Axis and Allies 1914 FAQ/Question and Answer Thread

  • Customizer

    Moscow cannot be under CP control if there has been a revolution.

    Try again.

  • I don’t think he meant a revolution had occurred, but rather, is Russia’s capital is under CP control, would Russia or Britain take control of the Ukraine if the Austrians moved out?

  • Reading page 20, I would think the Allies would want Britain to control the Ukraine, since Russia can collect no income while Moscow is CP controlled. If Moscow is liberated, the Ukraine would automatically revert to Russian control.

  • Customizer

    A county can still control tts when it doesn’t have a capital, and if its own units capture a tt it gains control (if it isn’t liberated for an ally).

    If British units captured Ukraine they would control it until Moscow was liberated, then it reverts to Russia.

    So this boils down to if the Allies can choose who gets an abandoned tt.

    I think we 're in need of a Krieghund decision, but my guess is that the tt is treated as liberated as long as there is a Russian unit present.

  • Yeah, I mentioned nothing about the Revolution.

    I am trying to write a catch-all description of the control of territories to help for teaching the game to my playgroup quickly, and it is a beast to write succintly! There are so many contingencies.

    New question
    It seems strange, but lets say CP is contesting Moscow with Brits after Moscow had already been captured by the CP.

    Britain takes Ukraine from the CP. Since Moscow is not in enemy hands (but rather contested), it seems Russia takes control of the territory.

  • Here is my attempt at a full description of controlling territories all in one place. This is my attempt at getting everything while being a simple as possible. Any redundancy is for the sake of absolute clarity. If anyone has the time to let me know what I am missing or what is a mistake i’d appreciate it. Note that there might be a couple things on there that haven’t been confirmed yet.

    Controlling Territories:

    1. If at least 1 unit from each side remains in a territory, it remains contested.

    2. If all units from one side are destroyed in battle, the territory becomes controlled.
        A. If the attacker has at least 1 unit left, it takes control, unless the territory originally belonged to an ally whose  capital is contested or held by the attacker’s side, in which case that ally takes control of its original territory.
        B. If the attacker  and the defender(s) lost all units, but an ally of the attacker has units there, one such ally takes control, unless the territory originally belonged to an ally whose capital is contested or held by the attacker’s side, in which case that ally takes control of its original territory.
        C. If the attacker loses all units and the defender remains, the defending side takes control.
    i.  If the territory (from which the defenders cleared all attackers) was originally neutral, originally controlled by a minor power, or originally enemy to the defender(s), one power defending that has at least one unit remaining takes control.
    ii. If the territory (from which the defenders cleared all attackers) originally belonged to a power on the side of the defender, the original owner takes control.
        D. If there are no units left on either side, the original owner takes control.

    3. If one side moves all units out of a contested territory, the side with units remaining takes control.
        A. If the territory originally belonged to a power on the side that has units remaining, the original  power takes control.
        B. If the territory was originally neutral, originally controlled by a minor power, or originally enemy to the side with the units remaining, one power that has at least one unit remaining there takes control.

    4. If a power regains control of its capital, any territories originally belonging to that power that are controlled by an ally of that power return to the control of the original owner.

  • Great discussion, guys.  And big thanks to krieg for the work on the game and all the answers!

    Two topics I haven’t seen addressed yet:

    1)  Does the U.S. collect income, purchase units, and mobilize them even while its still neutral?

    2)  On Constantinople…are new land and fighter units placed on the European or Asian side?  (Or either one, at the discretion of the Ottoman player?)  My confusion arises from the fact that the large Ottoman logo and accompanying orange square (indicating the capital) is shown on the European side, while on p. 5 of the instructions the units are shown set up on the Asian side.  (Another possibility: could it be they are set up in Asia to begin the game, and then anything goes after that?)

    Also, can Ottoman land units cross over between Europe and Asia, or is a transport required?  I assume that (if this is allowed) a move would still be required to go from one side to the other.  (Granted I’m just getting ready to play my first game, but the Ottoman Empire looks to be royally screwed from the beginning unless this is the case.)

    Thanks in advance!  I’m holed up inside in the middle of a Denver snowstorm, so it’s the perfect day to break this game out!!  :)

  • Kraftwrk
    Constantinople is one territory that stretches across the Bosporus. There is not Asian side/Europe side.

    Just imagine it like Egypt. The territory includes the water between it and the other side.
    Or like Canada, which also includes the various islands in SZ 2

  • Another Russian revolution question.

    Turn 6: Germany takes control of Russia. Britain moves in and contests Russia. Ottomans control Belarus, Tatarstan, Ukraine, and Sevestapol, having just taken Tatarstan.

    Turn 7: Russia’s turn comes around. Bel, Tatar, Ukr, Sev all remain under CP control. UK and Gerry remain contesting Moscow. Russia does not change any of this on their turn.

    Revolution occurs, correct?

  • Customizer

    Looks like it. There’s really nothing Russia can do to prevent it at this stage. Unless they have a huge army in Karelia…

  • This then makes an interesting scenario, since unless Russia got units into Moscow, Germany would control it exclusively if they did not get wiped out by the brits in the one turn after the Revolution.

    So UK’s turn, they disappear. Germany controls Moscow.

    US turn, US has a bunch of units in Russia somewhere and then attacks a CP-held territory in Russia. That territory would go to the Amis if they win.

  • Customizer

    The revolution cannot occur if Germany controls Moscow. If the Brits all leave, I assume that the Germans can remain “by courtesy”, but they would not regain control since the terms of the treaty are now in force.

  • Customizer

    I think it would be considered liberated and return to Russian control.


    US turn, US has a bunch of units in Russia somewhere and then attacks a CP-held territory in Russia. That territory would go to the Amis if they win.

  • @Flashman:

    The revolution cannot occur if Germany controls Moscow. If the Brits all leave, I assume that the Germans can remain “by courtesy”, but they would not regain control since the terms of the treaty are now in force.

    Read carefully what I wrote. Germany and Britain are contesting Moscow when the revolution happened. On Britain’s next  turn, their units are GONE at the end. Assuming they did not wipe out Germany’s forces in Moscow, Germany takes control of Moscow.

  • Customizer

    Yes, physically Germany is the only power with units in Moscow, but it is subject to the treaty terms. But reading them again, well yes, Germany would indeed control Moscow.

    But other than a big 6 IPCs, I don’t think it’d be any different from Germany controlling any other Russian tt; its not like they can build units there.

  • @Flashman:

    Yes, physically Germany is the only power with units in Moscow, but it is subject to the treaty terms. But reading them again, well yes, Germany would indeed control Moscow.

    But other than a big 6 IPCs, I don’t think it’d be any different from Germany controlling any other Russian tt; its not like they can build units there.

    Except that in that 1 turn where Allied units have to move out or die, another Allied power could take control of Russian TT’s

  • Customizer

    You mean liberate them. They go back to Russian control.

    Read Krieghund’s post above. Carefully.

  • Read the Rules (box on page 20). Territories cannot be liberated by an ally’s attack when the Capital of the country for which it would be liberated is under enemy control. It’s a safe bet that Krieg’s answer was not with a CP-held Moscow in mind.

  • Customizer

    KH answered this here:



    Are the other allies and the CP allowed to fight each other in original Russian territories if they are both in it contesting it at the time of the revolution? Knowing that if the other allies made such an attack they would be removed after the battle not being able to leave Russian soil in time (that turn).



    Further more can the other allies and the CP attack each other in adjacent original Russian territories. Maybe the UK would rather kill some CP units instead of trying to get out in time (or can’t get out in time). It says that other allied powers can no longer enter orig Russian territories, but does that also mean they can’t choose to make an attack into another orig Russian territory if they are already in an orig Russian territory when the Revolution happens.

    The prohibition on entering original Russian territories applies to Allied units outside of Russia.  I’ll amend the original post.


    Can the Allies still attack Original Russian territory if it is held by the Central Powers

    Only those Allied units in original Russian territories at the time of the Revolution may do so, as further units may not enter those territories.  Of course, units that spend their one turn of remaining life attacking will not get out.


    and if so does the territory go back to Russia or the Allied Power that captures said territory?

    It is liberated to Russia.


    Was it always intended that the Americans cannot load up and sail transports before declaring war, or is a new ruling?

    I can’t comment on that.


    If a player buys units and then loses his capital (on his own turn), does he get a refund on ordered land units as per naval units?

    Sorry.  I meant to add that to the list.  I’ll amend the original post.


    (Incidentally, I don’t think you should be allowed to buy ships for a naval base controlled by the enemy, even if you recapture it on your turn - ships took a long time to build!)

    You can’t really.  You can’t mobilize ships from a naval base you haven’t controlled for your entire turn, and ships you can’t mobilize are returned to your storage box and you get a refund for them.  If all of your naval bases are enemy-controlled at the beginning of your turn, you’ll just get a refund for any ships that you purchase.


    If British units in Russia attack and eliminate all CP units contesting a tt with Russia before the mandatory British disappearance, does the tt revert to Russian control and become off limits to the CPs?



    Where are the 39 steps?



    Not quite sure how Russian and Central Powers can still contest a tt if they are no longer enemies.

    They can’t really - they just share it, and neither party gets control or income.


    As per my question above, can I assume that you cannot voluntarily demote a unit to infantry before movement in order to move into multiple tts ?

    Nope, so plan accordingly.

  • Customizer

    If there is a revolution, Russia no longer has a capital.

    Moreover, since the Allied units concerned have to leave Russia they cannot stay to take control of the tt, ergo if the CPs are eliminated the mt tt defaults to Russia.

    I suppose its about timing; if you take control of a tt at the end of combat, then there is a problem since the Allied units leave at the end of their respective turn (i.e. after combat).

    So if the last Brits in Russia attack and eliminate the Germans in Livonia, do they get to place a UK control marker there?

    The rule should say that all Allied units and control markers are removed, though perhaps the UK could still collect the 2 IPCs…

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