Health care should be taken care of by the employer. When you begin a full time job and have it for ten years, the company should be required to pay for health care for the rest of your life and for all dependents.
This is totally unenforceable, what do you do when a company goes under? It sounds to me like you are still going to have people relying on gov’t for health care services. Also what about the problem of double coverage, eventually dependents grow up to be workers and there for gain their own economic resources yet a company their father worked for 40 years ago still pays their health care costs. Doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it?
Pro-life, there are places called adoption agencies…Also, their is nothing wrong with capital punishment if it is approved by the jury.
So you’re Pro life, but not all the time. Obviously your pro-life convictions aren’t that strong are they.
Have a three month unemployment program for physically and mentally fit people. If they can’t find a job, apparently they aren’t trying hard enough.
I believe that currently it is 5 or 6 months so what greater good is served by reducing it an arbitrary amount you’ve decided upon.
The mentally and physically unfit can go to charities for money. The government should not force, but rather encourage the giving of donations
One could argue this isn’t best for them in that it encourages a dependency cycle. Current treatment of the mentally ill and handicapped encourages them to get help and jobs so they can feel normal by being a productive member of society. So essentially, you want to encourage a program that will set them back 50 years, great!
Small national government, responsible for protection, diplomacy, and making national laws.
Yes this always sounds good, but read the fine print you end up substituting federal gov’t for large state gov’t. Isn’t that just substituting one evil for another.