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UK setup in Spring '42
In the initial setup the UK has this:
Zone 35: 1 aircraft carrier (carrying 1 fighter), 1 cruiser, 1 transportThis is adjacent to India, and is basically a gift to Japan. Japan can and does regularly wipe this navy out in J1 in my games before the UK even gets a turn to move it. Does anyone do anything different with the setup here to give this navy a chance to survive?
I don’t really see it as a “gift” to Japan, but rather a hindrance as they HAVE to go take it out (and generally lose units in return), thus taking their fleet away from more important objectives.
You’re playing the 2009 version right? That means that the UK can move those first before Japan’s turn. I’m a little confused.
Well I added Italy to my set so am using the Anniversary Edition '42 setup in which Japan goes first - but the Anniversary Edition setup still has the British units there by India. Guess I’ll just leave it alone.