Lincoln- I think we can pardon his constitutional “stretches”.
Lincoln’s own notion was to preserve the Union. And it was done.
As far as the Stars and Bars go:
I am from New York-
I live in Florida-
I am Conservative-
Majored in history-
And as such know that the Stars and Bars is
a Battle flag- also known as the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. They were the Confedetes and were pro slavery.
The Stars and Bars was adopted by the early members of the Klan
because it was an easily recognizable symbol of “The South”
and "The South " meant Slavery.
The First meeting of the Klan Took place in 1870 (which was after the war had ended.)
In other words; any confederate symbols that would adorn a State flag would have been put there AFTER the US Civil War.
The Logic is very simple: The Flag of the Army of N. Virginia didn’t EXIST
I could go on about how the DEMOCRATS controlled the South until the 1970’s but that has already been covered. I will confine myself to one point:
If folks were so upset that the Confederate flag’s not being flown anymore then where were these same folks when their symbol was Co-opted by the Klan or the Skinheads?
No where!