I’m sorry.
The debate
but WMDs extends beyond nukes. biological and chemical weapons are included. chemical weapons he certianly had, probably biological too. nukes are less likely, but possible
WMD… What are WMD? How does one make WMD? Being honest, the tough part is knowledge. I would bet dollars to donuts CC could make some interesting WMD if he wanted to. Frankly, I am pretty sure I could. Even if it does take special skill, how many Chemical Engineers live in Iraq? How many Microbiologists? How many world wide? It’s achedemic really. It’s a waste of energy.
If I was one of them how would I hurt America? Simple, use whats there. Use whats easy. Like they did on 9/11. Why smuggle crap that could be noticed? Why waste time bringing a weapon that I could accidentally trip and kill myself. Dumb. These people are not dumb. They will find drones and give them a plan. An easy plan. They will say, find a train that carries whatever nasty substance you wish to name. Or find a truck carrying it. Get your hands on it and put it someplace like a water supply, or downwind or whatever. How hard is it to derail a train, or a truck? Anyone and I mean anyone can make a bomb. Have a bomb ready to strap to the pile of bad news…
This is what you should fear, if you are gonna spend time being afraid.
If you want a safer country, spend money watching our boarders. Spend money on cops, FBI, CIA, Firefighters and forcing companies to take great care with dangerous materials.
Finally, spend some time trying to make sure as few people as possible hate us so much they will commit suicide to kill afew of us. Fear will not work. Someone willing to die, even hopeful it will happen will not be intimidated.
This is why Iraq makes me angry. 120 Billion dollars. That would pay a bunch of boarder patrol. It would pay a bunch of Cops. It might have made the differance on actually “getting” Al quida.
Regardless, I still believe the threat is overblown. Maybe I am kidding myself. If so I choose to keep kidding myself. I have kids to raise and a life to live. I will not do it in fear. Being prepared makes sense. We would be spending money in AMerica my way so everybody wins. Fighting them there, so we don’t have to fight them here? Get real. Our boarders are swiss cheese. (See the post on cigars) It only takes one guy to do what I mentioned above. If we cared about being safe we would start at home. -
:o :lol:
One thought is that Saddam honestly thought he had the WMD, and so acted like he had something to hide, leading the CIA, British Intelligence, (John Kerry :lol:), etc., to believe he did. Somehow I doubt that the scientists who were supposed to be getting him his WMD would want to tell him “sorry, we haven’t got them yet,” especially because Saddam had a habit of torturing and killing those who disappointed him.
according to an AMERICAN report on Iraq, not only had Iraq not had any WMD since the mid 90’s (i.e. well before 2003). Apparently Saddam didn’t care about anyone other than Iran and he did not wish to disclose his disarmament for fear of being a target of the Iranians (i.e. the people who actually HAVE a WMD program and a dictatorship/regime.
Shame on Saddam. Who is he to not want to reveal state secrets before the rest of the world. If this is a cause for invasion, then why is any other country in the world safe?And LB - you’re correct. Myself and another former grad/medical student friend of mine had figured out a few ways to develop and disseminate WMD involving a bathtub, some chicken-base, and a herd of cows.
and ctm - i missed the “you forgot poland” reference - is this simply from Bush correcting Kerry with regards to his “coalition of the bullied/blackmailed/bribed”?
and ctm - i missed the “you forgot poland” reference - is this simply from Bush correcting Kerry with regards to his “coalition of the bullied/blackmailed/bribed”?
Yep, pretty much :wink:
It was just that he figured he had such a good point with “You forgot Poland!”, and people are finding it pretty funny.
What’s his name… Jon Stewart - from ‘Daily Show With Jon Stewart’ on the comedy network in Canada - has used it a few times in his show by now.
(on Bush’s quote) “Australia was in the coalition, okay, and then… Poland?? Now, you know you’re in trouble when your number two country is Poland.”
and ctm - i missed the “you forgot poland” reference - is this simply from Bush correcting Kerry with regards to his “coalition of the bullied/blackmailed/bribed”?
Yep, pretty much :wink:
It was just that he figured he had such a good point with “You forgot Poland!”, and people are finding it pretty funny.
What’s his name… Jon Stewart - from ‘Daily Show With Jon Stewart’ on the comedy network in Canada - has used it a few times in his show by now.
(on Bush’s quote) “Australia was in the coalition, okay, and then… Poland?? Now, you know you’re in trouble when your number two country is Poland.”
i have to admit - Jon Stewart is one of the few shows i watch with any regularity whatsoever.
I makes fun of both candidates effectively, but the funniest thing is that all he has to do to make fun of Bush is to simply run clips of him and rub his eyes with his hands. -
i have to admit - Jon Stewart is one of the few shows i watch with any regularity whatsoever.
I makes fun of both candidates effectively, but the funniest thing is that all he has to do to make fun of Bush is to simply run clips of him and rub his eyes with his hands.ahahahaha, I hear ya :lol: Looking forward to his show on the second debate :)
looks to me like Bush did a much better job, im gonna have to say the debate was a draw.
looks to me like Bush did a much better job, im gonna have to say the debate was a draw.
ummm . . . (this is me being diplomatic) you are not quite the most objective person around when it comes to Bush.
Does this mean that you have become more objective and it was a legitimate draw? Or did Bush just crash and burn SOOOO badly that even you had to concede that it was just “a draw” rather than the crashing success that you’d have hoped for? :P -
The debate tomorrow is about a mile from where I work. I tried to get a ticket but I don’t have important enough friends :(
I may go to one of the rallies afterward. Bush is going to the bank one ballpark which is about 4 miles from my house. I could go to the Kerry rally it’s close to work. then I could yell stuff like “Give it up, you suck!” :evil: :P
CC, if you think it wasnt a draw, you are very ill. Have you tested your well lately? or are you a city boy? Im not a die hard Bush supporter, i like the way he is managing the country, so he gets my vote. DF two words, DO IT! :)
The differance is you will be allowed to go to a Kerry rally and protest. Try it at a Bush rally. ;) -
i dont see the problem with not allowing people to protest at a rally. it is YOUR event, and YOU are talking to YOUR supporters, or people who may choose to support you. protestors have no business being there. if the candidate wants to allow them, hes stupid for weakening himself in that way. he shouldnt be criticized for trying to keep opponents supporters out of a rally to support him. thats common sense.
Except for a couple points Brother. #1 it’s the law. If the money comes from government funds you can’t “legally” keep people out. If the money comes from party funds they can. #2 Arn’t you the guy who wants debate? ;) Who does it help to silience the opposition? Do we get a better government?
Except for a couple points Brother. #1 it’s the law. If the money comes from government funds you can’t “legally” keep people out. If the money comes from party funds they can. #2 Arn’t you the guy who wants debate? ;) Who does it help to silience the opposition? Do we get a better government?
I concur. I could care less if a bunch of polo shirt wearing, conservative, needle-butt crackers wanted to scream out opposition at some Kerry rally. Let em. It’s their god given right.
I concur. I could care less if a bunch of polo shirt wearing, conservative, needle-butt crackers wanted to scream out opposition at some Kerry rally. Let em. It’s their god given right.
What’s a “needle-butt”, I am trying to decide if I’m offended. :wink:
I’m ok with Polo shirt wearing cracker, I just need to know what a needle-butt is so I can decide if I am one. :D
needle butt??
Needle-butt- like a stiff. A person who is a tight a$$. A needle butt is like a facist. You see most of them in suburban America. That’s one of reasons why I found refuge with the rest of the freaks in the metropolitan area. No too many needle butts there. 8) :wink:
The differance is you will be allowed to go to a Kerry rally and protest. Try it at a Bush rally. ;)oh who cares.
the consititution is a rag that we apply when it’s convenient.
no? -
there is no “we” cc, you arent american
#1 it’s the law. If the money comes from government funds you can’t “legally” keep people out.
ok, if thats true, than when its government funds, it shouldnt happen. did these happen at rallys paid for by govt funds or party funds?
#2 Arn’t you the guy who wants debate?
random idiots shouting obscenities and disrupting a rally doesnt constitute a debate. :wink: (i know thats not what happened in the examples). simply wearing a button may be a bit extreme, but think about it. you are promoting an image. its all marketing. why allow the opponent to get any free publicity at your rally? its common sense.
Who does it help to silience the opposition?
it helps you. and its not silencing the opposition, kerry is the opposition, not his supporters. unless he is hiring them to go into a bush rally wearing the button, hes just some random guy that gives the enemy free publicity. take him out.
Do we get a better government?
whether or not you can wear opposition propaganda to a bush rally has no impact on the quality of government.