• I would much rather the russians activate them. And build a fighter on AH1 so you can go in HARD with air superiority next round.

    If you wait a turn Poland will have a massive German stack and the Ottomans in Bulgaria will follow you in.

    If you go in early you will be counter attacked in Romania.

  • @ossel:

    For those who aren’t aware, Harry Turtledove writes alternate history books, and the work we’re referring to is the saga (like, 10 books) he created based on if the Confederacy had won the American Civil War. There are three books on WW1, 3 books on interwar period, and 4 books on WW2. My forum avatar is from one of the WW2 covers.

    Isn’t How Few Remain also a part of that series (it’s the second civil war after the North lost the first one). I’m sad to say that’s the only one I’ve read so far, but I have the first WWI book, just haven’t read it yet.

  • I will have to look at the map and setup, you may want the Russians to counterattack in Romania- your Infantry defend better and if they do take it you can counter his counter (depending on purchase plans and what NCMs you do).

    Besides, it depends on what the Germans and Ottomans are capable of doing to Russia if they go in Romania hard.

    As the CP (Axis in any game), I prefer to be on the offensive as much as possible to make up for the income disparity between the two sides.

  • On R1 the only thing they can do is charge into Romania. You can either be in their way or not in their way. Thats a round of battle on their terms. Then your counter then another round on their terms

    If you wait the Ottomans will be in to help and the germans in Poland will have broken through and be tying down the entire northern front.

  • Customizer



    For those who aren’t aware, Harry Turtledove writes alternate history books, and the work we’re referring to is the saga (like, 10 books) he created based on if the Confederacy had won the American Civil War. There are three books on WW1, 3 books on interwar period, and 4 books on WW2. My forum avatar is from one of the WW2 covers.

    Isn’t How Few Remain also a part of that series (it’s the second civil war after the North lost the first one). I’m sad to say that’s the only one I’ve read so far, but I have the first WWI book, just haven’t read it yet.

    Yeah, forgot that one. They’re admittedly a tough read, a little wordy and he tends to jump around to different characters a lot, but the subject matter is just too awesome. I mean, there’s a Roanoke Front! I’ll probably start a new thread either on this board or on the ‘other variants’ board to discuss.

  • Back to the topic at hand,
    I think Oz is right, if A/H attacks or takes Romania on the first turn, besides weakening the A/H forces you’re playing right into the Russians hands. They would be able to mount a counter offensive, and keep the territory at least contested for a while (which keeps the southern front away from their own territories). If A/H holds off on Romania the CP as a whole will be in a better position to attack/counter attack it once the Russians activate it. The Russians will surely activate Romania on their first turn, but will face the hard truth of going in hard, or merely activating it with min units. They really can’t afford to go in hard because it will leave a large portion of their army deep into enemy territory and subject to multiple counter attacks, plus it could easily be cut off. Meaning that once they activate Romania it won’t have much more then the units it would have on the first turn anyway. The Russians simply can’t have a large force fighting in the Balkans because the Germans will have a large force in Poland to cut them off causing a reinforcement problem and they would surely parish.

  • My thoughts exactly. Because of the turn order its wise to let Russia decide what to do in Romania.
    The turn you wait lets the ottomans build a strong force in Bulgaria and Germany will be knee deep in Poland.

    When AH2 rolls around, the Russian player will have regretted going into Romania because on his turn  he will be reluctant to reinforce Romania because the Bulgarians will flow in then ANOTHER pile of Austrohungarians will pile on.

    All the while, a big grey force in Poland will be touching 3 Russian territories, forcing them to spread their defenses thin.

  • Customizer

    I don’t think AH can afford to have as many forces just sitting there watching on R1 as many have suggested. Basically, every single Austrian unit than can reach an enemy should be attacking to make those initial advantages in numbers count, and before the enemy has had the chance to bulk up their front lines.

  • @Flashman:

    I don’t think AH can afford to have as many forces just sitting there watching on R1 as many have suggested. Basically, every single Austrian unit than can reach an enemy should be attacking to make those initial advantages in numbers count, and before the enemy has had the chance to bulk up their front lines.

    I agree with Flashman.  It doesn’t sit well with me for Austria to wait for Russia to make the first move.

    I suppose if your entire strategy was a hard German and Ottoman push against Russia and a hard Austrian push on Italy, then maybe this would work, but I’d rather make Russia fight for Romania than get it for free.

  • @ossel:


    Ossel, will you be using your Fortress America board to simulate Harry Turtledove’s North American Front of WWI?


    Well, I wasn’t aware of this map, but it looks like it might work. I was actually going to design my own map once this game came out, but yes, I will be doing this variant (Brits for Confederates and I guess U.S. for Yankees).

    Might even make a world map with the American Front included, that way the whole conflict can be simulated.

    For those who aren’t aware, Harry Turtledove writes alternate history books, and the work we’re referring to is the saga (like, 10 books) he created based on if the Confederacy had won the American Civil War. There are three books on WW1, 3 books on interwar period, and 4 books on WW2. My forum avatar is from one of the WW2 covers.

    Are you kidding? The first thing I noticed was your avatar lol. If you ever do make a custom make for the American front send over a PDF man! Love those boks (FOR THE UNION!!!0

  • I also agree with Flashman, if it can be hit, hit it. That includes Romania, Albania, Serbia, and Venice and a small force to take out Switzerland. Glory to the Habsburgs!

  • How long can you keep up that strategy before the Russians roll all over your defenses? Austria Hungary can’t afford to open up multiple fronts for multiple turns. I say to use overwhelming force to hit the allies one at a time. Of course this would be better with rails, but it’s still better than being forced to keep 3 or 4 fronts open.

  • Except you can’t hit them one at a time, you arleady start out with 3 front, regardless if you attack them or not they exists and if you only attack on one it means you’re being attacked on the other two. You have the ability to close off on entire front (the balkans) on round one, Neutralize a large part of the Italian army (venice), open up a front for Germany to stream men into both the Western and Italian fronts (Switzerland) and put Russia on the defense round 1 (Romania).

  • Better to wait, if you go too crazy as AH you will bleed out too fas
    You need the other central powers to help with Russia wait a turn and all three can roll in.

  • If Austria takes Romania and then Russia hits Romania… whats to stop Germany from taking Poland hard and now Russians are out of position with respect to Germany.

    I don’t know as Austria I would like to see the Russians move a ton of forces to Romania if that clears the way a bit for Germany.

  • @BJCard:

    If Austria takes Romania and then Russia hits Romania… whats to stop Germany from taking Poland hard and now Russians are out of position with respect to Germany.

    The problem with this is that Austria cannot invade Romania with enough forces to take it and hold off the Russian counteroffensive. In most cases the territory will be contested and when R1 comes around the Russians will take it back with ease. Why waste the ground units on a territory that you can’t hold to the end of R1? Better I think to hold off until you and the Turks can counterattack in strength AFTER the Germans have invaded Poland and put the Russians on the defensive.

    Also, if the Russians are anticipating a German offensive into Poland, they may be reluctant to send more than a few units into Romania which mean that an Austro-Turkish offensive into Romania would be all the better.

  • I agree Austria-Hungary doesn’t have the resources to contest three fronts, which is why it’s vital to strike first and strike hard in the Balkans. Attacking Venice AH1 will only thrust insufficient forces into Italy before reinforcements arrive. Only an idiot Italian would launch an offensive into Tyrolia or Trieste I1; far better to amass the assault forces for a crippling blow on AH2. To take Romania is to seize the initiative on the Eastern Front, and Russia is forced to react rather than to launch a powerful offensive into the northern Balkans. Russia, if Austria allows Romania to fall to it, can easily reinforce from Moscow via Sevastopol. Everyone seems to be arguing that Germany can relieve pressure on Romania by advancing into Poland, but if Russia amasses a large, free force in Romania extra troops suddenly are available for the Polish front, and both Germany and Austria are halted.

  • If you don’t take Romania Russia literally cant make a single offensive move on its first turn. (unless it attacks Mesopotamia like a psycho.

    If you hold off, everything they can attack will be too powerful for them to hit.

    Russia’s options are:
    A) Attack Romania if Austria-Hungary did
    B) Activate Romania if it is empty.

    That’s it. They can’t attack anywhere else. So you are safe.
    Waiting a turn preserves your forces from being exposed to counterattack in Romania on R1 and instead exposes them to a full blown attack of near 30 units WITH air supremacy if you build a fighter on AH1. Then on R2 they are faced with tough choices.

    Push back in Romania, and then get hit by Ottomans THEN Austria-Hungary  AGAIN.
    All the while a huge German force in Poland is ready to move.

  • @oztea:

    If you don’t take Romania Russia literally cant make a single offensive move on its first turn. (unless it attacks Mesopotamia like a psycho.

    If you hold off, everything they can attack will be too powerful for them to hit.

    Russia’s options are:
    A) Attack Romania if Austria-Hungary did
    B) Activate Romania if it is empty.

    That’s it. They can’t attack anywhere else. So you are safe.
    Waiting a turn preserves your forces from being exposed to counterattack in Romania on R1 and instead exposes them to a full blown attack of near 30 units WITH air supremacy if you build a fighter on AH1. Then on R2 they are faced with tough choices.

    Push back in Romania, and then get hit by Ottomans THEN Austria-Hungary  AGAIN.
    All the while a huge German force in Poland is ready to move.

    So what you’re saying is basically, “If they can’t attack you turn 1, you’re somehow automatically safe from them.”

    But, even if you build a fighter and have powerful reinforcements for a AH2 assault, there’s still this: Russia gets an attack too. If you stand by and allow Russia to reinforce the fronts and activate Romania, well, not only do they have the resources to menace Galicia now that otherwise would’ve been flung into Romania, but they can frightfully entrench Romania and there’s a massive Russian army in Poland. Germany will be very lucky to overcome the Russian defences there; hell, they’re even outnumbered! And Austria can’t devote troops to the Polish front, because they have to try to take a Romania which they could’ve already been contesting.

    If I’m playing as Russia in a game, I’m not going to draw back from the table and bite my lip fearfully just because- horror of horrors!- Austria-Hungary has deprived me of the chance to launch an offensive!

  • @Auztria:

    I agree Austria-Hungary doesn’t have the resources to contest three fronts, which is why it’s vital to strike first and strike hard in the Balkans

    But Austria dose not have the resources to hit Serbia and Romania, while having a force capable of defending Galicia for the Russian as well. Austria is strong, but needs to be handled well on it’s first few turns or disaster will ensue and attacking Romania is one of the way to do that, did you read what happened in Mr. Harris’s walk through when he did just what you’re proposing? By the end of R1 Romania wasn’t even contested anymore, Austria’s forces in the region had be greatly weakened and the Russians not only had the initiative but were in a position to threaten Austria from Serbia, Budapest and Galicia.

    Also consider that the rules require Austria to attack Serbia on A1, this limits what moves Austria can make, were this not the case an attack on Romania would be advisable but given the restriction the rules place on them it isn’t


    Attacking Venice AH1 will only thrust insufficient forces into Italy before reinforcements arrive. Only an idiot Italian would launch an offensive into Tyrolia or Trieste I1; far better to amass the assault forces for a crippling blow on AH2.

    The necessary forces for an overpowering attack are already in position to attack Italy on A1, why not seize the initiative here? Italy is the weakest of the Allied powers and attacking on A1 will place them on the back foot right from the get go. With an economy of 14IPC reduced to 12 by Austria’s attack Italy will be scrambling to hold on. Also, by attacking Venice, you give Austria the advantage of creating interior lines and concentrating forces, better to have a contested Venice then having to spread you defensive forces between two territories, while Italy builds up to strike one or the other and their will.

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