@leemorrison You’re being polite. Yes I got my bomber and some air shot down during the first two turns but I overextended very badly with Japan, mostly because I underestimated the value the tanks would give you in terms of exploiting openings in my positions.
Historical Boardgames sponsored BATTLE OF THE AGES Tournament
hepps and i are playing by the lobby, not forum. we started 2 days ago. are w supposed to start a thread anyway?
only have to post it after you guys finish (and let me know who won, and include the savegame)
glad to see you guys started :)
Nothing to See Here has conceeded our game so it seems I win round 1. You can check the thread for confirmation if you want. Is round 2 starting anytime soon?
as soon as the last team starts their round 1 game, i’ll post round 2 matchups
congrats on finishing so quickly! :) -
Please sign me up thanks.
ok, we have some people who haven’t shown up in two weeks so far, that may require replacements or at least switching around the brackets to people can get on with their games….
no shows:
ErnieBommelalso, some players are not posting any turns yet:
kabloomi’m going to private message everyone and give it a few more days (like til end of sunday), then if still no movement I will have the active people matched with each other
alright, KBG and U505 are starting, and Ernie sent me an email and has contacted soulfein
so that leaves only Kabloom and Invictus, and possibly Randmacts.
sending another round of private messages to get this stuff going, and if it still doesn’t start in 2-3 days then i will switch some matchups around so that active people will play active people
Randmacts and Invictus are dropping, but Kabloom messaged me to say he is still in
So, that leaves “ice” and “Eskander” without a game, so i’m matching them up for the 1st round (napoleonic)
their new game thread is here:
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28635.0 -
I conceded my rd 1 game vs. Hepps. Heres the link to the thread.
its telling me i cant post hyperlinks so ill just attach the file here
Congratulations Hepps. :-) -
Nice work V. I have no idea what I’m doing in this game but your notes in this thread have been a great help. I love Napoleonic history and am loving this game so far. What a great way to introduce players to new games.
Very glad you like it. This is the whole point of this “tournament”: to get people to try new games and have a ton of fun.
For the previous question about convoy income, here is a longer explanation:
There have been several iterations of how convoys work according to A&A, and Napoleonic uses the version from the first A&A Europe game.
The rules are this:
1. The original owner (the person who controlled it at the beginning of the game) receives the income from a convoy zone, so long as he still controls it.
2. If anyone else controls it, then no-one gets any income from it.
3. You can only conquer a convoy zone with a unit that has some attack power greater than zero. You can only attack it during combat move.
So, lets say France’s income is 56, and UK’s income is 50, and France currently owns a 6 value convoy zone.
Now, UK conquers this zone. The new incomes are 50 for France, and 50 for UK.
This is because France loses 6, while UK gains nothing.If France conquers it back (or an ally liberates it), then France goes back up to 56, and UK still stays at 50.
There are some national objectives at the end of France, UK, and Spain’s turns. They are not related to the convoys at all actually. Basically, it was decided during balancing that the incomes of some players needed to be reduced for balancing reasons. So, for example, France receives -6 income every turn, no matter what (France could control every territory and sea zone on the board, or France could control nothing except for Paris. No matter what, France will get -6 per turn). This balancing was done over the course of 2-3 years of playing, so trust me: the game is very balanced.
I would suggest adding a decoration to each sea zone that has a convoy marking the original owner. The placement could be done in such a way that the flags (marking the current controlling nation) could then be put partially over or adjacent to those. That way you’d always know which convoy zones represent lost or potential income for each nation. It would just make it clearer for the player who the original owner was. Just one of the few things I noticed that was confusing as a first time player.
P@nther has defeated Most Holy in Round 1! who shall trample me next?
Now that several of the Round 1 match-ups have been finished can we start to look at matching those people together for the round 2 matches?
And can we sticky this thread? Instead of having to hunt it down all the time?
I will be posting round 2 matchups tomorrow.
Another status update before I begin the round 2 matchups. (we will be playing round 2 concurrently to round 1, since round 1 isn’t done yet for everyone)
The following people have either dropped out, or not been heard from since the tournament began:
ErnieBommelAnd we have a new player joining us: moilami
Because some players have dropped, I prefer to move matchups around rather than give passes. The point of the tourney is to try the maps, after all.
This means the brackets have moved around a bit.BLACK = finished already
RED = has not started or contacted each other
BLUE = has contacted each other or started a thread, but not started the game yet. Or is potentially Stalled.
GREEN = are currently playingCURRENT ROUND 1 Matchups (Napoleonic Empires)
Nothing to see here
WINNER: Gekkepop (coalition)
(round 8 finished) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28447.0Eskander
(round 1 still) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28635.0WINNER: P@nther (coalition)
Most Holy
(round 7 finished) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28449.0Veqryn
(round 6) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28444.0AmorphousCube
(round 4) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28532.0Odonis
(just starting) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28697.0Make_It_Round
(just starting) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28713.0Ajmdemen
(round 4) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28452.0wirkey
(round 2) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28550.0U-505
(round 4) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28556.0DeadTom
(round 5) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28448.0Noll
(round 1 still) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28496.0Wassmuss
WINNER: Admetus (coalition)
(round 18 finished) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28506.0WINNER: Hepps01 (coalition)
(round 9 finished) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28651.0seththenewb
(round 6) http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=28514.0 -
Seems like the Coalition players are steam-rolling! :wink:
Looking forward to the next round.
Not quite, hepps. I won with carolingians. Could you correct that plz, veqryn
Rolling to determine randomized matchups for round 2.
Top seed:
Bottom Seed:
Round 2 Matchups (this is for NEW WORLD ORDER)
OdonisMost Holy
Nothing to see herealexgreat
seththenewb -
Its the 1.Septemeber 1939 at 4.45cet
The German operation FALL WEISS just started
How will the fate of the World turn? …Game Design by Sieg and ErnieBommel
The ruleset of Axis & Allies “Revised” version are used as a basis. Deviations, extensions and exceptions from these are all listed in these Game Notes.
Available for play, for free, on the TripleA game engine.Gameplay and setup have been balanced over a period of 5 years (since 2007), and presently NWO is considered more balanced than any known A&A game. Bids range between -2 and 2.
Default is to use Low Luck, however the game plays very well under dice as well.
The Rules-Set is A&A Revised (4th Edition), with any exceptions or extensions explained below.
A move illegal using Dice is illegal under Low Luck (LL) too. A move legal using dice is legal under LL too.
Neutrals can be attacked in NWO, no penalties apply.
Territories can only be strategically bombed up to their value, by default. Can be changed in game options, (TTL = Territory Turn Limit)
Phase order is slightly changed: “Purchase Units” phase now comes AFTER “Combat Move” phase, but BEFORE “Battle Resolution” phase. (This means if you do not leave 1 unit behind in your capital, the opponent will be able to blitz your capital and spend the money that same turn. So make sure to leave 1 fighting unit behind in capital.
Extra units (they have red dots on them) are available at the start of the 4th round.
Only 1 bunker may be placed per territory per turn. Bunkers do not use up factory slots. Territories may have unlimited total bunkers in them.
Default Rules in Disputed Situations:
Flying aircraft over neutral territories is illegal, they must stop and attack the territory. Manually (two-step) flying over Neutral territory during combat movement is considered illegal, despite being technically possible.
Carrier-Ftr movement is handled according to “REVISED” Rules, with the following exceptions and clarifications: Since the engine does not validate Fighter movement completely, this means explicitly: for EVERY Fighter, that has to be a potential landing spot provided, and YOU must make sure to follow the rules, as follows:
Using a single Carrier for more than 2 Fighters, or for 2 Fighters going different directions, requiring different Carrier positions, is NOT allowed - even if LowLuck would guarantee for a Fighter to be lost.
It must be shown that all Fighters can land during Combat Move phase, and that any Carriers they will be landing on CAN move there DURING Combat Move phase, with legal movements.
The Carriers that will be picking up the aircraft must be CAPABLE of moving to their Pickup Destination DURING Combat Movement phase, BUT they do not actually have to make the movement until the Non-Combat Movement phase.
You may NOT assume that you can move THROUGH a Cleared sea zone that has enemy units. This would be a violation of the rule above that the move must be Legal DURING the CM phase.
IF the pickup destination IS a sea zone that contains enemy units, THEN enough Carriers to pick up all air units must move into that pickup destination During Combat Movement phase (and then engage in combat). These Carriers must move during CM phase because we are NOT allowed to assume that the sea zone would be Cleared, and we MUST show that they can do the pickup using moves that are Legal during the Combat Movement phase.
IF the pickup destination does NOT contain any enemy units, THEN the Carriers may wait until the Non-Combat Movement phase to actually make their movement. If the fighters do not survive the Carrier does not have to move to the pickup destination point, but if any fighters do survive they Must be picked up.
Example 1: On Moving Through A Cleared Sea Zone: In Revised and LHTR rules, it is legal to make moves under the assumption that all your dice are hits and all enemy’s dice are misses, thereby allowing the assumption that the carrier could move through the zone in non-combat-move phase. However, in NWO this move is considered illegal, regardless of using Dice or LowLuck Example: Sea Zones A, B, C are in a line, you have 1 carrier, 1 ftr [with only 2 movement left], and 1 sub in SZ A. In SZ B there are 80 enemy sea units, and in SZ C there are enemy transports. With Revised and LHTR rules, if you attack the fleet in SZ B with even a single unit, you may then attack the transports in SZ C with your ftr, because you get to assume that you will win the battle in SZ B and then pick up that ftr with your carrier during NCM. This move is illegal in NWO, because you must show that the carrier can move there during combat movement, and during combat movement the carrier can not move there because there are enemy units in the way.
Example 2: On Moving Into An Enemy Controlled Sea Zone: Example: Sea Zones A, B, C are in a line, you have 1 carrier, and 1 ftr [with only 3 movement left]. In SZ B there are some enemy units, and in SZ C there are enemy transports. In this example, if the air attack SZ C then they must be picked up in SZ B. Since SZ B has enemy units, this move would be illegal unless we can show that we can pick up the units with legal moves during combat-move phase. Simply attack the enemy units in SZ B with a submarine or warship is not enough, because we are not allowed to assume the sea zone would be cleared for a non-combat move of the carriers. Instead, we are required by the rules to send enough carriers to SZ B during combat movement (and those carriers will engange in combat with the enemy units in SZ B). If we send the carriers, it is now legal because we have shown how we will pick up the units using moves made during comat-movement phase.
Strategic Hints for Beginners
At beginners level, Allies are easier to play. At medium level, Axis is easier (once accustomed to a good opening). At expert level, both are equal.
Mastery of the units is crucial. Different units are needed for different tasks. Inf (infantry) are the best value unit in terms of raw power, if needed production capacity is no issue, BigArmor give the most punch if it is. Concerning navy, air units give most all around flexibility, while t-boats give the least, but provide the most raw power for the money. When a movement of 2 is enough, do not buy SuperSubs - subs are much better then. Elites are bad value, but can maximize an amphibious threat.
Early Axis objectives: Tunis should fall in round 1, Morocco in round 2, Greece in round 2 or 3 and Paris in round 3. Germany should be able to advance at least into Ukrainskaya. In case Finland is intended to hold, do not underestimate German support obligations via the Baltic. Spain may give Italy or Germany considerable extra income - careful though!
Early Allies objectives: UK should get Ankara, Iran and Iraq quickly. The US should prepare some good landing operation somewhere. Russia should exert some pressure to Finland. Consider strategical retreats for the French and the Colonials.
Usual hot spots include: Finland, Leningrad, Donetsk, Ankara-Greece, sz25 or the English Chanel, Gibraltar, Eastern Med fleets.
UK fighters on French carriers experience awesome effective action range.
Paris can be made to fall during Germany’s 2nd turn ( less then 1% total chance of failure) Expensive though!
Russia can pressure Finland hard, or attempt to stop Germany early in Ukrainskaya.
As Russia, watch out for Estonia! Axis can open the path for additional units by using (Italians), Finns(air) or Romanians(!).
Western allies can successfully invade through Spain, France, Scandinavia or even Italy itself (in the order of skill required).
Round 2 Matchups (this is for NEW WORLD ORDER)
OdonisMost Holy
Nothing to see herealexgreat
seththenewbI will post Round 3 matchups after I see that most everyone has started their Round 2 matchups, AND everyone has completed at least 1 game.
Until then, let me begin by repeating some ground rules for the tournament.
All the games must be played with TripleA or later versions. You can download TripleA here:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/tripleamaps/files/TripleA/stable/ -
TripleA already comes with all these games installed (except for 270BC), so no need to download anything else right now. We will cross that bridge of downloading 270BC when we get to it, but if you can’t wait, here is a tutorial video of how to download maps:
1. Veqryn, Gargantua, and coachofmany, are in charge of this tournament. If you have questions or need rulings, direct them to us! If you need help understanding the rules of a map, just post here.2. No teams. All games are 1v1.
3. All players who are participating must make an account at Historical Board Game’s website: http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/register.asp?cg=0
This is so that you can receive your prize money at the end of the tourney.4. The Tourney is Swiss style, noone is eliminated. Any players who play ALL 5 rounds AND Win at least 2 games, will receive $5 on Historical Board Games.
5. The Grand Winner of the Tournament will receive $40 on Historical Board Games.
(You have to cover your own shipping costs if it goes over your prize amount)6. Because everyone is new to most of these games, rulings will be based on a “Common Sense” approach, and will not be very strict.
7. Everyone should post regularly, like at least several times per week unless you notify everyone you are on a holiday or something. Failure to post regularly enough can result in a loss for that game. (minimum 2 posts per week, unless you notify ahead of time)
8. Games will be played in the A&A forum, unless both players agree to play the game live on the lobby, or by email (please post the result save when the game is over).
9. All games will use the DEFAULT rules in TripleA, unless both players agree. (So for example, Great War is dice, while New World Order is low luck)
10. Both players must find a way to agree on who plays which side. If they can not agree, then I will roll a dice to determine who plays what side.
So, let me repeat this:
**You and your Opponent must decide on:
1. What dice rules to use (ie: Dice or Low Luck).
2. What side each player plays.**If you can not agree, then:
1. You will use whatever rules are default for that map (ie: NWO is Low Luck, while Great War is dice)
2. I will roll a dice to determine who gets what side.thanks, and everyone may start now!
Please start your threads, and pm the other guy to join them! -
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