Cool Tiger… I’m going to start painting my tigs soon, I’ll try that scheme on one of them I think Hoff.
Yeah, didn’t turn out as well as the picture, but it’s a work in progress. Now that I have an airbrush, thanks to Paul’s convincing, I might be able to make the next ones better. Although, I feel like I am wasting my time if I paint something other than Wil’s juiced up Tigers.
As you may have noticed everyone, my project will be somewhat on hold as I am currently working on some units for Paul. However, I am glad for the chance to paint something with real meaning and refinement which turns into a finished product… plus I get to work methods out at the same time. It’s really a fun gig. There will be pictures posted here, on Paul’s thread and probably Wil’s too, so don’t fear. What with so many talented guys painting or modifying their sets we are not left wanting for new pictures.