James has already stated that he has nothing to do with product development or even sales for that matter… he only receives sales orders and ships them to customers. Any questions about product development or what products will be made available to customers in the future should still go through FMG.
In other words, ask the ever-so-chatty and customer-friendly service support over at FMG for your answer…
I didn’t consider that, but it does speak to my point. I don’t think we would get answers from FMG directly.
However, it seems like James does have a lot to do with sales… since he is in fact selling FMG products on his website. The original post stated that Jeremy is focusing only on design and development… not sales.
Shame on me for not going to IWNGU in the first place, because I answered my own question. They are selling FMG Italy sets.
But my other questions still stand, if they can be answered. Maybe not by James directly, but I would think he has at least a bit more of an inclination of what Jeremy’s intentions are than we do.
Will the Italy combat pieces continue to be produced or are they out of print and what’s left is all we are going to see?