that prepaid for entry into the Axis & Allies tournament at FMGCON, and the Larry Harris WAR ROOM demo game.

    As for those that now wish to join Grasshopper’s G40 Invitational with your own 2 player team, spots are now available for you to do so. If you have contacted us in the past but were turned away due to limited space, than please reconsider attending. Preregistration will be available on the Cliffside Bunker website very soon, but for now… just send me an email at (cliffside bunker @ outlook. com) explaining your intentions to attend. Also, we are currently looking at the possibility of organizing an Axis & Allies WAR at SEA miniatures tournament, as well as an Axis & Allies 1914 WW1 tournament (both of which are not yet confirmed).

    I would also like to announce 401 Games as our new official 2017 sponsor for the Cliffside Bunker, and the “Toronto 6ix Sided Gaming Convention”… A big shout out to the staff at 401 Games in Toronto, Canada.

    Please let me know if you have any questions, or if you need any additional assistance.

    Young Grasshopper & the Cliffside Crew

  • Sponsor


    Does that mean I’ll be “live” on your you tube. . . rating are going to go thru the roof
    Maybe we can get Larry & Thomas on the open table when their not showing us their new “WAR ROOM” game.
    I’m excited
    I am willing to help set up Sat. morn and Sund. morn, I have the boards memorized for the G40 2nd edition
    It wont be long now

    Thanks Surprise Attack, that would be a tremendous help.

  • I read about a 1914 tournament…

    That sounds like fun, if/when you confirm it, sign me up for it.

    I can bring a copy of 1914 to help supplement and 2 Extra Boards. I could also split my pieces and have 2 Copies. I would also like to help setup on Saturday and Sunday Morning, as I have memorized the G40 setup as well.

    • HJ
  • Sponsor


    I read about a 1914 tournament…

    That sounds like fun, if/when you confirm it, sign me up for it.

    I can bring a copy of 1914 to help supplement and 2 Extra Boards. I could also split my pieces and have 2 Copies. I would also like to help setup on Saturday and Sunday Morning, as I have memorized the G40 setup as well.

    • HJ

    Hey Buddy, so glad to hear that you’re coming in for this… it’s definitely better than the humiliation that will be forcibly put on you during freshman week (good choice brother). It looks like the 1914 tournament is a no go, not enough interest at this point in time and too close to the event date to organize. The G40 tournament will be our focus, are you in for that?

  • Aww…. but yes im ok with G40.

  • Dude son and I want to play in the lower division we will be driving in from Cleveland Ohio, Name Jim (dad) & Ted (son) Davis.  What is the entry fee and we will setup Hotel and be there on Sat AM.  What time do you start, what do we need to bring.  When does tournament start ie time Sat…  I see 9am to 11pm we are in  if you have a spot.  My email

  • Sponsor


    Dude son and I want to play in the lower division we will be driving in from Cleveland Ohio, Name Jim (dad) & Ted (son) Davis.  What is the entry fee and we will setup Hotel and be there on Sat AM.  What time do you start, what do we need to bring.  When does tournament start ie time Sat…  I see 9am to 11pm we are in  if you have a spot.  My email

    Hey Jim, thanks for Joining, see the roster list in this thread and note that your team has been entered… all that other stuff I will address to you by email today.



  • Sponsor


    Aww…. but yes im ok with G40.

    Had to put you in the Hobbyist field with Teflon… don’t worry, there will be more than enough competition for you guys there. and all remaining teams to enter experienced or not will go there, so it will still be a challenge for you guys to move on to the Monday games.

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