I must differ with you on the matter of the Te-Ke. Yes, it is a bad unit, but a very cheap one. They’re great for harassing, moving around quickly, and in general making a nuisance of its self. On all other points though I applaud you, superb tactics. If you have any other japanese tactics or ideas feel free to PM me. By the way, I’m curious if you know the actual stats of the Chi-Ro and Armored Car, or if your speculating. If so, do tell.
I’m afraid I disagree on the effectiveness on the Te-Ke. For a mere two points more the Ha-Go is far more effective at harrasing the enemy.
Chi-Ro (1939, Rare)
Vehicle - tank
Cost 7
Speed 3
Defence 2/2
vs INF 7/7/6
vs Veh 5/4/3
Trench Crossing
Weak Suspension
Type-87 Armoured Car (1939, Uncommon)
Vehicle - Armoured Car
Cost 8
Speed 3
Defence 2/2
vs Inf 7/6/6
vs Veh 2/-/-
High Gear 3
Thin Wheels
Strike & Fade 1
I don’t think either is particularily great, but as I said they do at least give you some options. Wouldn’t use either in a tournement army. However the Zero I could see using 2-3 of.