I’m looking to get a game in to warm up for the Gen Con tournament. My Dads 75th bday is also coming up and he, my brother and I have been playing A&A for 20 years.
We typically play 1942 version but have other versions.
Anyone in the Washington DC area (including MD or VA suburbs)?
I have a 1942 second edition board and also have experience playing 1914. I have a regular group that I play with, but would like to branch out with some new people.
PM me if interested
Jack, I’m interested. I live in Stafford County (VA), near Quantico. Jonathan Rost / jonkrost@comcast.net
Hi, I’m in Sykesville and play
E40, P40, G40, 1914, DDay, Bulge, minis, minis War at Sea, minis Angels 20