@Captain-Harvey Germany has a big advantage in the beginning. To have a strong chance of winning, you must capitalize upon that strength and conquer Russia and hold Africa. Japan has to hold the Islands and take China and as much of the East as possible. Time is in favor of USA and UK. The longer the game lasts, the stronger they become.
New Player Need Help with Strategy
I’m new to AA, i recently bought AA 1941 and really like it. I was wondering what tips and tricks i can get for playing a 5 way game, yo maybe get a bit of an edge on my friends the third time around. Thank you!
All depends on who you play as…
Well if you ever come back to this…As Germany, you’re one good shot at the British is turn 1, where you have the ability to sink every ship they have easily save the Canadian fleet which you will probably have to leave alone. Bring in the subs and the planes to sink everything off the coast of the atlantic, and have your Mid-Atlantic submarine sink the undefended American transport.
Attacking Egypt with at least one fighter and troops from Southern Europe loaded onto a transport and shipped over to help the tank on the first turn is something I consider vital if the Axis want to win. There’s just to many British troops there to let them get away. As for Russian, don’t underestimate them, they can still put up a fight, but if they don’t get help from the other two Allies then they will fall.
As for Japan, Depending on how Germany does is how you should plan. If Germany does well on her first turn, then throw on the pressure on mainland Asia and set up to hit India on turn 2 (you technically can do it J1 but it’s risky, especially if the British player puts an extra fighter in India, which is what I always do) and then go on to attack Russia from behind.
If Germany doesn’t do stellar on their first turn, then I settle for dominating the Pacific. You should be able to crush Australia on J2 even if the American player flies fighters over there and you got good dice rolls the first turn. Once that’s secure it’s suprisingly easy to keep your navy on par with the Americans and you can really put on the pressure, though you might have to sacrafice making advances in Asia, keeping the US distracted in the Pacific is worth it as it lets Germany get back up on her feet.
As Russia, I almost always attack Western Russia on turn one with all the infantry from Karelia, Arkangle, and Moscow. You should be able to crush through the Germans with no problem, and if the British player puts a fighter there on their turn, then it’s a very strong position. Attack Ukraine with both tanks, the fighter, and the Caucus infantry. Try to kill off the German infantry if nothing else BUT RETREAT, repeat, DO NOT TAKE UKRAINE on your first turn, its not worth it and it puts your tanks in to much of a risk. Bring the Siberian infantry on their long trek to Moscow.
You can go all in on Japan, and if so, basically just abandon Russia and throw all units into attacking Japan.
As for the United Kingdom, your navy was probably killed the first turn, however with an air buy and placing it in England on your first turn you can stop any German surface fleets for a long time. In fact, if you decide to make the UK the player who’s going to beef up Russia, then you should just do lots of air buys and fly the fighters into Russia to help them out. If you get the chance to invade Norway, do it.
Personally I usually task the UK with fighting the Japanese while the US helps out Russia. Buy a plane on turn one to place in India, Send the Indian Fleet to South Africa to pick up the Inf there, Send the Australian Inf to India via the transport and the sub to Hawaii. Basically from there just keep pumping one tank a turn into India, and if Australia doesn’t fall, then one unit there a turn (usually inf, but subs are viable too). If you defend efficently then after a turn or two you should be able to go on the counter attack as long as America keeps their Pacific fleet in the Pacific to back up Australia.
If you guys are pretty new to Axis and Allies, especially the Japanese player, then I find it’s perfectly possible to send the Australian inf and the starting India fighter to defend the East Indies on turn one, assuming you’re going to place a fighter in India at the end of your turn.
As America…build stuff that other people need, pick an Axis player to kill, and do it.
As America…build stuff that other people need, pick an Axis player to kill, and do it.
Lol’d at this. Isn’t this EVERY Axis & Allies game? =D
UK-possibly build 1 fighter for Auspicious, 1 Inf for India-go all out KJF!
Japan- “bum rush Russia!” seems to be the preferred strategy (especially if Germany builds 4 Inf round 1, two tanks round 2). Russia doesn’t usually last past round 3.
As America…build stuff that other people need, pick an Axis player to kill, and do it.
Lol’d at this. Isn’t this EVERY Axis & Allies game? =D
Some things never change :-D
So as the axis:
Germany: take out British navy, take back Western Russia if aTtacked
And possibly Karielia or Caucus depending on Russian losses. Build constant infantry/tanks till Russia is dead and you will probably win.
Take Egypt on first turn if you want (optional)Japan: Take India, take honolulu’s battleship out.
Then anything else Japan wants like taking out China, or going for russia or landing on islands. Just attack. Remember America will have to spend a shitton to beat you. (Japan ends up being highh income quiickly)Allies:
Russia hit Western Russia with a large amount of infantry, 1 tank and the fighter. Always buy infantry. As Russia having a large reserve in Western Russia and Caucus is a consistent strategy to make German attacking inf go 1 over your 2. But Germany will have a good amount of tanks to hit your inf.Britian: stall Japan buy a fighter to defend India. Kill germany’s navy. Survive haha.
USA: shuck from Canada to France. Germany doesn’t wanna spend money to defend france because knocking Russia out by turn 4 is really really realllllllly imporytant,
As Russia, I almost always attack Western Russia on turn one with all the infantry from Karelia, Arkangle, and Moscow. You should be able to crush through the Germans with no problem, and if the British player puts a fighter there on their turn, then it’s a very strong position. Attack Ukraine with both tanks, the fighter, and the Caucus infantry. Try to kill off the German infantry if nothing else BUT RETREAT, repeat, DO NOT TAKE UKRAINE on your first turn, its not worth it and it puts your tanks in to much of a risk. Bring the Siberian infantry on their long trek to Moscow.
Hey Darth, I have a question about it.
Even if you would attack western Russia with ALL you available units and assuming the German makes statistically 1 hit with his 3 inf.
Then you would end up with 11 inf and 2 tanks.
If German just attacks this with all his forces he has a 92% battle with +6,6 TUV.
However if you put your infantry only to Western Russia you end up with 7-8 inf there. German can attack then with even just 2 airforce and has a +10 TUV attack. Even worse, there is a decent likelyhood that you cannot easily counter then again.How does your plan work to attack Ukraine with 3 inf 2 tank 1 fgt?
The battle is break even in terms of TUV, but when exactly to retreat? just fight one round?
Just in case it works like you kill 2-3 inf, you lose 1-3 inf.
Aren’t your inf in Western Russia then an easy kill in round 2? If German goes with everything there he will end up in a +12 TUV fight. And if ~3 inf and 4 tanks survive you cannot even counter with RU.In the end RU is anyway doomed if left alone with Germany, but still I do not get the idea of the Ukraine attack as the attack itself has no real TUV-edge.
So one could argue, why not just leave ukraine alone? German can attack Western Russia stronger then but on the other hand your counter is stronger as well then?In the end I played around a bit and the worst battle Germany has is when you put everything in western Russia. (+5 TUV vs 11 inf 1 tanks)
However if the dices run well for Germany Moskau already falls in round 2. -
I did some further analysis. In the end, every attack leaving a larger stack in Western Russia just loses against a big attack by the Germans.
Imo there is no alternative but just waiting in Moscow.
It might be a viable option to take Western Russian lightly (4 inf plus fighter). There might be value in taking it because the extra IPC will leave you with 9 IPC round 2 giving you 1 extra Inf.I guess delaying Moscow to fall gives at least UK and US the chance to somehow distract Germany and to send fighters to moscow.
But according to the map I played in it just seems that Allies are just going to lose unless they have lucky dices. -
There is the optional shorter version, if the Axis control London or Washington, or the Allies control Tokyo or Berlin, either respective side wins the war.
So as the axis:
Germany: take out British navy, take back Western Russia if aTtacked
And possibly Karielia or Caucus depending on Russian losses. Build constant infantry/tanks till Russia is dead and you will probably win.
Take Egypt on first turn if you want (optional)I’m confused, how can you take Egypt on the first turn as Germany? Doesn’t loading the infantry in Southern Europe into the transport count as their movement, and then you cannot subsequently move them and offload into Egypt for an amphibious attack? And if what I said is true, it hardly makes sense to move the tank in north africa with fighter support to attack a tank and 2 infantry because odds are cost-effectiveness wise you will lose more than Britain. Could anyone elaborate on this please? Perhaps I do not understand the rules concerning how transports operate.
Loading and unloading from a transport is the unit’s “entire move”.
To clarify, It’s G1 combat move , you can load the transport, move the transport, and unload for an attack.