@RisingSun I had similar experience, I was big into the naval miniatures but couldn’t afford both. I bought a lot on ebay a year or so ago and have played a few games. It is not difficult to learn especially if you are familiar with the navy side, it’s pretty similar but includes facing. I think it’s a great game and wish I had collected it some when it was active.
So, POINTMAN, have you heard any news about Set 3? Or were you just referencing Set 3 air units to pose an “IF”? I’m only asking because, well, I just can’t help but blow my money away on little plastic army figures, and what better thing for an addict like me than a new set!? :-P
the second set just came out, you need to buy new ones already……yeah i guess your right, so do i.
and DJ i was just trying to make a point, all countries invloved in WWII did some bad things, its war sh*t happens. but to say that the swastaka is an evil thing then you could say the sme thing about the american flag, they were both symboles of a group of people that were involved in the war. before someone goes nuts, i am not saying that the american flag is evil, to me it is one of the most beautiful and amazing things.ps im kind of drunk right now, ill check this post tomarrow and if i said something way out of line i will change it.
Evil or not, the Swastika, just like the American flag, is a thing you can learn from. Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Isn’t that how the saying goes?
Well I’m sure that I’ll end up accumulating such a massive amount of these guys that I won’t mind dabbling a little paint on a few of them. I’ll be sure to keep some of them how they looked out of the box.
Anyway, does anybody know where we can get decals for such small pieces? I’ve been looking around the net, but I haven’t seen a thing. :?
As far as the whole swastika thing goes, I don’t think ANY of the units look right without their proper markings on them (even if that means the swastika).
Oh, and I’m really looking forward to seeing people’s modded units! :)
AgentOrange…the idea of named planes is just wishful thinking. I have a friend who’s Grandfather flew in a B25 called “the Strawberry Bitch”…I think that it would be cool to put the right markings and name on it…better than having a generic B25.
It is true that all countries have done their share of dirty deeds…let’s not forget the internment camps of WW2 and the Communist hunts in the 50’s…also slavery, and segregation; they arent death camps, but there not shining moments in US history…
Right now, there are alot of people that believe that we are and evil empire, occupying the soverign nation of Iraq…we are kinda the galactic empire (which was moddled after the Nazi party) and some view the Iraqi fedayeen as the Rebellion…(sorry for the starwars reffernce :-P )
Think about all the people we have imprisoned in Guantanamo…I have on good authority that there are ALOT of captives that were imprisoned on suspicion, rather than evidence.
Ok…let me get to the mini issue again…I plan on picking up a few more minis soon and I’ll paint some…I would image that you should be able to find decals from the manufacturers of Flames of War…right?
Ok…let me get to the mini issue again…I plan on picking up a few more minis soon and I’ll paint some…I would image that you should be able to find decals from the manufacturers of Flames of War…right?
Is FOW 1/20 scale like A&A?
And if so, would the decals adhere to plastic like they do with metal or lead or whatever the FOW guys are made of?
From my understanding, FOW minis are 1/120 scale…they should work.
My problem is that FOW is basicly WH40K in 15mm scale…same crappy rules.
No swastika decals in the German FOW decal sets. I guess they’re afraid that people will be offended too. :roll: (Actually though, on the hoods of two of the trucks in the Panzergrenadierkompanie [Afrika Korps] there are two swastikas [on the cover of the box]) :?
It’s not like I’m going to put these decals on my car and drive around with them. I just want my units to look as accurate as possible, even if that means adding a swastika on the proper units.
Man…I was going to bling out my Ipod with them…then give it to my wife (who is jewish) :wink:
There has to be someone out there…if I can find decals for Battletech, there has to be some for WW2…even if in a larger scale.
Sorry for getting this thread so off topic. Let’s get back on the subject of Modifications.
Does anybody know of a good site that has alternate paint schemes for tanks?