• '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Thanks again for all the kind comments.Â

    I wish I had new pieces to paint but HBG isn’t shipping Amerika or the US expansion sets for another 4-6 weeks.

    Our planned annual gaming session is April 2 - 4 so it looks like I will not be able to get them all painted in time.  Its been almost a year since I pre-ordered Amerika set but I really do love HBG’s quality. I just wish they were quicker at distributing them.Â

    My planned pieces to paint are the following


    • Project Z plane (six engines Heavy Bomber)

    • Ha To (Self Propelled Artillery)

    • O-I (Heavy Tanks)

    • Banzai infantry (Elite Infantry with machine guns)


    • Gotha (Heavy Bombers)

    • Panther II (Tanks)

    • Maus (Heavy Tanks)

    • SS infantry (Elite Infantry with machine guns)


    • Gloster Meteor (Jets)

    • Centurion (Heavy Tanks)


    • P80 Shooting Star (Jets)

    • M43 (Self Propelled Artillery)

    • T28 (Heavy Tanks)

    • Marine infantry (Elite Infantry with machine guns)

    • 155mm M1A1 “Long Tom” (Artillery)

    • Greyhound Armored (Advanced Mech)

    • M4A3 Sherman (Tanks)

    • Pershing (Tanks)

    • South Dakota Class Battleship (Capital Battleship)

    • P-47 Thunderbolt (Fighter)

    I can’t wait too see these pieces painted, but you deserve a break. You have painted a bunch pieces, LOL. :-D

  • '14 Customizer

    Thank you very much John but it will be a huge challenge to produce these pieces.  They should arrive 1 week before our annual gaming session which means I have 1 week to paint them all, lol.

    The Gotha will be last on the list since I already have metal versions of them already painted.  Also the Heavy tanks may also be visited later since they are to be used only if we play with the optional rule of allowing Heavy Tanks as a tech development.

    But no matter what I will eventually paint them all :)

  • '14 Customizer

    Well despite HBG not releasing Amerika I decided to paint some other pieces to use instead at our upcoming annual gaming event.

    USA Hellcat Tanks (instead of the Pershing Tanks)

    USA Greyhound Scout cars (Used for Adv. Mech, metal miniatures from GHQ)

    Japanese SP Artillery (Used as Adv Artillery instead of the Ha To from Amerika set)

    French Biplanes

    More to come in the next 2 weeks before our gaming event.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Very cool, Cyanight! Where did you get the French Bi-planes or are those from the British set?

    These are all, well done. :-D

  • '14 Customizer

    Yep, John. They are from the UK set.  :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Yep, John. They are from the UK set.  :)

    That is cool! :-D

  • '16 Customizer

    Great pieces Cyanight! My personal favorites are the Hellcats - behind the M10 Wolverine, they’re my favorite tank (destroyer really) of the Americans.

  • Customizer

    Cyanight & Others,

    ––Nice looking units!
    ––Although I’m certain that most everyone knows,…I thought it needed to be pointed out that the delay isn’t HBG’s fault,…but more than likely due to the longshoreman’s strike on the west coast ports that are delaying our entire economy at the moment. I’m sure Doug at HBG would like nothing more than to sell these games to us all.

    Again, Nice Work!
    Tall Paul

  • '14 Customizer


    Cyanight & Others,

    ––Nice looking units!
    ––Although I’m certain that most everyone knows,…I thought it needed to be pointed out that the delay isn’t HBG’s fault,…but more than likely due to the longshoreman’s strike on the west coast ports that are delaying our entire economy at the moment. I’m sure Doug at HBG would like nothing more than to sell these games to us all.

    Again, Nice Work!
    Tall Paul

    I kinda figured that was part of the problem.

  • '14 Customizer

    Rita Japanese Bombers (used in place of the Project-Z Bombers from the Amerika set for Heavy Bombers)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Those are very nice! If the allies can’t see them coming, then their in big trouble, LOL. :-D

  • '14 Customizer

    P51 Mustangs

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    I have to say these are impressive. Awesome job on the mustangs! :-D

  • '14 Customizer

    Thank you sir :)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    There so shiny and metallic. I love the look of the silver. They look so real. :-)

  • '14 Customizer

    I used alcohol based silver paint. The water color silver tends to clump up.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I used alcohol based silver paint. The water color silver tends to clump up.

    I see. Man, LOL, I didn’t know their was an alcohol based paint. Good to know. :-)

  • '14 Customizer

    Vallejo Model Color Metallic (Alcohol-Based). They make Silver, Gold, Old Gold, Rich Gold, Red Gold, Green Gold, White Gold and Copper.  The paint is very runny but when it dries its very smooth and shiny.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Vallejo Model Color Metallic (Alcohol-Based). They make Silver, Gold, Old Gold, Rich Gold, Red Gold, Green Gold, White Gold and Copper.  The paint is very runny but when it dries its very smooth and shiny.

    Cool, I was wondering what it was on their website. I just got my first shipment in from Warpainter. I got everything I asked for, except they sent me two paints that were wrong, but I can still use them, I told them. :-)

  • '14 Customizer

    Updated Chinese Infantry

    French Char 2C Tank

    SS Infantry

    Panzerfaust Infantry

    US Marines, Flame Thrower

    Japan Oscar Fighters

    Flying Tigers

    F4 Corsair

    P80 Shooting Star Jets

    UK Meteor Jets

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







