This is what we have in game now.
Bombers C10
H Bombers C12
Bomber D6 1-6 3.5 ave 6 max dam 1 lowest dam
H Bomber D6+2 1-8 4.5 ave 8 max dam 3 lowest dam
This is the change I’m putting in next game.
Bomber D8 1-8 4.5 ave 8 max dam 1 lowest dam
H Bomber D10 1-10 5.5 ave 10 max dam 1 lowest dam
Nice +1 dmg increase.
To your game, it fit perfectly well with no bonus, only 1 dice to roll.
I like the fact that heavy bomber get a wider range from 1 to 10.
I don’t think heavy (high altitude bomber) were more accurate than bomber.
Probably due to the high altitude of bombing.