What is my friend going to do…

  • Best to shorten it to “The A4M”, then. Alright.

    Could we please have a moderator lock this thread? Preferably delete it?

  • @teslas:

    Best to shorten it to “The A4M”, then. Alright.

    Could we please have a moderator lock this thread? Preferably delete it?

    Why should it be locked or deleted tesla?
    Even though the initial poster may not come back,
    it still could be used as a platform.
    Good and nice posts were made.

    It is interesting to know that a few people belief that after Turn 4, the possibility is gone to make any kind of suprise attack.
    I think there is still room to discuss this.

    Any up?

  • @aequitas:

    Why should it be locked or deleted tesla?

    For fear it might be used for nefarious or evil purposes, you madman. Some information is best left unknown, The A4M included.

    You tinker with your own fate, sir, and the fates of the innocents whose lives you might destroy, and I shall have none of it!

  • I’m only commenting in this thread because some men want to watch the world burn.

  • Sorry its taken me so long to respond. Lol. He did end up beating me although now that ive read the rules and blog closer im almost certain that he should not have been able to build a major in Kiangsu, so his play doesn’t really work. Basically his strategy was to keep the us out of the war as long as possible. With Germany did the usual opening and then pushed into Russia looking to hit Moscow turn 7. With Italy he also coordinated to hit Cairo on turn 7. With Japan he built a minor then a major in  Kiangsu then pushed as many tanks mechs and planes as he could through up to Moscow which he would also hit turn 7. On J1 he built a carrier, and then for the next few turns his starting naval units seemed to be moving towards India. To me it had seemed like his Japan was doing better than his Europe so as America I devoted most of my resources to the Pacific spending 17 IPCs more than him on the pacific board until turn four. When his huge Japanese fleet sailed right past India and hit Cairo on turn 7.

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