Ottomans first strategy
The only way I can think of to counter this strategy is for the Ottomans to dig in buying all Infantry… and Germany/Austria full force against Paris (Ignore Rome… minimal force on Russia). Without British help in France you may be able to take Paris… maybe.
That maybe the only way for the CP to stand up to the assualt. Althougg they cpuld probably still pull off the RR and then turn those forces south toward India instead of western Europe. Of course, then the Americans builds and posistioning comes into play in a big way, for a large enough US force could tilt the balance in the west before India can be taken.
I am starting to believe in the “Paris or Bust” theory… if you don’t get Paris by the time the US gets into the war in a big way then perhaps you’ll never get Paris.
If the UK is tied up spending money in India… then that will be the weakest France will ever be.
I am starting to believe in the “Paris or Bust” theory… if you don’t get Paris by the time the US gets into the war in a big way then perhaps you’ll never get Paris.Â
If the UK is tied up spending money in India… then that will be the weakest France will ever be.
Paris cannot be taken. even in worst case scenario, there’s an entire stack of frenchies guarding it and Britain can toss in 8 fighters per round after Ottomans are rolled up.
perhaps with tanks and a long term economical victory (but do not ask how that can be achieved) it can be done, but still. paris or bust hardly works. please prove me wrong cause i think it’s a pity -
Yes, I agree. If Paris can not be taken than the CPs cannot ever win. Its not like London is possible to take- you may as well try for Washington.
This is why I think Paris needs to be taken as early as possible - France is weakest in the beginning and only gets stronger as England and/or the US starts plopping men down there.
I am still experimenting with the Paris or Bust theory- the ‘long term economic plan’ doesn’t seem to work when the Ottoman is losing to the UK and France has millions of infantry to attack. It’s hard enough to take Rome before the US gets there (I have yet to do it!- the US seems to get there in the nick of time).
Yes, I agree. If Paris can not be taken than the CPs cannot ever win. Its not like London is possible to take- you may as well try for Washington.
This is why I think Paris needs to be taken as early as possible - France is weakest in the beginning and only gets stronger as England and/or the US starts plopping men down there.Â
I am still experimenting with the Paris or Bust theory- the ‘long term economic plan’ doesn’t seem to work when the Ottoman is losing to the UK and France has millions of infantry to attack. It’s hard enough to take Rome before the US gets there (I have yet to do it!- the US seems to get there in the nick of time).Â
so far i have concluded: rome can quite easily be taken by austrians, either very soon or as soon as tanks are coming in, depends on your investment. it’s fact france is weakest at start, but i believe germans are not powerfull enough to take them ‘like a blitz’. it’s going to be a big massacre that will take many rounds, too many so russia can pound on the other front. i think germans need tanks to negate the allied air superiority
Even if Russia is taken or in revolution, I think its impossible to compete with a 30 IPC France and the UK dropping 8+ units in France per turn… even with tanks.
so France needs to be a priority early.
I suppose if Austria takes Rome out quickly and Germany takes out Russia… then there may be a game, but the US can drop 12 units in Rome on turn 5; not much time for the Austrians to get Rome (especially if Italy retreats the bulk of its forces to Rome).
To sum up, for the CP to have a chance at winning, they must:
- Germans take Paris early in the game, while
- Holding back the Russians, while
- Austria seizes Rome before the Americans drop 12 Inf. in there, while
- The Ottomans flail around to prevent the Brits from wailing on them via India, and
- Hoping not to have a RR take place.
Sounds like a hopeless game for the CP.
- yes
- yes
- no- in a ‘Paris or Bust’ strat, Austria marches across northern Italy and helps Germany in France. After Paris is taken, then swings down for Rome. The other half of the Austrian army is fighting Russia.
- yes. Ottoman defend as best they can against the Brits and harass the Russians.
- A ‘Paris or Bust’ strat would likely want a revolution, vice sending enough troops to Russia to take Moscow at the expense of Paris. Or, just hold off the Russians with Infantry and send the bulk of the German/Austrans to Paris and then Rome.
I never said it was not hopeless for the CPs… I think it is. But, I also think their best chance for victory is not in Russia, but in France. France has to be priority #1 if the CPs will ever win.
I’m guessing that the designers made Switzerland so easy to take precisely in order to encourage Austria to march over the Alps and help the Germans reach Paris.
Germany, on its own, has too much to do and new units too far to go to break through.
Personally, I’d prefer to eliminate the Lorraine tt and make Paris one tt closer to Berlin (i.e. the same distance as Moscow). Two space moves and the Munich factory are other options, but as the rules stand only Allies playing like twonks can make it a competition.
I think National objectives might be the easiest way to house rule a victory. This capitol buisness is simply to imbalanced given the type of game play.
I was thinking of limited production in the Ruhr. Very correct IRL.
On topic, giving the Turks a beating in the first round is something they never really recover from. Russia and Britain attacking gives them too much tts to take back and when they do its turn four.
In our new games I’ve been using the strategy of sending the Canadian transport down to India if Germany’s subs either miss or they send their subs against the main UK fleet. If you thought having 2 invincible transports was tough to deal with, try three.
Nah, just plough through Persia.
Use your transports to get an army into Karelia before the Germans reach it.
In our new games I’ve been using the strategy of sending the Canadian transport down to India if Germany’s subs either miss or they send their subs against the main UK fleet. If you thought having 2 invincible transports was tough to deal with, try three.
That it very interesting zanetheinsane (I like it for the allies anyway, CP not so much LOL). You could also send some Canadians to Africa to clean out the Germans faster, then head to the Middle East/Med.
In our games the Germans have adopted to all available fleet hit the UK home fleet to sink it faster, leaving the Canadian mini fleet alone (the Atlantic subs have to go through both UK mined SZ’s though). This seems to preserve the German fleet much better, and gives you something to build with (if you go that way). Otherwise both your sea battles are a bit dicey, and the subs you send to Canada (if they survive your attack) will be sunk by the French ASAP.
That was the conclusion we came up with. The 2 subs versus 1 cruiser has the potential to be good (and the games where it works it was great) but the opportunity for disaster is so great that our CP players would rather risk the minefields and leave no UK boat to chance.
I always take some Canadians with me to drop off in Egypt to further lock that down.
Once your three transports get into position outside of India you can transport 6 units a turn directly into Mesopotamia. That is… traumatic to the Ottoman empire.
That was the conclusion we came up with. The 2 subs versus 1 cruiser has the potential to be good (and the games where it works it was great) but the opportunity for disaster is so great that our CP players would rather risk the minefields and leave no UK boat to chance.
I always take some Canadians with me to drop off in Egypt to further lock that down.
Once your three transports get into position outside of India you can transport 6 units a turn directly into Mesopotamia. That is… traumatic to the Ottoman empire.
Yeah, also if the Italians have built some transports, then the Turks aren’t drifting too far from their capital with a possible double attack by sea.
Nah, just plough through Persia.
Use your transports to get an army into Karelia before the Germans reach it.
The other purpose of the three transports is to make sure that the Ottomans don’t take Egypt. We have had some “strategy session” games where we let the Ottoman’s take Romania, Sevestopol, and Albania in order to get big. They had a good defensive front on Mesopotamia thanks to the remainder of the Austrian forces in Russia and had a major supply line toward Egypt, to the extent that France was having to send forces to Egypt and at once point the Ottomans had pushed into Egypt.
That third transport is extra insurance that the Ottomans have nowhere to go.
I’m beginning to think the best use of the Canadian transport is in Africa. After all the UK can quite easily build what it needs at home.
The Canadian transport can immediately dump a couple of units in FWA, which should be enough to clear the continent of Germans a turn or two earlier than usual, then it can ship the surviving Africans to wherever they’re most needed.
I’m beginning to think the best use of the Canadian transport is in Africa. After all the UK can quite easily build what it needs at home.
The Canadian transport can immediately dump a couple of units in FWA, which should be enough to clear the continent of Germans a turn or two earlier than usual, then it can ship the surviving Africans to wherever they’re most needed.
The Canadian Transport dies turn one
The Canadian Transport dies turn one
Maybe. The Germans can kill it (or at least have good dice to kill it), but in doing so they sacrifice those two subs to the French fleet. I’ve recently been playing around with combining the entire German fleet (BB, 2 CR, 4 subs) against the British primary fleet. IMO it’s a somewhat better move than killing the Canadian fleet; granted no matter what strategy I try the CP ends up losing anyway.