This can also be useful if you use a light force to clear a territory, then you can send tanks through to a friendly territory on the other side.
For example, say japan has a big stack of armor and a couple infs in india and a lot of infs in sinkiang. Let’s also assume the allies have picket defense in kaz and persia. Either stack would get smacked on it’s own, but together they should hold a territory. Use a few infs from sinkiang to capture Kaz, and a light force to take persia, then, once you know both battles were victorious, you can shoot the armor stack from india up to Kaz with the inf stack from sinkiang for a formidable hold on the territory. (I’ve used this to swing US tanks from TRJ through Persia to Caucasus, or to get UK armor from Norway through Karelia to Arc or WRu to help defend russia as well)
yes that is a smart move.