One thought is that Saddam honestly thought he had the WMD, and so acted like he had something to hide, leading the CIA, British Intelligence, (John Kerry :lol:), etc., to believe he did. Somehow I doubt that the scientists who were supposed to be getting him his WMD would want to tell him “sorry, we haven’t got them yet,” especially because Saddam had a habit of torturing and killing those who disappointed him.
according to an AMERICAN report on Iraq, not only had Iraq not had any WMD since the mid 90’s (i.e. well before 2003). Apparently Saddam didn’t care about anyone other than Iran and he did not wish to disclose his disarmament for fear of being a target of the Iranians (i.e. the people who actually HAVE a WMD program and a dictatorship/regime.
Shame on Saddam. Who is he to not want to reveal state secrets before the rest of the world. If this is a cause for invasion, then why is any other country in the world safe?
And LB - you’re correct. Myself and another former grad/medical student friend of mine had figured out a few ways to develop and disseminate WMD involving a bathtub, some chicken-base, and a herd of cows.
and ctm - i missed the “you forgot poland” reference - is this simply from Bush correcting Kerry with regards to his “coalition of the bullied/blackmailed/bribed”?