Thanks for the kind words Clerc, here and in the other thread. :-D
And concerning the factories, I did say that there are too many variables how have a hard set formula for victory. :wink:
My fault for lumping the Pacific ones in the same vein as the Scandinavian ones. While factories in Korea and/or FIC have worked well for me in the past. It’s definitely a lot more rare for me to lay one down in either spot vs say Norway. The situation has to be right and generally speaking it’s not as big of a game changer as the Norway minor can be. If the US is strong enough to take either terr and then hold it vs a Japanese counter, than Japan’s usually going down anyway.
As far as the Norway one goes, that’s usually one of my early priorities in the Euro theater with the US. I have no problems switching gears if something else opens up. But that IPC swing is one of the larger ones in the game for a single terr. Plus it’s easy to grab and hold early, even without a large US commitment in the Atlantic. I’ll usually lay down an AB and NB on Norway as well. But like you pointed out, that’s always contingent on how the Pacific theater’s looking.
In my play group, people know I like to hit the Norwegian beaches early if possible and they’ll sometimes take steps to stop that. One guy went so far as to stick a minor in Finland because my other MO is large fleets of US air to rain death and destruction on any Axis ships that I can sink. He figured a minor had a lower tendency to sink and it was cheaper to build than a small fleet in the Baltic. He just kept churning dudes out there until he had a pretty decent stack to counter any more there. Which made him weaker elsewhere and ended up costing him about as much money as if he’d just straight up lost that peninsula.
I’m not married to any one strat or idea. I have no qualms switching things up if it doesn’t look like a strat will work out. 8-)