Axis and Allies Europe 1940 2nd Edition ( AAE40.2) FAQ/question

  • @Aknorian There is no rule that explicitly says you can’t do it. The rules simply don’t say that you can. Thus, it is prohibited by the fact that there is no process or conditions outlined for doing so.

    The only mentions of change of control in the rules are claiming friendly neutrals on page 10 and after combat on pages 20 and 21. There is, however, a mention on page 13 that if you leave a territory empty you retain control of it until an enemy moves into it and captures it, which does not allow for the possibility of a “friendly” transfer of control.

  • Can a transport carry one tank and one infantry?

  • @Aknorian Yes. See page 34 of the Rulebook.

  • So yes, that’s where I’m quoting from and it seems to contradict itself. See if you can help me understand the part “ Thus, a full transport may carry 2 infantry or 1 tank, mechanized infantry, artillery, or AAA unit plus 1 infantry. Doesn’t This seem to suggest only one tank, one mechanized infantry, one artillery or the two infantry?

    Carry Land Units: A transport can carry land units belonging to you or to friendly powers (provided both powers are at war). Its capacity is any 1 land unit, plus 1 additional infantry. Thus, a full transport may carry 2 infantry or 1 tank, mechanized infantry, artillery, or AAA unit plus 1 infantry. A transport can’t carry an industrial complex, an air base, or a naval base. Land units on a transport are cargo; they can’t attack or defend while at sea and are destroyed if their transport is destroyed

  • Official Q&A

    @Aknorian Thus, a full transport may carry (2 infantry) or ((1 tank, mechanized infantry, artillery, or AAA unit) plus 1 infantry).

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