• 1 - Japan Kamikaze’s an allied carrier with 2 fighters on it…
        - Scenario #1: one hit on carrier… carrier is damaged and the 2 fighters on the carrier are unable to take part in combat operations…?
        - Scenario #2: two hits on carrier… carrier and both planes are destroyed…?

    2 - Convoy disruption… I have read many variations regarding the calculation of total IPC’s lost… what are the most current 2nd edition rules?


    General A-Ron.

  • '17

    Easier to discuss this with a more specific example:

    If the US attacks SZ6 with a carrier and 2 fighters and Japan scores either one or two hits against the US carrier with kamikazes this does not affect the US fighters during combat. It could possibly make them incapable of landing during noncombat movement (if there’s nowhere else to land in range), but they will definitely fight in the battle.

    If the US attacks SZ6 and their fleet includes a carrier with British planes on it and Japan targets that carrier and gets one kamikaze hit, then those British planes are trapped on the carrier until it is repaired. If Japan were to get two kamikaze hits on that specific carrier, then the British planes would sink along with the carrier. This is different because British planes can’t fight on the US turn and so any British planes on US carriers are not in the air on the US turn.

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, General A-Ron!

    Wheatbeer is correct.  Since Kamikaze strikes occur at the beginning of the Conduct Combat phase, any attacking air units are already in the air.

    On the subject of convoy disruption, here’s a quote from the 2nd edition Rulebook:

    There are three conditions that must exist for this kind of attack to occur:
    1. The sea zone must have a “Convoy” image,
    2. The sea zone must be adjacent to one or more of your controlled territories, and
    3. At least 1 warship belonging to a power with which you are at war must be in the sea zone. (Any ships in the sea zone that belong to you or a friendly power will have no effect on convoy disruption.)

    Convoy attacks on “Convoy” sea zones are conducted in the following manner.

    Each enemy warship (except for aircraft carriers) and carrier-based air unit in the sea zone might cause the loss of 1 or more IPCs from your income for the turn. The owners of enemy battleships, cruisers, and/or destroyers rolls one die for each such unit, and the owners of enemy submarines and/or air units roll two dice for each such unit. Any rolls of “4” or higher are ignored. The results of these rolls that are “3” or less are totaled, and the resulting number is the total convoy damage suffered in the disruption. However, this number might be limited. Each disrupted convoy can’t lose more IPCs than the total IPC value of your controlled territories adjacent to the sea zone. Also, no single territory can lose more IPCs than its own IPC value from multiple disrupted adjacent convoys (for example, Japan cannot lose more than 8 IPCs from disrupted convoys in sea zones 6 and 19). After these limits are applied, the final total is subtracted from your income for the turn.

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