• being new and all, i read things that i dont understand…

    terms like “shuck-shuck” and abbreveations i cant recognise… can anyone clarify some insider terms for me? thanks…


    [VS-UK]LCpl. Darrigaaz[2C/7]

  • Moderator

    Shuck-Shuck refers to the strategy of making a bridge move from Eastern Canada to Britain or Finland-Norway… After you have one group and enough transports to get them there you move the men to E. Canada and the transports to UK… then next turn you “shuck” the Transports to Eastern Canada and you"shuck" the men to Britain…in NCM(or Non-Combat Move) you move the next group up and repeat the “Shuck-Shuck”… It’s a redicolous statement, but It gets the point across…

    hope it helps,


  • Moderator

    AES=Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
    FICB=French Indo-China Burma
    UoSA=Union of South Africa

    there are a couple…


  • units:
    inf = infantry
    arm = armor
    ftr = fighter
    bmb = bomber
    ac = aircraft carrier
    ipcs= ipcs
    ic = industrial comlex,
    bb = battleship
    trn = transport

    For most countries it’s the same. WCA - west canada, gbr - great britain. SZ = sea zone.
    any other specific ones?

  • Here’s a link to a map w/all territory abbreviations:


    Simply add SZ to the end of all SZ abbreviations.

  • Thanks guys thats it for now… i may come across some more later on, but for now im set…

    :D :D :D :) :) :D :D

  • Question: Whats a PBEM? i saw it in the games section….

    also, what is the rule “reverse axis advantage”?

    and third edition?

  • Welcome aboard Darrigaaz.

    PBEM stands for Play By EMail.
    The section you saw on the forum is a place where you can find opponents and play A&A by posting your orders directly on the forum.

    The 3rd edition rules come from the CD version. If I remember correctly the differences are:

    • WCa is not connected to the ECa sea zone
    • Submarines can submerge (escaping combat but staying in the same seazone).
    • Naval Occupation (you can place newly purchased naval unit even if the sea zone is occupied by the ennemy)
    • Aerial retreat (Air unit can retreat from an amphibious attack)

  • Reverse Axis Advantage means that Germany gets super subs and Japan gets Jet Power. It’s the “Axis Advantage” Rules in the 2nd ed. book, but for the other nations, instead.

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