Yes I love Hearts of Iron - I’ve thought you could develop the powerful weapons like an atomic bomb in steps - perhaps make a chart with a progression on it. The more game-changing the weapon, the more steps it would take to produce.
Not sure you can make the ‘tank’ (in other words one of 3 land units available in the game) as a tech- what if by chance the CPs roll and roll and roll and never get tanks?
I would prefer either a turn or two of having the new tech before the other side copies it -or- you pick your tech you get every 4th, 6th, etc turn.
Well if the two tech charts were aligned by Central Powers Techs and Allied Techs then we could have a special rule that you can re-roll your dice on a chart if it is your home tech.
Or that you get a free random tech every 4th turn on your chart.Im not sure powers that spend nothing should get any techs, but can we all agree that 3 IPCs for a roll is better than 5, and a blend of failure, tokens and breakthrough at 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 respectively is an ENORMOUS shift in the positive towards tech.
The element of chance still exists, as does the fact you may roll again next turn thanks to the tokens, and that breakthroughs are on 5 AND 6 now
Not sure you can make the ‘tank’ (in other words one of 3 land units available in the game) as a tech- what if by chance the CPs roll and roll and roll and never get tanks?
I would prefer either a turn or two of having the new tech before the other side copies it -or- you pick your tech you get every 4th, 6th, etc turn.
That’s why we enjoy Cavalry so much in “Central Powers & Entente”! :wink:
But seriously,
if one of the most famous inventions of WWI isn’t represented in the techs, what’s the point of tech anyway?In fact, it isn’t that you cannot win the game without tanks (as is, the advantage given is relatively small!).
And, as oztea correctly stated, with some progression elements in addition to the original breakthrough complete failure is minimized anyway!P.S.: Yes, I agree! It IS cool to have tanks on the board (but they weren’t present in numbers before 1917 in the real war!)
What about these? The could have different values and produce units at different costs
Hey Flash, how about these?
They’re OK; but where are the frickin’ laser beams?
Conscription, your infantry cost 2 IPC.
Thats overpowered, buy 4 and get one free was the alternative.
Axis and Allies techs don’t introduce units, they modify existing units.
The French, British, and Germans all developed stormtrooper tactics, but the Germans really ran with it.
Or, perhaps:
Stormtrooper discussion starts about half way down and continues on the next page. :-D
It not an alternative, if you buy 3 infantry you gain noting.
Test before critic an idea. -
Yea well a power with 30 ipcs that gets that tech goes from building 10 infantry to 15 each turn.
You should be able to tell that would imbalance the game after a few turns. -
It the same tech of axis and allies advansed shiphard BB 20-3=17 AC 16-3=13 -3 is ok but an infantry -1 is upper super strong… this tech is for the naval unit.
In that case is just for infantry. -
Think of it this way.
1 ipc off of each infantry is a 33% discount on the most common unit in the game
3 ipcs off each battleship is a 15% discount on the least common unit in the gameTell me you see the difference ……