Myself and 5 friends started this game last night. We called it a night a midnight and will take it up again at the weekend hopefully. Game is currently on round 4 Russian collect income phase.

German turn 1 started with a navy buy and attacked the British fleet, France etc. The Luftwaffe took heavy loses but the Royal navy got destroyed. German turn 2 build mostly Airforce to replace last rounds loses and 2 subs. Combat was to finish off the rest of the UK fleet which joined in sz 109 and take southern France to help the Italians with Navy buys, everything else moved east. German turn 3 Barbarosssa. German turn 4 moved into Ukraine with stack and built for northern push, attack us air/navy force in Gibraltar.
Russia turn 1 built Inf,Art and 1-2 Tanks and done non-combats. Russia turn 2 same. Russia turn 3 same with some units heading towards Iraq for NO’s. Russian turn 4 attacked German Ukraine forces and retreated after 1 round of combat.
Britian turn 1 bulit land units for UK and south Africa as the German airforce was destroyed, sea lion was unlikely to happen, Attacked and annihilated the Italian fleet in the Med for no loses to British fleet (not a single hit scored for Italy, awful luck)
Britain turn 2 Land and Air builds and finished off Italian navy.
Britain turn 3 Transport builds for South Africa and more Air for UK, most of Med fleet sets sail to pacific (Japan having a great opening few turns)
Italy turn 1 Infantry buy took Greece, Italy turn 2 fighter buy and units toward eastern front for ‘can opener’. Turn 3 Air buys.
France floats around Med with 3 warships.

Africa after 3 full turns, Italy is non-existent in Africa

Atlantic after 3 turns, US destroyed in Gibraltar, German controled, USA and Britain to go next in turn order.

No DOW between Japan and USSR in Pacific.
Japan turn 1, build Minor IC and 2 transports attacks China, Fleet moves to SZ 36, Japan turn 2 Inf and Navy builds, attacks China stages for J3 DOW, Japan Turn 3 Tank and Navy builds, takes Borneo, Philliipines, Hong Kong, FIC and China is all but finished. Stages fleet in SZ 35 to counter any moves towards mainland or DEI
USA turn 1, 2 and 3 builds Air power and a few warships moves to Marshal Island and Air force to Queensland. Puts out a few blocking moves etc.
China turn 1,2 and 3 Dies basicly
UK Pacific turn 1, 2 and 3 Land forces buys to help China, takes Java and Sumatra, Pacific fleet moved to Med turn 1 and 2 is now sailing back to Pacific to help US and ANZAC.
ANZAC turn 1,2 and 3 buys a Navy to support US and Commonwealth in Pacific and takes a of New Guinea and Celebes for NO’s and extra IPCs

War in China

Move to come when i post rounds 4-8.
Any feedback or thoughts would be greatly welcome :lol: