GUys got a q what is the best unit?

  • I believe the tank is, but perhaps that is just because I am a very very very aggresive playa

  • The best unit for what? The tank is great for land offense but it is not very good at sinking transports. This is an almost impossible question to answer, but I will say one thing.

    When you are not sure what to buy, buy infantry.

  • @C_F:

    The best unit for what? The tank is great for land offense but it is not very good at sinking transports. This is an almost impossible question to answer, but I will say one thing.

    When you are not sure what to buy, buy infantry.


  • Moderator

    I don’t think it’s right to say one is better then the other… all do a purticular job, it’s just which job do you need to accomplish right now…


  • Of course different units have different functions, but I am going to contradict my earlier statemtn a little. I think I can say some units are better than others. The easiest way to decide which units are the best is what unit you would most like to remove of your opponents.

    If you are Germany it is easy to come to the conclusion that Russia’s most valuable piece is infantry and vice versa (sorry MysticalRommel).

    The other countries are a little more difficult but I think it is safe to say that if you were the axis it would be best for you if the GB and the US could not make transports. You might think infantry for them as well, but they could still transport tanks. Without transports it would force them into the strategic bombing strategy.

    For Japan it has to be infantry, because they start the game with a couple of well protected transports. And without transports they could still do okay with IC’s.

    So in an almost complete reversal of my earlier post I am going to say these are the best units.

    Russia - Infantry
    Germany - Infantry
    UK - Transports
    Japan - Infantry
    USA - Tranports

  • no for land ofensive’s because offensives are the only thing worth doing inf in my opinion is a waste of money

  • @MysticalRommel:

    no for land ofensive’s because offensives are the only thing worth doing inf in my opinion is a waste of money

    you definitely have to play one of the vets here sometime - either me, DM, SUD, Kobu. Losing the game is a waste of money.

  • Moderator

    Yes, yes, to CC you should listen. Do not underestimate the power of the infantry, or forever will they dominate your games.

  • Moderator

    or forever they will massacre (or better yet serve as the massacre as well as te killer 8) ) your tanks…


  • Lol I like your sayings Darth I’m a big starwars person you should look into a new Starwars game that is massive online kalled STARWARS Galaxies. Now Back to A&A

    DO not underestimate the power of tanks You may have been taught well but not well enough to defeat tanks

  • DO not underestimate the power of tanks You may have been taught well but not well enough to defeat tanks

    I don’t think it’s underestimation, it’s just an understanding of the place that tanks have in A&A. If all you buy as Germany is tanks, your offensive may start well but you will eventually stall.

  • Moderator

    heck, I’ve been trained to destroy them… seriously… I know how do defeat them and how to use them… btw you mentioned (or implied) that Germany lost the war (in another post very similiar to this thread)… no the reason Germany lost the war, is 1. they never had enough rescources to fund it and 2. they sat between the 2 largest empires in the world at the time and they(Germany or more appropriately the NAZI’s) happened to be fascist and the other 2 were socialist… another thing… you also mentioned that you will be invincible if you build all tanks… in real life, the Russians(or more appropriately Stalin and his Cronie’s) produced 2.5 to every 1 NAZI tank… but that is off topic… if you read the statistics, Infantry and Armor together is better than just Armor


  • Ok, my two cents.

    Infantry are by far the best unit in the game.

    Economic to build

    Required on most offensives since you will take hits and you don’t want to lose tanks and ftrs at 5 and 12 ipc a pop.

    The russians will lose big if they only build armor in the first few turns.

    The americans will transport fewer units (1 armor per transport) and be useless in holding lines of defense anywhere.

    You can’t mount a strong offense nor build a good defense without an infantry base. You will lose everytime.

    Even the Japanese need a good infantry push to take and hold Asia since initially they have to transport troops from the main island.

    Ok…off my soap box…

  • Moderator

    I wouldn’t call it a soap box… your more like intellectual reinforcements… :)


  • How about a game on the online thread to see if MysticalRommel can play his theory of tanks and see if it really works?

    I hear challenges in this thread… :wink:

  • @torczar:

    How about a game on the online thread to see if MysticalRommel can play his theory of tanks and see if it really works?

    I hear challenges in this thread… :wink:

    i am all over that.
    i would even resolve to keep my arm purchases to a max of 2 per country per turn.

  • Inf is the most powerful defensive and OFFENSIVE unit in the game.

    Ex. A 3 arm (15ipcs) attacking 5 inf (15ipcs) result 3 inf win (prob)

    Ex. B 5 inf attacking 3 arm result 2 inf win (prob)

  • MysticalRommel, I am also a very aggressive Axis player but you definitely need infantry for canonfodder on offense and defense to keep your armor intact. With Germany, I will usually purchase 4 inf 4 arm with the initial 32 IPCs.

  • As far as the best unit is concerned, I agree that each unit has a purpose. But the best multipurpose unit is the fighter. Attack at 3, defend at 4, can move 4 zones, can attack land & naval units, can land on a carrier to provide strong defense for your navy and when coupled with a large # of inf can be extremely effective on defense.

  • @wardog42:

    As far as the best unit is concerned, I agree that each unit has a purpose. But the best multipurpose unit is the fighter. Attack at 3, defend at 4, can move 4 zones, can attack land & naval units, can land on a carrier to provide strong defense for your navy and when coupled with a large # of inf can be extremely effective on defense.

    Simply put, I agree. You just threaten so much more with fighters, it is just so cool to catch someone napping with a handful of well (pre)positioned fighters.

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