• What happens if Russia Revolution is declared and Finland is occupied by brithis units and rusian units? Can germany attack Finlad to take over Finland eventhoug is occupied with rusian troops? Can british troops attack livonia which is occupied by germans?
    Any help is welcome on this subject

  • Official Q&A


    What happens if Russia Revolution is declared and Finland is occupied by brithis units and rusian units?

    The British units have one turn to get out of Finland.  If they don’t, they are removed from the board.


    Can germany attack Finlad to take over Finland eventhoug is occupied with rusian troops?

    No.  Neither side may move units into Russian-controlled territories.


    Can british troops attack livonia which is occupied by germans?

    That depends on what you mean by “occupied”.

    If Germany controls Livonia, then yes.  The territory is considered to have no original controller for the rest of the game and is therefore up for grabs.

    If Livonia is contested, then no.  Allied powers may no longer move units into territories shared between Russia and the Central Powers.

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