Let me know how it goes (I never tried this before, I’ve been a bit busy)!
1914 house rules, including Rail-roads, convoys, and colonial mobilization.
Recently i have re-created the A&& 1914 rulebook to include a bunch of house-rules me and my play group plan to use.
BUT, i wanted to run them through you lot first. I need feedback on balance/wording etc.
National Rail-road capacity:
Britain: 4, Germany 4, Austria-Hungary 2, Russia, 2, France 2, Italy 1, U.S.A 1, others @ 0Add 1 German artillery to German East Africa
Remove 1 British artillery from union of South Africa
Remove 4 French Infantry, 2 from Picardy and Burgundy
Remove 3 Italian Infantry from Rome
Remove 3 Infantry from Berlin
Remove 1 artillery from Kiel
America only starts with 3 Infantry
Remove all ‘transports’ from the game boardSPACES ON THE GAMEBOARD:
Every nation has 2 types of territories, national/regional and colonial. National/regional territories are all territories that you can trace a line from your capital to at the start of the game. Colonial territories are all the territories that are not connected.The Danish straits, and the Kiel Canal:
Movement from SZ 10 to 11 is restricted unless Kiel is friendly OR Denmark AND Sweden are friendlyPorts:
Ships you control may move into land territories if the land territory leading into the SZ has a naval base you own. Ships on land may participate in land combat as if they were normal land units.THE POLITICAL SITUATION:
Mobilising a minor power:A minor power will only ever mobilise during a certain time. If at any other time it is attacked (from colonies or capital) then it will mobilise against that power, no matter what their original relationship was. When a minor mobilises, the controller of the minor power (and its troops) is the power that has a small national emblem next to the neutrals symbol. If no symbol is present, then the minor powers territory and troops will be controlled by a nation on the opposite alliance. (Opposing alliances decision). Some minor powers will also mobilise on their own after certain requirements are met. The troops that mobilise there are by following:
Belgium: Mobilises on its own, under Frances control during Frances 2nd Movement phase, Mobilises 3 Infantry on Belgium + 1 Infantry in Belgium Congo
Spain: Mobilises 6 Infantry, 2 Artillery and 1 Fighter in Spain + 2 Infantry in Spanish Morocco
Portugal: Mobilises as a British territory during Britain 3rd movement phase IF allies control Lorraine. 1 Infantry, 1
Cruiser in SZ 14 + 1 Infantry in Angola + 1 Artillery in Portuguese East AfricaSwitzerland: 3 Infantry who defend @ 4 with 2 hit points
Serbia: 5 Infantry
Greece: Mobilises as a British territory if Bulgaria, Serbia, and Albania are allied controlled. Mobilises 5 Infantry, 3 artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Naval base into SZ 20, 1 Cruiser into SZ 17.
HOWEVER, if Lorraine is under allied control, at any point, after Britain’s 2nd movement phase. Then Greece gains a naval base leading into SZ 20 that can only be accessed by the allies. This naval port does not lay mines, ever.
Albania: 2 Infantry
Bulgaria: Mobilises as Germany during their 4th movement phase OR when Serbia becomes CP controlled. 7 Infantry, 3 artillery
Romania: Mobilises for Russia if 4 of the 6 adjacent territories are allied controlled AND there is a total of 20IPCS worth of allied units MORE than adjacent CP units. Mobilises 8 Infantry.
Arabia: Mobilises 3 Infantry, and during Britains 4th movement phase. HOWEVER, Arabia can be partially mobilised by controlling Trans-jordan. Add 1 allied Infantry to trans-jordan upon the first time the allies control it
Ethiopia: 3 Infantry, 1 artillery
Sweden: 4 Infantry, 2 artillery, 2 cruisers in SZ 12
Norway: 4 Infantry, 1 artillery, 1 battleship in SZ 5
Canada: Becomes British controlled during their 1st movement phase. 4 Infantry, 1 cruiser and 2 convoys in SZ 2
India: Becomes British dominion controlled during their 2nd movement phase. 4 Infantry
Japan/Australia: They activate on British dominions 2nd movement phase. 6 Infantry in Japan/Australia + 2 cruisers in SZ 33
Italy is considered a neutral power until it joins either the Allies or the Central powers.
While Italy is neutral, place 1 Infantry in Rome during Italy’s ‘turn’. While Italy is neutral, they do not collect income, or mobilise normally.Italy’s Sea units are considered friendly to all powers, and therefore do not participate in any combat of any kind, while
neutral.SZ 17 is now halved. This new sea zone is considered ‘sea zone 17.3 while the other is sea zone 17.6.
Sea zone 17.3 is connected to Piedmont, Tuscany, Sardinia, Sicily, Naples, Rome (and the naval base there), sea zone
17.6 and sea zone 16.Sea zone 17.6 is connected to Sicily, Naples, Albania, Greece, Egypt, Libya, Sea zone 17.3, sea zone 16, sea zone 19, and sea zone 20.
For reference sake, draw a line between the very edges of Naples closest to Sicily, and draw a line from Sicily onto the edge of the nearby line of sea zone 16.
Get a piece of paper, write ‘ITALIAN ALLINING’ and:
Allies: -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Central powers: -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Get two Italian roundels and place 1 on ‘Allies -2’ and ‘Central powers +2’ at the start of the game.
The Italians will join whichever side has +12 relationship over the other side
Italy’s entrance into the war is/can be influenced by:
During a nations turn, it may choose to ‘influence’ Italy, thus, that nation can choose to either make Italy get a -1 on the enemy powers chart, or +1 to your own… Russia may not modify if they have surrendered (or gone into revolution). And U.S.A may not modify unless in the war.+1 towards the side for every 30IPCs worth of units on their borders MORE than the other side.
Giving Italy 6 IPCs, players may choose to create an Italian convoy at their docks. These convoys are to be controlled by the creator, instead of Italy (use a roundel to represent ownership). These convoys are immediately absorbed by Italy during the Italian collect income phase, every time Italy takes a 6 IPC convoy, +3 to those sides Italian roundel.
Every turn, as long as Austria-Hungary controls Tyrolia AND Trieste, -1 to Central powers Italian roundel.
+2 every turn to the allied Italian roundel if the allies control Tyrolia AND Trieste.
-3 to the side who attacks Albania.
-2 every turn towards the power that controls Switzerland.
+3 towards the central powers for every allied nation that has surrendered/had its capital capturedDuring Italy’s turn, it will move units if:
There is a difference of +8 as the Central powers compared to the Allies, doing this means all Italian units on Venice move to PiedmontThere is a difference of +6 as the Allies compared to the Central powers, doing this means all Italian units on Piedmont move to Venice
U.S.A works in a similar fashion to Italy, but instead of working out which sides it’s on; U.S.A works out when it will join the Allies.
Get a piece of paper and write:
U.S.A entrance chart:
–8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Place a U.S.A roundel on 0
U.S units cannot move.
U.S.A can build convoy’s ship belonging to Britain ONLY. Use a U.S.A roundel below to indicate American convoys.U.S.A will enter the war when:
Mexico attacks U.S.A via the Zimmerman telegram
When U.S.A reaches 10 on the U.S.A entrance chartU.S.A gains IPCs based on the amount under the U.S.A roundel X2 (except when it’s in the negatives).
This limit is removed and U.S.A gains its 20 IPCs when it enters the warThings that influence U.S entry:
Every turn, move the roundel 1 space up if the roundel is in the negativesEvery turn that Germany does unrestricted submarine warfare, move the roundel up 2
Whenever an ally influences Italy, move the U.S.A roundel down by 1. Move it up by 1 whenever its influenced by a CP.
Every time a neutrals power is violated, +4 if central power, -4 if allied
+2 whenever a nation joins the central powers by themselves
+20 if attacked by a Central power
+12 if the Zimmerman telegram is intercepted
-20 if attacked by an allied power
+20 if London is captured
+10 if Paris is captured
+4 if Russia revos or Moscow is capturedSending the Zimmerman telegram:
If the US is not at war, then Germany may send the Kruger telegram at any point during their turn.
Now roll three dice and add their scores together and use the chart below to see what happens:
3-5: Mexico agrees, U.S.A does not intercept, place 3 German Infantry and 1 Artillery in U.S.A.
6-8: Mexico agrees, U.S.A intercepts, place 3 German Infantry and 1 Artillery on U.S.A, place 6 US Infantry and 2 US artillery in U.S.A.
9-10: Mexico denies, U.S.A does not intercept.
11-18: Mexico denies, U.S.A intercepts, place 6 US Infantry and 2 US artillery in U.S.A.Mexican units (represented as German units) are unable to take or contest U.S.A unless additional Central power units arrive. This prevents the awkward situation where Mexico is able to beat the US.
Russian Empire
Ottoman Empire
British dominion
United States of AmericaBritish dominion:
India and Japan/Australia are controlled by British dominion. To represent Japan/Australia, get a piece of paper, divide it into 4 spaces. Write SZ 31-33 on the left three and Japan/Australia on the other. Japan/Australia is the capital @ 6 IPCs and has a naval base going in SZ 33.
Britain does not start with any units in India, or SZ 29Turn Sequence:
Purchase units, repair units and purchase rail-road capacity
Rail-road movement
Conduct combat
Mobilise new units and create convoys
Collect resources and absorb convoysPurchase units
Infantry @ 3
Artillery @ 4
Tanks @ 5
Fighter @ 6
Battleship @ 12
Cruiser @ 8
Submarine @ 4
Convoy @ 2
Additional rail-road capacity: X x 2 +6 (were X is the current number of rail-road capacity)
Additional transport capacity: X x 2 + 6 (were X is the current number of transport capacity)RAILROAD MOVEMENT:
During this phase, a nation can move a single land unit 2-3 spaces additional spaces IF the unit dint already move during the movement phase. Units that move these additional spaces a required to use rail-road credit or each unit moved. Units can only use rail-road movement if the territory they start in, and move through are friendly, and are considered rail-road territories.
Rail-road territories are:
All regional territories, Egpyt, India, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Albania, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, CanadaSEA MOVEMENT:
Naval transport capacity reference chart:
Britain 4, British dominion 3, Italy 2, France 2, Ottoman empire 1, Germany 1, U.S.A 1 (gains 5 upon war), others 0
This chart represents how many lands units of each nation can have in a sea zone. Land units attacked at sea act as normal transports: Must be attacked last, no defences etc.
Players can purchase additional Transport capacity during purchase unit’s phase and mobilise the additional capacity during the mobilisation phase.MOBILISE NEW UNITS:
All units bought at the beginning of the turn must be placed in the capital HOWEVER. Colonial possessions are capable of creating units:During this phase, players can trace a line through friendly (or neutral) colonial territories and create units equal to the total amount of IPCs in total. The total amount of units that can mobilise in a single territory is equal to its IPC value.
EG: During Britain’s mobilise units phase, Britain can trace a line through British east Africa, Anglo-Egyption Sudan, Egypt, then all the way to Gold Coast and Nigeria for a total of 6 IPCs. Which means Britain can mobilise 6 IPCS worth of units in any British controlled territory. (FOR FREE)
Colonies can only mobilise Infantry, Artillery and Convoys in your own nations control.COLLECT INCOME:
Players collect income from all regional territories. NOT COLONIAL POSSESSIONS.EXCEPTIONS: Eire for Britain.
During this phase, if your capital is under enemy control, you may move your capital to another territory and continue collecting income at 25% only.
allies: Paris, London. Russia may not move capitals
Central powers: Vienna, BerlinAt this stage, you also collect rail-road capacity. Receive rail-road capacity until your maximum is reached.
During a players purchase units phase, players can purchase convoys under the control of another, friendly nation. During this phase, you can remove convoys that are adjacent to a sea zone with a naval base and gain IPCs equal to the amount of convoys removed X 2.Nations may only mobilise a total of 12 IPCs for another nation per turn.
Convoys attack and defend @ 0. Whenever a convoy (and her fleet) meet an enemy sub-marine, the controller of the sub may choose to attack the convoy. When this is done, 1 round of combat is done using the sub-marines attack status and the ships defence status, convoys must be chosen as casualties first during this battle.
Unrestricted Submarine warfare:
When this is declared, German submarines attack @ 4 vs convoysArmies do not need an Infantry unit:
Any airplanes left alone in combat are immediately killed without retaliation
My play group has just recently, which resulted in a land-slide victory for the Central powers, and the discovery of some rule flaws. Rules changed:
Romania and Arabia now have different mobilisation objectives. (by Flashmans request)
Italy and USA now have much more static entrances.
Colonial mobilisation has been limited. (Can only mobilise units equal to IPC value of that territory)
Portugal can now be a colony.
Neutral Greece’s entry is now more historic.
Persia no longer has rail-roads. (Flashman)
Given the British dominion a transport capacity of 3. (simple error)
Colonies can only mobilise convoys under the same owner as the territory.
ALL neutrals (including aliened) are now full neutrals. (they can only be mobilised at certain points in the game)
Serbia now has 5 Infantry.
Made it so powers don�t start with ‘convoys’. (Simple error)
Railed in units now attack @ full strength. (players found it more fun this way)
Feel free to suggest rule changes.