• TripleA

    I can understand not wanting to take the territory itself, because of the battleship offshore bombardment thing.

  • TripleA

    Transjordan is still a very risky move unless you plan to reinforce it in the event that you lose 2+ infantry (ll you lose 2 inf half the time, in dice games sometimes you lose 3 infantry and you end up with a really sad look on your face, especially if 4+ units survive sit on TJ after the ottos turn ends). The Ottos in Africa become real and things get stupid out of control for the axis.

  • Well in regards to TJ you could counterattack, which stil means B2 will retreat to eqypt. France would be smart to use its their 3 tranports to have the NAfrica and Portogal (5inf, 1art) troops in seazone outside Italy at the end of r2 (reinforcement for eqypt).
    What is your play by play with axis on the eastern front r1 and r2, assuming Russia stacks Polen? How many units and where? Assume lowluck dice to keep it simple.

  • TripleA

    Anyway since Hungary is 3 turns from Russia it is pretty easy to take it by round 5. Germany also has units already in position to skirmish with the Russians.

    You really want to do an all in strategy and get Russia out of the game ASAP.

    Italy first is a nice alternative, the problem is you are 4 turns away. However Italy is much weaker. Also Russia territories are worth so much more. Those juicy 3s,

  • TripleA

    What do you mean retreat into Egypt? I guess in low luck you would have 1 artillery left and the Ottos would retreat instead of suffer a counter attack from your transports and bb. They would come out +1 infantry 50% of the time, that is a pretty conservative style of doing things.

    I would rather take the territory personally.

  • TripleA

    How exactly does the polen stack survive Hungary round 2?

  • TripleA

    So you are moving 6+6+6+3 inf into polen +2+2+2+2 arty.

    39 units.

  • Yes. Retreat with the rest towards Mos and only but info there. Aldo retreat Polen towards Mos R2. units in Sev will teman in place to threat Romania

  • TripleA

    That is not enough to kill Germany on Silesia. Hungary usually goes the other route unless it stacks on Galicia.

    I seen 42 units on Galicia, Attack Romania then retreat into it. Buy a minimum of one fighter on round 1 and bam you have air superiority.

    43 units with air superiority vs 39. It is pretty sick. You force Russians into belarius, Then you claim Ukraine and Romania no problem with Hungary, but your big stack will be on Poland with the Germans. After that you let Germany do all the skirmishing because he goes right after Russia. You would only have to focus on the big battles.

  • TripleA

    In a dice game, usually you blow Romania away or ignore it. It is really personal preference. If he is holding Poland round 1, who cares. You are attack is on round 5. Your capital is 3 turns away.  You just want Germany to skirmish. Like you send 1 infantry here n there, If Russia reclaims it, Germany attacks for you. If Russia does not reclaim his territories well… you would make lots of money… so yeah.

  • TripleA

    So you are really not going to stay there past round 1 anyway. You will move that out. The attack is on round 5 anyway.

    In a dice game you buy inf and arty rounds 1-2. Get everything going to Russia. After that only fighters make it to Russia. That is how you get Russia with Hungary.

  • TripleA

    It is hard to imagine this, because polen is a really dangerous spot to be even in a low luck game, because well Germany can suicide some units like 1 inf 1 arty to score 1 hit.

    Generally speaking Hungary wants money in a dice game and goes after it.  Stacks galicia. Then it starts getting ready to attack russia for round 5. It is a timed attack. Round 6 is generally considered a safer round to attack Russia on, because that is how that works.

  • TripleA

    With fighters you can do a more economical game as Hungary. After rounds 1-2 You can just send 4 inf 1 arty a round towards Belarus. As long as you have like 3-4 fighters, you will come out on top in territory exchanges.

    If you do this you better take Rome.

  • TripleA

    Everything you see on the board on Round 1 attacks the neutral pro allies and then it goes towards Russia, with the exception of that one Italy territory. Germany holds the west off entirely on its own for you. Hungary is all in on Russia, everything goes one way, and that is it.

  • TripleA

    You start the game with 12 less units than Hungary. Hungary goes first. If Russia wants to make money it has to attack territories back, costing him units, which will die to Germany, making the Hungary attack scarier, not taking territories back means sad money. Hungary makes more money than Russia. It is awesome like that. Hungary is going to get Russia.

    Even if you are not as crazy as me and want to do things a bit more conservatively. You are going to outproduce him and if you constantly send more men than Russia produces his way, you will take it eventually.

    As long as you buy strait fighters two rounds in advance before you attack the capital, you should be fine.

  • So in AH1 you attack Serbia with 8inf and 2art, attack romania with 16inf and 4 art and stack Galicia with 18inf and 4 art? Do you send 6inf, 2art from Tyrole to Trieste?
    What do you do in G1, how many units to you vinit for the eastern front 25inf, 9 art and the plan? Do you send inf. from Germany into Tyrol to protect the Italien border?

  • TripleA

    You bring everything. I do not see any reason to have anything less than everything going towards Russia. Every unit you start with needs to hit Russia at round 5.

    In our first game I was not restricted from attacking Russia and Italy off the go so I did not need to bring everything. I could attack Polen round 1 or the Italy stack round 1 if I wanted to. This game was super one sided for the central powers.

    Just bring everything. Germany can Handle France and Rome. Like if Rome is not going to push out heavy or he gets his butt kicked… or Germany makes march for Rome.

    France and Rome are far away, everything moves 1 space. So you have 4 rounds of pure freedom to wail away at Russia. Abuse this.

  • Ok then, but that means 6 inf. and 2 art from Italy will invade Trieste r1 since its empty and you cant even take it back since all units are going east… Also even if you do hit Russia with everything from AH, you wont take it by r5 unless Germany sends a ton as well. Which leasa me to ask what is your G1 and please be specific…

  • TripleA

    You do not take switzerland with germany @_@? You do the Belgium thing. That is fine just move Munich down. You are going to switzerland soon soon anyway.

    If Italy moves a mid size stack into your 4 ipc territory… you just go Italy instead crush it with Hungary. Italy needs those guys. He can send 1 unit sure. Woopy do.

  • TripleA

    All Germany sends towards Russia is Purria, Silesia, and maybe Berlin. That is up to you. Everything else is better off going towards their nearest line.

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