@simon-tressel I’ll take allies – I’ll try and get the game thread setup and play Russia 1. Thanks again for jumping in!
Anyone up for a G40 game TripleA Play By Forum
If anyone is keen let me know, I have had a few games under my belt now and am keen to play more.
If anyone is keen let me know, I have had a few games under my belt now and am keen to play more.
Sure I’ll play a game, either side. email is vancedice@gmail.com
If you are still interested in a game, I would also like to play.
pug6000 at gmx.de
If you want one more, email’s nardini6@gmail.com.
I am still looking for an opponent as well. :-D
Can take on another game, or willing to do a team game….Mallery29@Hotmail.com