Japanese A&A Pacific 2nd Edition Color Match
Hey All.
If you are looking to match the default color for the Japanese, try Vallejo Liquid Acrylic 804 Transparent Orange and Model color 140 Flat Brown mixed 30 to 1 sprayed on an undercoat of 131 Orange Brown. It’s a dead match.
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LHoffman's Painted Sculpts For Your Consideration
Fantastic! Any chance of making a real time video from start to finish of doing a few units?
It would really help others see how and what goes into this and draw people into doing their own sets.
Im having complete sets for AAE and AAP as well as HBG painted professionally, but perhaps if it is easy enough and i got a reasonable chance of doing a good job, i might just do my own.
Beautiful. Well done.
Thanks again guys.
IL - As long as you have a steady hand and a discerning eye, it is not difficult to paint your own and do a good job. I am not sure I could do a real time video. At the very least not yet, as I do not have the process down… I am trying different things at the moment. I can easily explain the process in word form, though it is not quite the same as seeing it.
Littorio is likely to be done next.
Excellent work on the Tiger!
“Tall Paul”
Thank you Paul.
Damns! How did I miss this thread?! So f****** cool LHoff! Wonderful likenesses and color schemes - will look great on the board I’m sure!
Damns! How did I miss this thread?! So f****** cool LHoff! Wonderful likenesses and color schemes - will look great on the board I’m sure!
Haha… been wondering when you’d chime in. Thanks very much V. :-)
Have been busy with other things for a while and have not updated in a while. But there are new items on the docket. Hopefully, I will finish/begin my project someday. When that day comes I will take some gameplay pictures for your visual stimulation.
Great work and paint jobs!!
I feel better working with you now that I’ve seen these.
Hope you have fun with my pieces. -
Great work and paint jobs!!
I feel better working with you now that I’ve seen these.
Hope you have fun with my pieces.Thanks for the thumbs up Sarge. Have seen your stuff too and am very impressed. Look forward to receiving them.
Great work and paint jobs!!
I feel better working with you now that I’ve seen these.
Hope you have fun with my pieces.Thanks for the thumbs up Sarge. Have seen your stuff too and am very impressed. Look forward to receiving them.
I’m glad you’ve introduced yourselves, now. What a TEAM!
“Tall Paul”
Looking again…
Like that - is it more of a light blue on the Brit units or a gray?
Cool Tiger… I’m going to start painting my tigs soon, I’ll try that scheme on one of them I think Hoff.
Cool Tiger… I’m going to start painting my tigs soon, I’ll try that scheme on one of them I think Hoff.
Yeah, didn’t turn out as well as the picture, but it’s a work in progress. Now that I have an airbrush, thanks to Paul’s convincing, I might be able to make the next ones better. Although, I feel like I am wasting my time if I paint something other than Wil’s juiced up Tigers.
As you may have noticed everyone, my project will be somewhat on hold as I am currently working on some units for Paul. However, I am glad for the chance to paint something with real meaning and refinement which turns into a finished product… plus I get to work methods out at the same time. It’s really a fun gig. There will be pictures posted here, on Paul’s thread and probably Wil’s too, so don’t fear. What with so many talented guys painting or modifying their sets we are not left wanting for new pictures.
Yeah, can’t wait to see what you do with them. Judging from your detail on ships, they might be hard to let go after you paint them.
Check out track link or missing-lynx for painting ideas. Of course you’ll have to translate them to 1/285th or 1/300th scale from the original 1/35 scale
models. -
Yeah, can’t wait to see what you do with them. Judging from your detail on ships, they might be hard to let go after you paint them.
Check out track link or missing-lynx for painting ideas. Of course ou’ll have to translate them to 1/285th or 1/300th scale from the original 1/35 scale
models.Thanks, I will do that. And hey, I know what the feeling is like about parting with your hard and satisfying work… so if you ever wanted to make some for yourself and send them to me, I would love to paint them for you. Unless of course you would enjoy painting them yourself, in which case I totally understand. But the offer stands regardless.
––Wil just sent me, and I forwarded to you a pic of the AK Cargo Transport ship and Early-model Stuart Light Tank prototypes. Check 'em out as they’ll be headed you way, along with the more modern type of Stuarts before too long.
“Tall Paul”
––Wil just sent me, and I forwarded to you a pic of the AK Cargo Transport ship and Early-model Stuart Light Tank prototypes. Check 'em out as they’ll be headed you way, along with the more modern type of Stuarts before too long.
“Tall Paul”
Yes, I did see. It looks like fun and I will be waiting, if not quite ready to start.
––Wil just sent me, and I forwarded to you a pic of the AK Cargo Transport ship and Early-model Stuart Light Tank prototypes. Check 'em out as they’ll be headed you way, along with the more modern type of Stuarts before too long.
“Tall Paul”Yes, I did see. It looks like fun and I will be waiting, if not quite ready to start.
––Go “Team WARMACHINE” !
“Tall Paul”
I seemed to have missed this thread in my absence from the forums. Great work, especially the ships!!! They look amazing man :-o
Thanks Spitfire.
I have not added anything for a while because I am in the midst of a project for Tall Paul… some of the units may show up here eventually.