Since the NFL, NBA and even baseball teams are so lackluster the New York media is salivating for a Rangers-Isles playoff matchup. I just hope it’s in the second round, or “division championship.” Still have to get used to the new playoff format.
3 games played as a 8-15 y. o.(other than RISK)…
Has anybody ever played
1. Panzer Leader
2. Luftwaffe
?2 great games from the 70’s. Panzers is all about tactical warfare on the western front, Luftwaffe is about the allies bombing Germany.
Both excellent, not quite as good as A&A or A&AE but still good. -
Ah, yes. Pre-PC.
Panzer Leader…little cardboard squares maneuvering across a board with hexagonal spaces!If I’m right, I just had a gameback(game flashback.)
Hex games rule …
as long as the rulebook is more than 12495 pages :) -
Damn straight!
I was gonna say that LJ :cry:
I was gonna say that LJ :cry:
You are not old enough. :P
That’s an early '70’s comment.You’re right. :wink: Today’s generation has barely enough of an attention span to learn how to play A&A. My friend got a hex-based game about carrier warfare in the pacific-we attempted to learn how to play, but when the rulebook proved to be written by a team of attorneys, flipped a coin to determine the winner. I won twice, followed by a couple of wins from him. :P
3.Axis and Allies -
Damn Straight!
Does FRP’s like Dungeons & Dragons count?
Or at least the wargame Rules AKA CHAINMAIL?
ok Hex games:Third REich anyone?
Yes… everybdoy loves Third Reich :D
But I had my fill of hex based games ever since the dread Campaign for North Africa
Classic Battletech is pretty good, esp. if you can get a bunch of people, and have large scale battles.
Damn straight!
Now, cut that out!
Jan__, go mow the lawn and straighten up the garage.
And leave your music in your room and
turned off until you’re done with those chores! -
puh, the lawn is too big and covered with rocks for me to mow, my parents couldnt afford me :wink: . and theres nothing in the garage
How could i forget these two:
Cry Havoc !
Zargo’s Lords